Tom Stoltman was training with his brother, Luke, and Eddie Hall at the time.
Strongman competitions feature many different ways for competitors to show off their brute strength. One we have not seen is the athlete taking down a wall. This is what happened when Tom Stoltman joined his brother, Luke Stoltman, and Eddie Hall for a training session back in 2021.
A recent video has gained popularity from a training session involving this trio. They were preparing for the 2021 Britain’s Strongest Man Competition at the time. This video can be found on the Giants Live STRONGMAN YouTube page. The session includes four major workouts but the highlight of the video was Tom Stoltman breaking a wall at the gym.
Hall explained that they were not training using full competition weight because it was more important to get the proper motions down. This was a session involving form but the strongmen still lift much more than the average person.
The final leg of their session involved a 90kg tire. Following his turn, Stoltman let the tire go but was too close to the wall. The impact of the tire hitting the wall left a big crack in it. To make matters worse, Stoltman was unable to beat his brother in the loading session.
“Tom, I wouldn’t be angry at you for this mate but you didn’t even beat Luke. You got one second less,” Eddie Hall joked.
“I think Tom going for the wall like a juggernaut has put a little bit of a damper on the session.”
All three competitors have made major strides since this session. Tom Stoltman is the reigning World’s Strongest Man while Luke Stoltman won the 2021 Europe’s Strongest Man competition. Eddie Hall has returned from a triceps injury and is continuing to work his way to the boxing ring.
The Stoltman Brothers are already in line to compete at two major events. First, they will be present during the 2022 Arnold Strongman Classic, which will take place from Mach 3-6 in Columbus. Next, they are slated to compete at the 2022 Shaw Classic on Aug. 13-14 in Loveland, CO.
This is an old video but there is still plenty of entertainment value to it. Both Tom and Luke Stoltman continue to be huge names in powerlifting and will continue to build their legacy with a busy 2022.
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