
  1. 3J

    Clenbuterol: Proper Usage by 3J

    Clenbuterol By: 3J As a sports nutritionist with a decade of experience working specifically with those in the bodybuilding field, I regularly get asked about fat burning compounds to help improve weight loss. Unfortunately, the general population interested in the use of fat...
  2. J


    Feel as if I need to add or change to progress more what do you suggest in order to progress more other than proper diet and training
  3. jimbosmith316

    Intro to Men’s Physique

    For anyone looking to get to the professional level or just competing overall! You may have noticed the men’s physique class taking the mainstream by storm when it comes to bodybuilding/physique competitions. Although some aspects are similar to bodybuilding, there are some vast major...
  4. 3J

    Bulking doesnt mean gettin fat!! Client B&A PIC!

    You dont have to get fat while bulking, here is a prime example of a 3Js Nutrition Network client that has gone from 172lbs to 224lbs in 14 months while staying lean! Thats 52lbs! With proper nutrition and training protocol you can keep fat at bay as well!! Contact me at...
  5. Iron Game

    Top 3 Proper Guidelines to Buying Steroids.

    Top 3 Proper Guidelines to Buying Steroids. When first looking into a cycle, the first thing that one wants to think of is RESEARCH. Before ever swallowing or injecting any Anabolic steroid you want to no what you are putting into your body and what side effects you could see. 1st. You want...
  6. Iron Game


    ARE YOU READY FOR GEAR? Lets find out.. Soo many people, in the history of my career, have come about thinking that gear was the quick, easy, and magical way out of all their problems.. So in response to this, iv made a little check list here.. if you fall under any of these catagories, put...
  7. Iron Game

    Defranco Fitness Tips: How to Practice Proper Deadlift Form

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. Iron Game

    Proper SQUAT form

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> - - - Updated - - - Keep your chest up, as with all exercises with a good arch in the lower back. · Slowly lower in a controlled fashion until you reach the bottom of...
  9. Presser

    Videos on Exercises Subforum here

    Im thinking of ading a subforum to this forum, the subforum would be videos of each exercise done properly. what do you guys think? I know sometimes we tend to overlook the basics, as a lot of us older guys seen and done it all, but we tend to forget theres always new guys and girls to...
  10. 3J

    Proper Weight and Measurements Protocol by 3J

    The Proper Weight and Measurements Protocol By: 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. Over the years as a sports nutritionist I have seen many people get confused over the proper protocol of weights and measurements. What do I mean by weights and...
  11. Presser

    T3 cycle rules and ramp up and down equally. Proper Cytomel Dosing and Tapering

    I had some additional info on proper t3 dosing and tapering that I'd thought I'd post up in the hopes it would benefit most. One subject that keeps coming up that many people have difficulty is with properly dosing and tapering T3. Now while THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for the persistent...
  12. 3J

    Anavar by 3J

    ANAVAR (OXANDROLONE), THE SAFE STEROID? By: 3J Introduction: Oxandrolone, (also known as anavar, var, and oxandrin) is a dihydrotestoterone synthetic derivative first produced by Raphael Pappo. The drug was introduced to the US market in 1964. Its androgenic properties are...