The Best Joint Supplements for Tumeric, Omega-3s, and More

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Joint pain is a common issue among those who lift heavy, run long distances, are getting older, or have an abundance of inflammation in the body. If you’re a gymgoer, you may notice heavy squats or high-intensity interval training might be affecting your knee health and causing you pain. Joint pain can majorly affect your everyday tasks, as well as take you away from many of the activities you love to do. However, there are supplements that can help.
You may be aware of many of the ingredients that might help with joint pain, such as omega-3 fatty acids, CBD, or turmeric, but there are plenty of supplements on the market that take varied approaches at easing your joint pain. Some of the best joint supplements out there can help maintain cartilage (like collagen), while others may decrease pain in specific areas (such as a topical cream). Whether you suffer from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or inflammation, we have a supplement on this list that may help ease your pain.
Best Joint Supplements:

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. None of these supplements are meant to treat or cure any disease. If you feel you may be deficient in a particular nutrient or nutrients, please seek out a medical professional.
Best Joint Supplement Overall
This pick contains five simple, yet effective, ingredients, high dosages, and a very fair price tag making this our top pick for optimizing joint health and potentially mitigating pain.
Huge Supplements Joint Support
If Huge Supplements is known for anything, it’s their high dosages, and this joint supplement is no exception. It contains 1,500mg of glucosamine HCI, which may prevent type II collagen degradation, while maintaining collagen synthesis. (1) It also contains 1,500mg of anti-inflammatory ingredient methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and 1,200mg of chondroitin sulfate, which is an anti-inflammatory and occurs naturally in cartilage and may have a positive effect on offsetting osteoarthritis symptoms. (2) (3)
You’ll also find 300mg of boswellia serrata, which is an ayurvedic medicine used for inflammation, and has been used recently for arthritis, inflammation, and other conditions like colitis. (4) Lastly is the addition of black pepper extract, which may help the other ingredients in this formula be more easily absorbed by the body. One thing worth noting is that this supp requires you take six pills for one serving, so if pills aren’t your thing, you may want to look elsewhere. Each serving will cost about $1.15 making this a higher, but still reasonably priced joint supplements.

Huge Supplements Joint Support

Huge Supplements Joint Support has five effective and highly dosed active ingredients aimed to mitigate joint pain and keeping joints healthy. Each six-pill serving provides glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, Boswellia, and black pepper extract.

Who Should Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support

Folks who want a simple ingredient list with above average dosages will like the five well-dosed ingredients that are present here.
Anyone who wants ingredients specifically geared toward fighting inflammation will like the boswellia serrata and chondroitin in this formula.
People who want a joint supplement that is reasonably priced as this one is around $1.15 per serving.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support

Those who are pill-averse as this requires six pills per serving.
Anyone who wants a more robust ingredient list. This has five effective ingredients, but you may want more than that.
Folks who prefer an oil or topical joint supplement.

Huge Supplements Joint Support offers high dosages, comes at a reasonable price tag, and may be a beneficial supplement to reduce inflammation and help keep joints healthy.
Best Joint Supplement Stack
If you take your joint health seriously, you may want more than just one supplement to help you keep your joints healthy, avoid pain and joint degradation, or assist you in combating the side effects linked to arthritis. Swolverine’s joint stack contains four supplements that may have a multifaceted approach to supporting joint health.
Swolverine Joint Health Stack
This stack from Swolverine includes four of their supplements: turmeric pills, krill oil, collagen, and vitamin D3 — all of which may have positive effects on joint health. Turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory spice that has been suggested to aid in the treatment and pain management of arthritis. (5) Swolverine’s turmeric supplement has 750mg of turmeric and 5mg of black pepper per serving. It only requires one vegetarian capsule per day.
Swolverine’s Krill Oil supplement contains 500mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which one study suggested are a helpful alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), and when omega-3s are used as a mitigating drug, NSAID drugs are less often utilized. (6) Their krill oil supplement is straightforward in its formulation only containing krill oil (which equates to 100mg of DHA and EPA), gelatin capsules, glycerin, purified water, and ethyl vanillin, which is added to reduce the fishy aftertaste some krill oils may leave behind.
Collagen is the next supplement in this lineup, and Swolverine’s collagen contains grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen type I and type III bovine, and nothing else. It contains 10g of collagen, is 35 calories per two-scoop serving, and includes 35 servings per container. Hydrolyzed collagen has been shown in studies to increase collagen synthesis, prevent or reduce joint pain, decrease bone density loss, and even potentially keep skin from aging. (7)
Lastly in this stack is vitamin D3, which has 250mcg, or 10,000 ICU, of vitamin D per serving. Vitamin D has been shown to increase bone and muscle tissue health, which can be important for the improvement of joint health, as well. (8) Muscles connect to bone through tendons, but they pass by at least one joint before connecting. If the musculoskeletal tissue isn’t functioning optimally, it may affect the joint health, as well.

