
  1. drtbear1967

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid.

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid!! 1. Lack of General Steroid Education: what you don't know can hurt you! You need to know what certain types of steroids do, how to stack and cycle for max results with minimum risks, injection procedures (you CAN kill yourself if you don't do this...
  2. drtbear1967

    The Diet That Has No Name.

    <header class="entry-header">The Diet That Has No Name (and Why It May be the Best Thing Ever)by Nia Shanks </header>“What diet do you follow?” she inquired as I devoured my bowl of delicious, spicy Thai chicken soup. When the waiter asked how spicy I wanted my soup perhaps I shouldn’t have...
  3. Iron Game

    The Most Simple Tips For Dieting That Nobody Follows

    Tip #1: never ever go food shopping hungry This is one of the most effective strategies I know of to avoid unwanted junk and various snacks from finding their way into your shopping cart, which ends up in your home, which ends up on your butt! Make sure to eat something before you go food...
  4. Iron Game

    Long Term Fat Loss, 1-10

    1. Do some resistive weight training 3 to 4 times a week using short rest periods between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. Work out no longer than 1 hour to keep your anabolic (muscle-building) hormones high and catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones low. Over-training is a quick way to lose muscle along...
  5. Iron Game

    The Most Common Mistakes Seen in Steroid Cycles

    The Most Common Mistakes Seen in Steroid Cycles By Bill Roberts Question: “What compounds are usually or always mistakes to include in a cycle? Or are common mistakes in some instances, but useful in others.” Answer: Proviron is never useful during a cycle. The closest it could be to being...
  6. Iron Game

    Basic Planning for Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen situations Overly-prolonged use of alkylated...
  7. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroid Use For People Sensitive to Gyno

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I did a cycle of trenbolone 50 mg/day and Dianabol 25 mg/day. I ordered letrozole to use as an anti-aromatase but it did not arrive. I just went ahead as I understand that very commonly that when no testosterone is used, 25 mg/day Dianabol can be gotten away with. I stopped...
  8. Iron Game

    Dandelion Extract for Water Retention

    Found this on another site and thought it could come in handy for our members. Edema, also known as water retention, can cause swelling in the feet, legs, ankles, fingers, and arms. It is a symptom that's sometimes related to a certain disease or disorder. There are several over the counter...
  9. Iron Game

    How to avoid Post Injection Pain

    by Ed Barillas, It is very common for someone to experience pain after injecting either underground lab or pharmaceutical grade drugs and it always leaves people wondering what the causes are. I will try to explain the 3 major causes of this pain and give advice on how to avoid it. The glutes...
  10. Iron Game

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle?

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle. We are in the middle of flu season. I figure this article can help if you get sick mid steroid cycle and still want to maximize your results/usage. It happened to me it can happen to anyone. Bill Roberts Q: “What should I do if I get sick during...
  11. Iron Game

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen...
  12. 9

    UFC sends document to fighters warning about crime and 'areas to avoid' in Rio

    Worried about the well-being of its fighters, the UFC gave them all a document with tips on dangerous neighborhoods, DSTs and tampered drinks in nightclubs. Making a show as big as the UFC happen in such a big foreign city like Rio de Janeiro brings up many problems that go beyond...
  13. akn

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning

    Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen situations Overly-prolonged use of alkylated steroids, and...
  14. akn

    The Most Common Mistakes Seen in Anabolic Steroid Cycles

    Q: “What compounds are usually or always mistakes to include in a cycle? Or are common mistakes in some instances, but useful in others.” A: Proviron is never useful during a cycle. The closest it could be to being useful is for slight anti-estrogenic effect, but there are better ways to do...
  15. T

    Further evidence to avoid planet fitness

    Probably lots of stuff like this goes on there.... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/08/michigan-gym-cancels-woman-membership-over-complaints-transgender-woman-in/
  16. Jozifp103

    Shipping during the holidays and avoiding shipping problems

    With the holiday season Christmas and New Years there will be international shipping delays with all mailing services. These delays can cause problems even maybe some lost orders. We want to avoid this. An international reship for the customer will mean double the shipping time. To avoid this...