Air in the syringe trick?


Does anyone leave a little bit of air in the syringe when injecting? This is so no gear, none gets wasted. The idea comes from when you don't have air in there, you always seem to waste a bit of juice, no matter how hard you can push the plunger in upon inject.

I've seen someon post about this somewhere but I've never tried. Even tho I don't think Ive ever been completley in a vein throughout the whole inject, the air idea scares the shit out of me.
I do it. I always leave a little bit of air in the syringe. It would take something like 8ml injected into a vein in order to "Maybe" kill you. The little bit in the syringe is hardly enough to kill you. Actually, not a chance in hell
I'll leave a very tiny bit of air at the end to get the last little bit of juice out. (Maybe 1/10th of a cc, so very little)

As Tom said, the danger is injecting an entire syringe full of air directly into a vein....
|I want to pump up my muscles with air|! just kidding, my doc said its less harmful than u think however he recommends u be very careful, the air in a vein can cause a heart mumur(or however u spell it) which can lead to valve problems. now carbonated water and insulin are different stories they will kill you if entered directly into a vein.
sorry to much caffiene today....blah blah blah
Hey can inject slin IM, SC or IV.

And I never leave air in as I need some oil on the pin before sticking. I did it once dry before and won't make that mistake again.
dreww said:
Hey can inject slin IM, SC or IV.

And I never leave air in as I need some oil on the pin before sticking. I did it once dry before and won't make that mistake again.

Well, just point the syring DOWN while letting a drop form, then quickly bring it back up so the drop can lube the needle. Still having air in the syringe. I agree, lubed needle is a MUST!
You can pump a ML every time and never have any probs..........I do it to get all my juice and IGF/GH out the stick
Fellows, expense of the HGH, I understand. Also no you won't have any probs even if you did shot a little air into a vein. Personally, I choose not to shoot a little air because doctors I've worked with didn't. I'm not sure if its possible to hold an air pocket within the muscle after your done or not but that would be my only concern. Seems to me the air would come out with pulling the needle though. It may or may not be more disturbing, pain wise, to the injection site also. Anyway It's safe to do I'd say, but I'll still stick with a little waste. Peace
poof said:
when i started reading this i thought you guys were leaving some air in, injecting but only to the point of reaching the air but you actually inject the air as well?

interesting.. may try that some time

I don;t actually apply the air, just use it to get everything out. When using IGF you can't really afford to waste much when in some cases you may draw up less than 5ius on the pin which can be 50mcgIGF. You waste 1iu on the pin and that translates into 10mcg of IGF.
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dreww said:
Hey can inject slin IM, SC or IV.

And I never leave air in as I need some oil on the pin before sticking. I did it once dry before and won't make that mistake again.

hmmm didnt know that thanks.
as for leaving air in my doc said its a bad idea, just call a place and talk to the nurse and tell her you are doing test therapy injections since u lost your testicles and wanted to know if its ok, she told me no, its not good, haveadoc show me or do it for me, it can cause some thing i cant remember whats its called but it didnt sound good, find out for sure cause i want a second opinion too!

I dont see whare it can be totally safe, but at the same time i would rather sacrifice waste than my health.
just letting u guys kno who might not kno,,, it takes 30cc's of straight air into a vein to do any harm... 1/4cc isnt gonna hurt ya.....FYI
Good information from all. Thanks everyone for your replies. Way more people do it than I though, way more.

You just don't ever hear it as part of 'the instructions' - you know? lol
I never mention it because if someone mentioned it to me when I was a newb to put air in the syringe I would have freaked out. LOL!
I've never seen anyone do that--freaks me out too. I may try it with IGF when I go on it again. I have heard from my doctor that a small air bubble won't hurt you if you are sure you haven't hit a vein.
dreww said:
Hey can inject slin IM, SC or IV.

And I never leave air in as I need some oil on the pin before sticking. I did it once dry before and won't make that mistake again.

ahhhhhhh, no. in fact, if you inject insulin into a vein, you are in for one hell of a bad trip. you can inject gh into all of those 3, however, if you inject insulin into a vein, you are in deep shit. a mod named bigak from inj into a vein and said it was a horrendous number of hours before it passed. he inj'd im and hit a vein.

lesson kids: don't inj slin im or iv. it can have dangerous effects. only do it subq. and if you don't believe this, head to the above website and pm the dude. he'll tell ya.