Swolverine Joint Health Stack

This stack features collagen, krill oil, vitamin D3, and turmeric supplements to provide a well-balanced round-up of supps that may help with joint health. It's an especially solid stack for those who lift heavy and for those who have pain from arthritis.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Joint Health Stack

Those who don’t want to settle on one type of supplement to combat their joint pain or to keep joints healthy. This stack has four supplements geared toward overall joint health.
Anyone who wants effective dosages and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals included to potentially boost joint health.
If you’re looking for the addition of vitamin D that may benefit healthy joints, as well as bone and muscle health, you’ll be happy with the 10,000 ICU in this formula.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Swolverine Joint Health Stack

Those who don’t want to take too many pills in one sitting as this stack contains four supplements, and requires three different pills and powdered collagen.
Those who don’t want to pay for four supplements may want to find one supplement that has a robust ingredient list catering to joint health.
Those who prefer a topical joint supplement to address localized pain.

If you’re looking for a joint supplement stack that takes a multifaceted approach to potentially alleviating joint pain, optimizing joint health, and reducing inflammation in your body, look no further than Swolverine Joint Health Stack, which provides turmeric, vitamin D3, collagen, and krill oil.
Best All-Natural Joint Supplement
If you’re looking to add a joint supplement to your stack and your main priority is having an all-natural ingredient list, Legion Fortify is created with no artificial or synthetic ingredients of any kind.
Legion Fortify Joint Support
Legion Fortify Joint Support is an all-natural joint supplement formulated with six effective ingredients, which may provide relief from joint pain and inflammation. It contains 600mg of agmatine sulfate, which one study suggests reduced neuropathic pain significantly, which is often a factor in rheumatoid arthritis. (9) It also contains 500mg of Meriva®, which is a bioavailable turmeric supplement. This joint supplement contains 90mg of grape seed oil, which is suggested to have anti-arthritic properties and be a natural way to mitigate arthritic pain. (10)
Legion also includes anti-inflammatory boswellia serrata extract in a 25mg dose, which may reduce inflammation, and has been used in ayurvedic medicine and more recently, to help treat arthritic pain. (4) The addition of 500mg of vitamin C here may be beneficial for increasing type I collagen synthesis, which is important for bone, skin, and connective tissue. Lastly, is type II collagen, which is the main collagen that makes up cartilage. One study found that supplementing with type II collagen allowed the user pain-free strenuous exercise, which may have been painful without supplementation. (11) This joint supplement requires you to take three pills per serving, and a serving will cost you around $1.60, which is a touch pricier than many joint supps, but we think the price is justified thanks to the thorough ingredient list.

Legion Fortify

This supplement provides 500 milligrams of Vitamin C and bioavailable curcumin per three-capsule serving. Additionally, it includes 90 milligrams of grape seed extract for added joint protection.

Who Should Buy Legion Fortify Joint Support

Folks who want an all-natural supplement with no fillers, or artificial or synthetic ingredients.
Those who want to reduce neuropathic pain will enjoy the 600mg of agmatine sulfate present here.
People who want to benefit from type I and type II collagen, as this contains type II and the addition of vitamin C, which may help synthesize type I collagen. Collagen may help with pain-free movement, as well as supporting joints, bones, and skin.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Legion Fortify Joint Support

Folks who aren’t great at taking pills may want to opt for an oil formula or one that requires fewer than three pills per serving.
Those who want joint support as part of a multivitamin may want to check for a multi that provides joint support.
Anyone who isn’t tied to an all-natural formula may find less expensive options on the market.

Legion Fortify features six beneficial ingredients that may help mitigate or combat joint pain in the user. The all-natural formula is a bonus for those who prefer to avoid artificial and synthetic ingredients in their supplements.
Best Joint Supplement With Turmeric
Turmeric is a well-known spice and is used in many Indian dishes as a flavor and color ingredient. Beyond making food delicious, turmeric has been used as an ayurvedic medicine for inflammation, which may be helpful for those who suffer from joint pain associated with arthritis. (5)
Swolverine Turmeric
Turmeric is one of those ingredients that seems to have a seemingly endless number of uses. As one of the main spices found in curry, it has a rich and warming flavor, but as a supplement, it has been used for thousands of years for its potential healing properties. It may be helpful in treating conditions like respiratory diseases, arthritis, pain management, depression, and allergies, to name a few. (12) Swolverine Turmeric is the perfect addition to any athlete’s supplement stack if they’re looking to potentially reduce inflammation from heavy lifts or intense training.
This formula contains two active ingredients — turmeric and black pepper extract — to help fight inflammation and assist with recovery. It contains 750mg of turmeric extract, and is paired with 5mg of black pepper extract, which can help with maximum absorption in the body. This supp only requires you to take one capsule per day, and costs about $0.55 per serving, making it an extremely affordable supplement to add into your regimen.

Swolverine Turmeric

Swolverine Turmeric has 750mg of turmeric and 5mg of black pepper extract. It requires you to take one pill per day and may potentially reduce inflammation and the pain it causes in the body.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Turmeric

Those who want an anti-inflammatory supplement will like that this product has one ingredient that may help reduce inflammation and one that may make the supplement more absorbable by the body.
Customers who want to incorporate turmeric into their diet without the mess of using a powder will enjoy this one-capsule serving size that creates no mess.
Anyone on a budget who wants a supplement that may help with joint pain will love this reasonable price of about $0.55 per serving.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Swolverine Turmeric

Those who want a more robust supplement may want to look for a joint health supplement stack, which typically provides multiple supplements aimed at combating joint pain.
Anyone who is fully pill-averse may want to stick to using the powdered version of turmeric.

