Mike O’Hearn Tips On Getting Shredded & How To Keep Up Your Physique

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Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Mike O’Hearn offers advice on how to get shredded and best way to take care of your body.
For so many of us, we look back on our younger selves, or even photos of us from a few years past, and wonder how we looked so good and how to get that back. Given our busy schedules and lives, it can be easy to lose the discipline and start to slack off in our routine. Before long, we find ourselves asking these questions with no real place to turn.
Mike O’Hearn is a familiar name to many and as a natural bodybuilder he knows just how important it is to thrive and stay consistent with an all-natural approach to building his body and seeing huge gains. Now that he has quite the accomplished career stacked up, he seeks to push himself to new heights, trying new approaches and testing his body. However, he still takes proper care for he knows how important his body is.

He is updating folks on his new diet and the progress he is seeing, being sure to mention some key tips and offer advice on how best to stay the course and see the best gains. For someone like Mike, it might seem easy to reach those goals, for he is a natural physical specimen, but even this pro has his own struggles, but doesn’t let those get in the way.

Let’s take a look at Mike and some of the great tips his picked up along his career. For those wondering how to reach these goals in a natural way without help from PEDs or other junk, Mike is the perfect mentor and role model to follow.
Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
About Mike O’Hearn
Mike O’Hearn is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and entrepreneur, having a long of apparel, supplements, and workout plans. Having been in the bodybuilding games for decades now, he is a role model and someone to look up to for his calm demeanor, fun personality, and natural approach to looking huge.
As the youngest of 10 kids, Mike always strived to keep up with his older siblings. His dad being a former bodybuilder and football player, Mike wanted to follow in his footsteps and really took the health and fitness lifestyle.
Over the years, his hard and heavy approach to training earned him tons of bodybuilding wins, hundreds of magazine covers, and appearances in American Gladiators and Generation Iron 4: Natty 4 Life. Now with a massive platform and a desire to help others achieve their goals, Mike makes his best efforts to share what he knows and keep people up to date on the best ways to see gains.
Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Getting Shredded & How To Keep Physique
In a latest YouTube video, Mike offers up an update and helpful advice as he moves into his shredding diet. Mike wants to get a full body back and one that was seen in his younger years. With this diet being all about metabolism, he wants to get his metabolism to that of when he was 20-years old because he wants to peak and have people question how he can do all this naturally. But this requires his body working at 100%.

Eating almost 5,000 calories a day, people often ask how he can function at 100%. He makes it clear that your body has to tell you when it’s time and when it’s ready. You can’t tell your body. For Mike, it’s his body at the right time operating the right way as he wants to live his life. It is never about the show, but rather how well his body is functioning.
Mike uses an interesting metaphor that is actually very wise. He says how all of these fitness guys want to be millionaires for a day only to spend it all in a day. What he is alluding to is the fact that so many of these influencers want to get there fast so they load up on junk, try to get off it, and end up losing everything.
You have to do things the right way if you want to keep it. In the words of Mike, when you force it and cheat it, you don’t get to keep it.
For Mike, he keeps the same workouts and doesn’t mess around with cardio, supersets, or other extracurriculars because he is keeping everything for later. He isn’t trying to blow it all right away and seeks to only set himself up to win. At the end of the day, the whole goal is to keep it.
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Why Your Metabolism Is So Key
Mike makes a point to talk a lot about your metabolism and how important this is especially for those looking to make changes and really shred down. Your metabolism is what allows you to lose or gain weight. We all know that a faster metabolism allows you to lose weight faster (1).
In the video, Mike refers to wanting to get his metabolism back to when he was 20-years old. As we age, our metabolism starts to slow down (2) and for Mike, who wants to cut and shred in his older years (older being relative to when he was a teenage competitor), taking care of his body and working to improve his metabolism is key.
Thankfully, there are some key ways to improve your metabolism along with dieting that include strength training, high-intensity interval training, increasing your intake of green tea, coffee, and spicy foods, and getting more sleep, just to name a few (3,4,5).
Wrap Up
As Mike O’Hearn looks to shred and see great gains during his new diet, he was great in sharing some key tips that make a difference when on something like this. A key takeaway is to take care of your body and give it time. Those who rush the process will look back and wish they didn’t. A well-sculpted and toned body takes time so enjoy the process and know it will happen.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Mike O’Hearn Instagram


Harvard Medical School (2021). “The truth about metabolism”. (source)
Pennington Biomedical Research Center (2021). “Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think”. (source)
Hirsch, K.; et al. (2021). “Metabolic effects of high-intensity interval training and essential amino acids” (source)
Acheson, K.; et al. (1980). “Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals”. (source)
Sharma, S.; et al. (2010). “Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview”. (source)

Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Mike O’Hearn offers advice on how to get shredded and best way to take care of your body.
For so many of us, we look back on our younger selves, or even photos of us from a few years past, and wonder how we looked so good and how to get that back. Given our busy schedules and lives, it can be easy to lose the discipline and start to slack off in our routine. Before long, we find ourselves asking these questions with no real place to turn.

