
  1. jasonhill800

    The Muscle Memory Effect of One Steroid Cycle

    The surprising truth about muscle memory has now been revealed, and it's great news for steroid users and even natties. USE IT OR LOSE IT... UNTIL THE NEXT TIME YOU USE IT Gym teachers, physical therapists, and nursing home directors frequently use the phrase "use it or lose it" to...
  2. jasonhill800

    Napsgear, Two Major Benefits of Running Just 10 Minutes per Day, New Research Says

    According to new studies, even 10 minutes of running has considerable benefits. Everyone has their own method for overcoming mental tiredness in the middle of the day. Some people claim they couldn't get through the week without coffee or caffeine, while others prefer a sugar surge to help...
  3. jasonhill800

    How Do You Know If You're Training Enough?

    "How do I know if I'm training enough?" is a question I see a lot. It seems pretty straightforward. However, the answers might be a little more complex than you expect. So let's look at what training is and how we set objectives for our training goals. Then you can decide if you trained...
  4. N

    Grow Your Guns By Incorporating These 5 Exercises

    In recent years, direct arm training has declined in popularity with the rise of functional training. While you should still be focused on compound lifts and other functional training, you can still incorporate some direct arm training into your program. We all love to have big guns, and the...
  5. drtbear1967

    Rep Tempos Science

    Rep Tempos Science - Some believe you need train explosively to maximize how many reps. Whereas others train with a slow rep tempo to increase time under tension. What's more beneficial? Swipe left for details on rep tempo science. - When gaining muscle is the goal, a range of rep tempos work. A...
  6. D

    Rest days why they are important

    <body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;"> Rest days why they are important when we train we breakdown muscle tissue but also are central nervous system gets hit intensely to for optimising muscle growth you need to...
  7. D

    Muscle strength gene tweaking

    Tweaking a gene makes muscles twice as strong Salk scientists and their collaborators find new avenue for treating muscle degeneration in people who can't exercise LA JOLLA, CA—An international team of scientists has created super-strong, high-endurance mice and worms by suppressing a natural...
  8. G

    Bodybuilding with Colitis

    Hi everyone, First Post here but I've been lurking round the forums for a couple months absorbing an absolute wealth of knowledge so thank you all. I was wondering If anyone here has been diagnosed with Colitis or Chrohns and if so whether they could advise me on nutrition? I was diagnosed In...
  9. drtbear1967

    Get the water in.

    We all know drinking water is important. But how does hydration affect your physical performance in training? One research review suggests that athletes should prevent fluid loss of more than 2% of total body weight if they want to maximize performance [1]. Another study looked directly at...
  10. drtbear1967

    Exercise and Metabolism EPOC

    We often hear folks recommend that people perform things like interval training and resistance training during a diet. This is likely due to each activity being more effective for maintaining lean mass than steady state cardio, but the EPOC effect could also play a role. - 💥 EPOC essentially...
  11. drtbear1967

    Why effort MATTERS for hypertrophy

    Why effort MATTERS for hypertrophy ⁣ Effort matters for hypertrophy, and if you think you can get away with no-effort based workouts, well... then you're likely not optimizing the efficacy of your training program, and probably 𝘍'𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥.⁣ ⁣ Don't get me wrong, there are scenarios in which we...
  12. drtbear1967

    The Beast of All Rows

    The Beast of All Rows Get on the ground and build your lats, shoulders, and core strength. This animal-style row is metabolically brutal and fun. <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" version="1.1" role="img"...
  13. drtbear1967

    How do bones react to progressive resistance training ?

    How do bones react to progressive resistance training ? ⁣⁣ How many times do you hear people say you shouldn't train with weights because you might hurt yourself ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Well, in reality, resistance training is probably the best thing we can do.. not only for our muscles, tendons and ligaments...
  14. D

    Lower potassium resulting in lower gains

    Low potassium = low HGH, low IGF-1, low testosterone, slow digestion, slow bowel movements, lack of appetite, no pump in the gym, and over all weakness. And why just focusing on macros is bad. How important is potassium? Well not getting enough potassium is linked to low testosterone which is...
  15. D

    My rules experience to training

    Rules to training and my thoughts 1.get stronger 2.full range of motion 3.find movements that works 4.less is better 3 on 1 of 5. 4-5 days per week What I believe is once you reach let’s take bench for example getting up to a 315lbs (140kg) there is no benefit to chest muscle development...
  16. D

    albuterol fat loss muscle gain strength

    Background: Albuterol is a beta-2 agonist that has been demonstrated to increase muscle strength in studies in animals and humans. Based on a pilot study of extended-release albuterol Repetabs in children with dystrophinopathies, the authors conducted a randomized, double-blind...
  17. Presser

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet! - John Doe Bodybuilding

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet!by John Doe Bodybuilding Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right? But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol...
  18. drtbear1967

    Progressive Overload - How it works

    Progressive overload is the most fundamental principle through which muscle grows, and it's rather simple. Try to get stronger. That's what Milo of Croton did!⁣ ⁣ Milo was an ancient greek wrestler, who use to carry a calf until it grew into a bull, building strength and muscle through the...
  19. drtbear1967

    Eccentric part the rep is key.

    When you lift weights, there are two primary muscle actions you perform. The concenctric (lifting the weight up) and eccentric (lowering the weight down). It is common for people to only focus on the concentric to lift up as much weight as possible for a certain number of repetitions. But we...