Swolverine’s turmeric supplement has two active ingredients that may help fight inflammation and joint pain. It only requires you to take one pill per day, and it sports one of the most reasonable price points on this list.
Best Liquid Joint Supplement
If swallowing pills isn’t in the cards for you, or you just want to make it easier by stacking your supplements, you may want to opt for a joint health supplement that you can put into water or add to your daily greens powder drink. Whatever your reasoning is, Onnit JOINT Oil is a solid choice to consider.
Onnit JOINT Oil
Onnit JOINT Oil is formulated with joint health superstars fish oil, turmeric extract, borage seed oil, and avocado oil. The inclusion of 1,600mg of fish oil may be effective and beneficial for fighting cartilage degradation and maintaining healthy cartilage in the body. (13) This also contains 1,100mg of borage seed oil, which contains high amounts of gamma linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is thought to reduce inflammation and help with arthritic symptoms. (14) The addition of 100mg of turmeric extract adds to the anti-inflammatory lineup in this formula. (5) This is a great option for those who don’t like taking pills, but want to reap the benefits of a joint supplement.
This supplement is sugar-, gluten-, and dairy-free, but it does have one gram of sugar alcohol per serving. It also contains soy and fish, so if you are allergic or have a sensitivity to either, it may be best to avoid this supplement. Onnit JOINT Oil comes in a Tangerine Dream flavor, requires two teaspoons per serving, and each serving costs around $0.95.

Onnit Joint Oil

Onnit Joint Oil has 1,600mg of fish oil, borage seed oil, avocado oil, and turmeric root extract which may work synergistically to help improve joint mobility and health. It comes in a Tangerine flavored oil and might be a preferable way to consume omega-3s versus traditional capsules.

Who Should Buy Onnit JOINT Oil

Those who want a joint supplement that doesn’t require them to swallow any pills. This supp is liquid.
Anyone who enjoys stacking their supplements will appreciate that this can be mixed into your pre-workout or your BCAA supplement drink.
Folks who want a diverse anti-inflammatory ingredient list will like the borage oil and turmeric present here.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Onnit JOINT Oil

Those who don’t enjoy a tangerine flavor may want to look elsewhere.
Anyone who has a fish or soy allergy should steer clear of this supplement.
Folks who prefer pills will find many other suitable options on this list.

If you’re looking for a joint supplement that doesn’t require you to take any pills, Onnit JOINT Oil may be a stellar choice for you. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, as well as those specifically geared toward joint health. Plus, it comes in a delicious Tangerine Dream flavor.
Best Topical Joint Supplement
Some people prefer a joint supplement that they can use topically. If you’re someone who wants to use a cream on the affected area rather than swallowing pills everyday, this pick has hemp, mint, arnica, and eucalyptus, which can all help relieve pain and discomfort in joints and muscles.
FOCL Relief Cream
FOCL Relief Cream is a cream that has two options for either 1,000mg or 2,000mg of CBD per 3.38oz bottle. One study on joint pain in animals found that CBD was effective for both inhibiting pain signaling and for combating inflammation, which may reduce the pain and symptoms associated with joint pain. (15) This formula also contains arnica montana, which one study found to have similar effects to ibuprofen for reducing osteoarthritis pain. (16)
It also contains botanicals that may be helpful for reducing pain, such as menthol, which has a cooling effect on the skin and may help alleviate some discomfort. Another botanic is camphor oil, which is suggested to be helpful for inflammation, pain, and treatment for arthritis. (17) This CBD relief cream has a diverse range of ingredients that all have some potential benefits for pain relief, reducing inflammation, and specifically addressing joint pain or arthritis. A single bottle will cost you around $40.00 for the 1,000mg of CBD or around $60.00 for the 2,000mg of CBD — but if you opt to purchase a three-pack, you’ll save 20 percent on both the 1,000 and 2,000mg bottles.

FOCL Relief Cream

FOCL Relief Cream comes in either 1,000mg or 2,000mg CBD options and may provide releif for sore muscles, joints, and body aches. This formula also contains botanicals meant to leave a cooling effect for further pain relief such as menthol and eucalyptus.

Who Should Buy FOCL Relief Cream

Anyone looking for a topical way to treat joint pain or arthritis will enjoy this cooling CBD cream that you apply directly on to your skin.
Folks who want the option between 1,000mg and 2,000mg of CBD per bottle.
Those who enjoy benefitting from botanic ingredients will like seeing the menthol, eucalyptus, camphor oil, and wintergreen inclusions here.

Who Shouldn’t Buy FOCL Relief Cream

Those who don’t want to pay a lot for their joint supplement. This is a great option for those who don’t want to ingest a joint supplement, but it’s a bit pricier than some of our other picks.
Anyone who has an adverse feeling toward CBD. This topical contains either 1,000 or 2,000mg of CBD per bottle.
Folks who prefer a joint supplement they can ingest will want to opt for a pill or oil supplement.

FOCL Relief Cream is an excellent alternative joint supplement to traditional oral supplements. It provides potential pain relief from arthritis, joint pain and muscle pain, and delivers CBD and cooling botanics of menthol, plus potential pain relief from camphor oil to round it out.
Best Joint Supplement with Omega-3s
This pick comes from krill oil and has a solid serving of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Both have important health benefits and may be beneficial as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Swolverine Krill Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids can be important for the development of the brain and eyes, and supplementing with them may benefit brain function, mitigate mental health disorders (like depression and anxiety), and reduce inflammation of the body. (18) Each serving of this supplement contains 500mg of krill oil, which typically provides 100mg of phospholipids. Phospholipids are a type of fat that is abundantly found in krill oil. They’re also antioxidants, which may help remove harmful agents from the body (19)
This supplement also provides 100mg of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been suggested to contain anti-inflammatory properties, making them potentially beneficial for those who suffer from joint pain. (20) If you’re weary of a fishy aftertaste, Swolverine already thought about that, and included ethyl vanillin to combat fish burps. Another benefit to this krill oil is that it only requires you to take one capsule per day to reap the benefits. It also sports a pretty sweet price tag of around $0.50 per serving.