Mike O’Hearn is a familiar name to many and as a natural bodybuilder he knows just how important it is to thrive and stay consistent with an all-natural approach to building his body and seeing huge gains. Now that he has quite the accomplished career stacked up, he seeks to push himself to new heights, trying new approaches and testing his body. However, he still takes proper care for he knows how important his body is.

He is updating folks on his new diet and the progress he is seeing, being sure to mention some key tips and offer advice on how best to stay the course and see the best gains. For someone like Mike, it might seem easy to reach those goals, for he is a natural physical specimen, but even this pro has his own struggles, but doesn’t let those get in the way.

Let’s take a look at Mike and some of the great tips his picked up along his career. For those wondering how to reach these goals in a natural way without help from PEDs or other junk, Mike is the perfect mentor and role model to follow.

Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
About Mike O’Hearn
Mike O’Hearn is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and entrepreneur, having a long of apparel, supplements, and workout plans. Having been in the bodybuilding games for decades now, he is a role model and someone to look up to for his calm demeanor, fun personality, and natural approach to looking huge.

As the youngest of 10 kids, Mike always strived to keep up with his older siblings. His dad being a former bodybuilder and football player, Mike wanted to follow in his footsteps and really took the health and fitness lifestyle.

Over the years, his hard and heavy approach to training earned him tons of bodybuilding wins, hundreds of magazine covers, and appearances in American Gladiators and Generation Iron 4: Natty 4 Life. Now with a massive platform and a desire to help others achieve their goals, Mike makes his best efforts to share what he knows and keep people up to date on the best ways to see gains.

Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Getting Shredded & How To Keep Physique
In a latest YouTube video, Mike offers up an update and helpful advice as he moves into his shredding diet. Mike wants to get a full body back and one that was seen in his younger years. With this diet being all about metabolism, he wants to get his metabolism to that of when he was 20-years old because he wants to peak and have people question how he can do all this naturally. But this requires his body working at 100%.

Eating almost 5,000 calories a day, people often ask how he can function at 100%. He makes it clear that your body has to tell you when it’s time and when it’s ready. You can’t tell your body. For Mike, it’s his body at the right time operating the right way as he wants to live his life. It is never about the show, but rather how well his body is functioning.

Mike uses an interesting metaphor that is actually very wise. He says how all of these fitness guys want to be millionaires for a day only to spend it all in a day. What he is alluding to is the fact that so many of these influencers want to get there fast so they load up on junk, try to get off it, and end up losing everything.

You have to do things the right way if you want to keep it. In the words of Mike, when you force it and cheat it, you don’t get to keep it.

For Mike, he keeps the same workouts and doesn’t mess around with cardio, supersets, or other extracurriculars because he is keeping everything for later. He isn’t trying to blow it all right away and seeks to only set himself up to win. At the end of the day, the whole goal is to keep it.

Why Your Metabolism Is So Key
Mike makes a point to talk a lot about your metabolism and how important this is especially for those looking to make changes and really shred down. Your metabolism is what allows you to lose or gain weight. We all know that a faster metabolism allows you to lose weight faster (1).

In the video, Mike refers to wanting to get his metabolism back to when he was 20-years old. As we age, our metabolism starts to slow down (2) and for Mike, who wants to cut and shred in his older years (older being relative to when he was a teenage competitor), taking care of his body and working to improve his metabolism is key.

Thankfully, there are some key ways to improve your metabolism along with dieting that include strength training, high-intensity interval training, increasing your intake of green tea, coffee, and spicy foods, and getting more sleep, just to name a few (3,4,5).

Wrap Up
As Mike O’Hearn looks to shred and see great gains during his new diet, he was great in sharing some key tips that make a difference when on something like this. A key takeaway is to take care of your body and give it time. Those who rush the process will look back and wish they didn’t. A well-sculpted and toned body takes time so enjoy the process and know it will happen.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

*Images courtesy of Mike O’Hearn Instagram


[*]Harvard Medical School (2021). “The truth about metabolism”. (source)
[*]Pennington Biomedical Research Center (2021). “Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think”. (source)
[*]Hirsch, K.; et al. (2021). “Metabolic effects of high-intensity interval training and essential amino acids” (source)
[*]Acheson, K.; et al. (1980). “Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals”. (source)
[*]Sharma, S.; et al. (2010). “Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview”. (source)

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