Swolverine Krill Oil

Swolverine's Krill Oil delivers 500mg of krill oil, omega-3s in the form of EPA and DHA, and astaxanthin. This supp only requires one pill per serving and has the addition of Vanilla flavor to potentially combat a fishy aftertaste.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Krill Oil

Those who want to benefit from anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil.
Folks who want an omega-3 that may be more absorbable in the body will like that krill oil has a high count of phospholipids, which may offer higher absorbability than triglycerides (which you find in fish oils).
Those who fear a fishy aftertaste or having fish burps will appreciate that Swolverine added ethyl vanillin to their formula to combat that problem.

Who Shouldn’t But Swolverine Krill Oil

Vegetarians and vegans will want to steer clear of this pick as it contains krill, which are shellfish.
Anyone who wants a more robust formula may want to look outside of this supplement, which only contains one active ingredient — 500mg of krill oil.
Those who prefer a higher dose of omega-3s. However, that will likely be reflected in the price.

Swolverine Krill Oil is just 500mg of krill oil, which provides 100mg of EPAs and DHAs, as well as 100mg of phospholipids. The addition of ethyl vanillin makes this single-capsule krill oil more enjoyable to take with no fear of fishy burps or a bad aftertaste.
Best Joint Supplement with Chondroitin
Chondroitin is present as one of the building blocks for human cartilage, and supplementing with it may benefit joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. This supplement has 1,200mg of chondroitin per serving, making it a very eligible choice for joint pain and osteoarthritis management.
Huge Supplements Joint Support
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder where loss of cartilage occurs or where the cartilage around the bone is remodeled. (21) It is a chronic condition that affects joints, which may be especially painful after long bouts of inactivity or from weight-bearing activities. Chondroitin has been shown to have moderate success in pain management and function, but its real use may be best suited towards helping those who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knees. (22)
Huge Supplements Joint Support has 1,200mg of chondroitin per serving, which is a solid dosage, and not found in many joint supplements on the market. Glucosamine is similar to chondroitin, and is also found in cartilage in the body and may be helpful for mitigating joint pain. The 1,500mg of glucosamine in this supplement may be beneficial for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. (23) This also contains 300mg of boswellia extract, and 5mg of black pepper extract (which may make all the ingredients more absorbable).
Some things to be aware of here include the six-pill serving size, and the price. Huge Supplements Joint Support costs over $1.00 per serving, and although the dosages are high, this is a bit higher than some of the others on this list. Lastly, it’s good to note that these pills contain Red #3 and Blue #1 for those who are actively avoiding artificial coloring in their supplements.

Huge Supplements Joint Support

Huge Supplements Joint Support has five effective and highly dosed active ingredients aimed to mitigate joint pain and keeping joints healthy. Each six-pill serving provides glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, Boswellia, and black pepper extract.

Who Should Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support

Those who have degenerative cartilage who are still doing weight-bearing activities (like lifting weights) may benefit from the 1,200mg of chondroitin in this supplement.
People who want a supplement that may be more bioavailable will appreciate the 5mg of black pepper extract present here.
Folks who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis will like the 1,500mg of glucosamine present in this supplement.

Who Shouldn’t Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support

Those who are actively avoiding artificial coloring in their supplements will want to steer clear as this has Red #3 and Blue #1.
Folks who don’t want to take six pills a day can find joint supplements that only require one or two pills per serving.
Anyone who wants to stick to a stricter budget can find a cheaper option available on this list.

Chondroitin may be a very beneficial supplement to take for those who are suffering from osteoarthritis. The 1,200mg of chondroitin present in this formula make it a stand out supplement, and the addition of 1,500mg of glucosamine make it an all-around winner for anyone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.
Ingredients in a Joint Supplement
There are many potentially effective ingredients that you’ll find within joint supplements. Each ingredient may have different properties that make it more effective for some individuals over others. Below we list out a few of the more common ingredients in joint supps and dig deeper into their potential benefits.
Turmeric is a spice and ayurvedic medicine that has been used for centuries for its potential medicinal properties. It is most commonly used for its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may make turmeric a very helpful health aid for a host of ailments. (24) As joint pain generally goes hand in hand with inflammation, turmeric may be an effective remedy to help combat stiffness and pain in the joints.

Boswellia extract is another ayurvedic ingredient that has been used for centuries as a health aid for inflammatory conditions. More recently, it’s been touted for its potential effectiveness in conditions like arthritis, colitis, and asthma. (4)
Although cannabis has been used for centuries as a potential medicine, the War on Drugs put a halt on research backing CBD (and THC) as potential medicinal aids. Preclinical research shows CBD to be potentially effective in treating skin disorders, like psoriasis, but to potentially help with inflammatory conditions. (25) It’s important to note that legally CBD contains (at most) 0.3 percent THC (the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant), and isn’t meant to give you a “high” feeling.
Chondroitin is found in abundance in human and animal cartilage, and it is specifically known for its potential to help with pain management for those who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knees. (22)
Glucosamine is closely linked with chondroitin for its potential in mitigating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pain. Glucosamine is also found in human cartilage, making it a natural choice for joint pain reduction. (23)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential fat, as they are not naturally produced in the body. Because you need to supplement your omega-3s, you may turn to eating eggs for breakfast, or adding a krill oil or fish oil pill to your regimen. Omega-3s may be beneficial for people with inflammation, and therefore, may be of use in mitigating joint pain or conditions like osteoarthritis. (20).
There are over 60 scientific studies assessing the benefits of collagen for joint pain and erosion, bone density loss, and skin aging, and most studies point to hydrolysate collagen as an effective way to potentially mitigate all three conditions. Many studies have also found that hydrolysate collagen may be effective in collagenic tissue regeneration via collagen synthesis. (7)
How Much Do Joint Supplements Cost?
Joint supplements vary distinctly in their make up, as there are so many different ingredients that may be beneficial for joint pain and associated conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis). They may be as simple as a turmeric supplement that contains only turmeric and black pepper, or these supps could be more extensive and contain 10 or more anti-inflammatory ingredients. Because of the wide variety, joint supplement costs also vary.
This list contains supplements that cost as little as about $0.50 per serving to as high as about $2.00 per serving. Joint supplements are fairly affordable, which makes them an easy addition to your line-up — especially if you’re experiencing a lot of joint pain or want to get ahead of the curve and prevent the possibility of joint pain.
How We Chose the Best Joint Supplements
Because there are so many potential ways to mitigate joint pain and degradation, we picked a variety of supplements to fit different needs and cover a range of potential benefits. We thought about price, possible conditions that need to be treated, form, and ingredients and dosages when we made these picks.
When we make picks for our list, we try to include a diverse range of prices to make sure there is a supplement to fit most budgets. These joint supplements range between around $0.50 to around $2.00 per serving. Each ingredient list and dosage amount will differ from supplement to supplement, creating a wide range of price points to choose from. The level of quality, all-natural ingredients, and sourcing also make a difference in cost. For example, turmeric supplements are typically pretty simple and often just contain two ingredients — turmeric and black pepper. Many supplements like this cost only around $0.55 per serving, so the simple ingredient list is often reflected in the lower price point.
Joint pain is a singular problem with many origins. Your joint pain could be from growing older, lifting very heavy weights, or conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Because joint pain has a variety of origins, we wanted to find supplements that may be best suited to each. If it’s inflammation that’s causing the joint pain, it may be beneficial to use a turmeric supplement or a fish-oil supplement. Whereas, if you’re suffering from degradation of cartilage, it may be best to utilize a collagen supplement. Whatever your needs are surrounding supplementing for joint pain, we are confident there’s a reliable option for you on this list.
The form in which you take your joint supplement could be make or break. Some may prefer pills, while others might opt for oils or topicals. The pills on this list differ in thenumber you have to take per serving, as well as the type of capsule they come in (vegetarian or gelatin). We included an oil for those who have a hard time swallowing any number of pills, and we included a topical cream for those who prefer not to ingest their joint supplement entirely.
Ingredients and Dosage
Especially with joint supplements, the ingredient lists vary greatly from supplement to supplement. We chose a plethora of potentially effective ingredients (such as turmeric, chondroitin, collagen, botanics, and omega-3s) to provide options that may meet your needs to mitigate joint pain. These ingredients also greatly vary in their dosages and provide different mixes of ingredients.
Krill oil can be an example of a very simple ingredient list, as its only active ingredient is often just krill oil. On the other hand, an overall joint support supplement can contain around five or more active ingredients. All of the supplements we included on this list have a varying number of ingredients and dosages, which makes them unique in their makeup and suitable for specific needs — such as fighting inflammation or cartilage decay.
What to Consider Before Buying Joint Supplements
Since joint supplements vary so greatly based in content and make up, there are several things you may want to consider before purchasing a joint supplement. Ingredients and dosage, form, and price are all factors we have detailed below.
Ingredients and Dosage
Ingredient list and dosages are some of the most wide-ranged factors when it comes to buying supplements — and joint supplements are no exception. The ingredients that may be beneficial for joint pain are abundant, and therefore formulations vary significantly between products. This is why it is important to ask yourself what your main reason for wanting a joint supplement is. If it’s for mitigating inflammation, you may opt for a simple turmeric supplement. If you’re looking to prevent cartilage decay, you may want to utilize a supplement that also contains collagen.
Dosages are another important factor to consider when you’re picking a supplement. You want to make sure your supplement has effective dosages, or provides a significant amount of your recommended daily intake. Each effective dose will be different depending on what the ingredient is, but overall, it’s recommended that you look at dosage amounts, and decide if they make sense for your individual needs before buying.
The form your supplement comes in can be a major factor. If you hate swallowing pills, buying a supp that requires you to swallow five pills a day may not be your best bet. Whereas others may prefer the easy and mess-free formulation that pills offer. Some may want a topical formula that they can apply to the specific area of pain, rather than ingesting a pill or oil that may not be as targeted. Be sure to consider your lifestyle and preferences when picking a form for your joint supp — you’ll obviously want something that won’t be a hassle for you to stick to.
Price is always an important factor to consider when adding a supplement to your regimen. There is no need to break the bank in order to find a reprieve from your joint pain. Joint supplements on this list are all fairly reasonable in price, and range between about $0.50 to $2.00 per serving. Although $2.00 is a drastic jump from $0.50, there are a lot of in-between prices that may fit your budget. And the more expensive supps are typically going to be for the more robust products. Consider what you’re willing to spend before you select the highest dosed product or supplement with the longest list of ingredients — if your budget is $0.50 per serving, these options may be out of your price range.
Final Word
Whether you’re looking to preemptively protect your joints, suffer from conditions like arthritis, or feel the effect of heavy lifts or long runs, a joint supplement may be a great addition to your daily regimen. With an eclectic variety of ingredients on the market that may mitigate inflammation and joint pain, the only decision you’ll have to make is which one you want to utilize to optimize your joint health.
With inflammation and joint pain being a significant issue for gymgoers, runners, and elderly folks, there is a plethora of options available to choose from. Ingredients like turmeric, omega-3 fatty acids, chondroitin, and CBD may have beneficial properties that allow you to participate in your favorite activities without a ton of pain in your joints. This list provides pills, oils, and topicals for you to choose from to allow you to select the supplement that makes the most sense for your lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to take a supplement to cure my joint pain?Although there may be other ways to mitigate joint pain such as switching up your diet, using ice or heat, or taking an over the counter medicine, supplements are one of the easiest and most effective ways to do so. If you’re looking for a concentrated list of ingredients that specifically target joint pain, and want a convenient way to ingest these ingredients, a supplement is your best bet.
How do I know which supplement is right for my joint health?We always suggest taking inventory of your current issues and making an informed decision based on those issues. If your issue is inflammation, it may be a simple turmeric supplement that does the trick for you. If you’re more concerned about keeping the cartilage in your joints, a collagen supplement may be your best bet. It’s also important to consider if you’d like an ingestible or topical supplement.
What if I don’t want to take joint supplement pills?Although many of our picks come in pill form, there are also options outside of pills. There are topical creams, and oils that you can take by the teaspoon or add to a beverage in order to avoid taking pills.


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Joint pain is a common issue among those who lift heavy, run long distances, are getting older, or have an abundance of inflammation in the body. If you’re a gymgoer, you may notice heavy squats or high-intensity interval training might be affecting your knee health and causing you pain. Joint pain can majorly affect your everyday tasks, as well as take you away from many of the activities you love to do. However, there are supplements that can help.

You may be aware of many of the ingredients that might help with joint pain, such as omega-3 fatty acids, CBD, or turmeric, but there are plenty of supplements on the market that take varied approaches at easing your joint pain. Some of the best joint supplements out there can help maintain cartilage (like collagen), while others may decrease pain in specific areas (such as a topical cream). Whether you suffer from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or inflammation, we have a supplement on this list that may help ease your pain.

Best Joint Supplements:

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. None of these supplements are meant to treat or cure any disease. If you feel you may be deficient in a particular nutrient or nutrients, please seek out a medical professional.

Best Joint Supplement Overall
This pick contains five simple, yet effective, ingredients, high dosages, and a very fair price tag making this our top pick for optimizing joint health and potentially mitigating pain.

Huge Supplements Joint Support
If Huge Supplements is known for anything, it’s their high dosages, and this joint supplement is no exception. It contains 1,500mg of glucosamine HCI, which may prevent type II collagen degradation, while maintaining collagen synthesis. (1) It also contains 1,500mg of anti-inflammatory ingredient methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and 1,200mg of chondroitin sulfate, which is an anti-inflammatory and occurs naturally in cartilage and may have a positive effect on offsetting osteoarthritis symptoms. (2) (3)

You’ll also find 300mg of boswellia serrata, which is an ayurvedic medicine used for inflammation, and has been used recently for arthritis, inflammation, and other conditions like colitis. (4) Lastly is the addition of black pepper extract, which may help the other ingredients in this formula be more easily absorbed by the body. One thing worth noting is that this supp requires you take six pills for one serving, so if pills aren’t your thing, you may want to look elsewhere. Each serving will cost about $1.15 making this a higher, but still reasonably priced joint supplements.

Huge Supplements Joint Support


Huge Supplements Joint Support has five effective and highly dosed active ingredients aimed to mitigate joint pain and keeping joints healthy. Each six-pill serving provides glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, Boswellia, and black pepper extract.

Who Should Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support
  • Folks who want a simple ingredient list with above average dosages will like the five well-dosed ingredients that are present here.
  • Anyone who wants ingredients specifically geared toward fighting inflammation will like the boswellia serrata and chondroitin in this formula.
  • People who want a joint supplement that is reasonably priced as this one is around $1.15 per serving.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support
  • Those who are pill-averse as this requires six pills per serving.
  • Anyone who wants a more robust ingredient list. This has five effective ingredients, but you may want more than that.
  • Folks who prefer an oil or topical joint supplement.
Huge Supplements Joint Support offers high dosages, comes at a reasonable price tag, and may be a beneficial supplement to reduce inflammation and help keep joints healthy.

Best Joint Supplement Stack
If you take your joint health seriously, you may want more than just one supplement to help you keep your joints healthy, avoid pain and joint degradation, or assist you in combating the side effects linked to arthritis. Swolverine’s joint stack contains four supplements that may have a multifaceted approach to supporting joint health.

Swolverine Joint Health Stack
This stack from Swolverine includes four of their supplements: turmeric pills, krill oil, collagen, and vitamin D3 — all of which may have positive effects on joint health. Turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory spice that has been suggested to aid in the treatment and pain management of arthritis. (5) Swolverine’s turmeric supplement has 750mg of turmeric and 5mg of black pepper per serving. It only requires one vegetarian capsule per day.

Swolverine’s Krill Oil supplement contains 500mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which one study suggested are a helpful alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), and when omega-3s are used as a mitigating drug, NSAID drugs are less often utilized. (6) Their krill oil supplement is straightforward in its formulation only containing krill oil (which equates to 100mg of DHA and EPA), gelatin capsules, glycerin, purified water, and ethyl vanillin, which is added to reduce the fishy aftertaste some krill oils may leave behind.

Collagen is the next supplement in this lineup, and Swolverine’s collagen contains grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen type I and type III bovine, and nothing else. It contains 10g of collagen, is 35 calories per two-scoop serving, and includes 35 servings per container. Hydrolyzed collagen has been shown in studies to increase collagen synthesis, prevent or reduce joint pain, decrease bone density loss, and even potentially keep skin from aging. (7)

Lastly in this stack is vitamin D3, which has 250mcg, or 10,000 ICU, of vitamin D per serving. Vitamin D has been shown to increase bone and muscle tissue health, which can be important for the improvement of joint health, as well. (8) Muscles connect to bone through tendons, but they pass by at least one joint before connecting. If the musculoskeletal tissue isn’t functioning optimally, it may affect the joint health, as well.

Swolverine Joint Health Stack


This stack features collagen, krill oil, vitamin D3, and turmeric supplements to provide a well-balanced round-up of supps that may help with joint health. It's an especially solid stack for those who lift heavy and for those who have pain from arthritis.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Joint Health Stack
  • Those who don’t want to settle on one type of supplement to combat their joint pain or to keep joints healthy. This stack has four supplements geared toward overall joint health.
  • Anyone who wants effective dosages and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals included to potentially boost joint health.
  • If you’re looking for the addition of vitamin D that may benefit healthy joints, as well as bone and muscle health, you’ll be happy with the 10,000 ICU in this formula.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Swolverine Joint Health Stack
  • Those who don’t want to take too many pills in one sitting as this stack contains four supplements, and requires three different pills and powdered collagen.
  • Those who don’t want to pay for four supplements may want to find one supplement that has a robust ingredient list catering to joint health.
  • Those who prefer a topical joint supplement to address localized pain.
If you’re looking for a joint supplement stack that takes a multifaceted approach to potentially alleviating joint pain, optimizing joint health, and reducing inflammation in your body, look no further than Swolverine Joint Health Stack, which provides turmeric, vitamin D3, collagen, and krill oil.

Best All-Natural Joint Supplement
If you’re looking to add a joint supplement to your stack and your main priority is having an all-natural ingredient list, Legion Fortify is created with no artificial or synthetic ingredients of any kind.

Legion Fortify Joint Support
Legion Fortify Joint Support is an all-natural joint supplement formulated with six effective ingredients, which may provide relief from joint pain and inflammation. It contains 600mg of agmatine sulfate, which one study suggests reduced neuropathic pain significantly, which is often a factor in rheumatoid arthritis. (9) It also contains 500mg of Meriva®, which is a bioavailable turmeric supplement. This joint supplement contains 90mg of grape seed oil, which is suggested to have anti-arthritic properties and be a natural way to mitigate arthritic pain. (10)

Legion also includes anti-inflammatory boswellia serrata extract in a 25mg dose, which may reduce inflammation, and has been used in ayurvedic medicine and more recently, to help treat arthritic pain. (4) The addition of 500mg of vitamin C here may be beneficial for increasing type I collagen synthesis, which is important for bone, skin, and connective tissue. Lastly, is type II collagen, which is the main collagen that makes up cartilage. One study found that supplementing with type II collagen allowed the user pain-free strenuous exercise, which may have been painful without supplementation. (11) This joint supplement requires you to take three pills per serving, and a serving will cost you around $1.60, which is a touch pricier than many joint supps, but we think the price is justified thanks to the thorough ingredient list.

Legion Fortify


This supplement provides 500 milligrams of Vitamin C and bioavailable curcumin per three-capsule serving. Additionally, it includes 90 milligrams of grape seed extract for added joint protection.

Who Should Buy Legion Fortify Joint Support
  • Folks who want an all-natural supplement with no fillers, or artificial or synthetic ingredients.
  • Those who want to reduce neuropathic pain will enjoy the 600mg of agmatine sulfate present here.
  • People who want to benefit from type I and type II collagen, as this contains type II and the addition of vitamin C, which may help synthesize type I collagen. Collagen may help with pain-free movement, as well as supporting joints, bones, and skin.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Legion Fortify Joint Support
  • Folks who aren’t great at taking pills may want to opt for an oil formula or one that requires fewer than three pills per serving.
  • Those who want joint support as part of a multivitamin may want to check for a multi that provides joint support.
  • Anyone who isn’t tied to an all-natural formula may find less expensive options on the market.
Legion Fortify features six beneficial ingredients that may help mitigate or combat joint pain in the user. The all-natural formula is a bonus for those who prefer to avoid artificial and synthetic ingredients in their supplements.

Best Joint Supplement With Turmeric
Turmeric is a well-known spice and is used in many Indian dishes as a flavor and color ingredient. Beyond making food delicious, turmeric has been used as an ayurvedic medicine for inflammation, which may be helpful for those who suffer from joint pain associated with arthritis. (5)

Swolverine Turmeric
Turmeric is one of those ingredients that seems to have a seemingly endless number of uses. As one of the main spices found in curry, it has a rich and warming flavor, but as a supplement, it has been used for thousands of years for its potential healing properties. It may be helpful in treating conditions like respiratory diseases, arthritis, pain management, depression, and allergies, to name a few. (12) Swolverine Turmeric is the perfect addition to any athlete’s supplement stack if they’re looking to potentially reduce inflammation from heavy lifts or intense training.

This formula contains two active ingredients — turmeric and black pepper extract — to help fight inflammation and assist with recovery. It contains 750mg of turmeric extract, and is paired with 5mg of black pepper extract, which can help with maximum absorption in the body. This supp only requires you to take one capsule per day, and costs about $0.55 per serving, making it an extremely affordable supplement to add into your regimen.

Swolverine Turmeric


Swolverine Turmeric has 750mg of turmeric and 5mg of black pepper extract. It requires you to take one pill per day and may potentially reduce inflammation and the pain it causes in the body.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Turmeric
  • Those who want an anti-inflammatory supplement will like that this product has one ingredient that may help reduce inflammation and one that may make the supplement more absorbable by the body.
  • Customers who want to incorporate turmeric into their diet without the mess of using a powder will enjoy this one-capsule serving size that creates no mess.
  • Anyone on a budget who wants a supplement that may help with joint pain will love this reasonable price of about $0.55 per serving.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Swolverine Turmeric
  • Those who want a more robust supplement may want to look for a joint health supplement stack, which typically provides multiple supplements aimed at combating joint pain.
  • Anyone who is fully pill-averse may want to stick to using the powdered version of turmeric.
Swolverine’s turmeric supplement has two active ingredients that may help fight inflammation and joint pain. It only requires you to take one pill per day, and it sports one of the most reasonable price points on this list.

Best Liquid Joint Supplement
If swallowing pills isn’t in the cards for you, or you just want to make it easier by stacking your supplements, you may want to opt for a joint health supplement that you can put into water or add to your daily greens powder drink. Whatever your reasoning is, Onnit JOINT Oil is a solid choice to consider.

Onnit JOINT Oil
Onnit JOINT Oil is formulated with joint health superstars fish oil, turmeric extract, borage seed oil, and avocado oil. The inclusion of 1,600mg of fish oil may be effective and beneficial for fighting cartilage degradation and maintaining healthy cartilage in the body. (13) This also contains 1,100mg of borage seed oil, which contains high amounts of gamma linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is thought to reduce inflammation and help with arthritic symptoms. (14) The addition of 100mg of turmeric extract adds to the anti-inflammatory lineup in this formula. (5) This is a great option for those who don’t like taking pills, but want to reap the benefits of a joint supplement.

This supplement is sugar-, gluten-, and dairy-free, but it does have one gram of sugar alcohol per serving. It also contains soy and fish, so if you are allergic or have a sensitivity to either, it may be best to avoid this supplement. Onnit JOINT Oil comes in a Tangerine Dream flavor, requires two teaspoons per serving, and each serving costs around $0.95.

Onnit Joint Oil


Onnit Joint Oil has 1,600mg of fish oil, borage seed oil, avocado oil, and turmeric root extract which may work synergistically to help improve joint mobility and health. It comes in a Tangerine flavored oil and might be a preferable way to consume omega-3s versus traditional capsules.

Who Should Buy Onnit JOINT Oil
  • Those who want a joint supplement that doesn’t require them to swallow any pills. This supp is liquid.
  • Anyone who enjoys stacking their supplements will appreciate that this can be mixed into your pre-workout or your BCAA supplement drink.
  • Folks who want a diverse anti-inflammatory ingredient list will like the borage oil and turmeric present here.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Onnit JOINT Oil
  • Those who don’t enjoy a tangerine flavor may want to look elsewhere.
  • Anyone who has a fish or soy allergy should steer clear of this supplement.
  • Folks who prefer pills will find many other suitable options on this list.
If you’re looking for a joint supplement that doesn’t require you to take any pills, Onnit JOINT Oil may be a stellar choice for you. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, as well as those specifically geared toward joint health. Plus, it comes in a delicious Tangerine Dream flavor.

Best Topical Joint Supplement
Some people prefer a joint supplement that they can use topically. If you’re someone who wants to use a cream on the affected area rather than swallowing pills everyday, this pick has hemp, mint, arnica, and eucalyptus, which can all help relieve pain and discomfort in joints and muscles.

FOCL Relief Cream
FOCL Relief Cream is a cream that has two options for either 1,000mg or 2,000mg of CBD per 3.38oz bottle. One study on joint pain in animals found that CBD was effective for both inhibiting pain signaling and for combating inflammation, which may reduce the pain and symptoms associated with joint pain. (15) This formula also contains arnica montana, which one study found to have similar effects to ibuprofen for reducing osteoarthritis pain. (16)

It also contains botanicals that may be helpful for reducing pain, such as menthol, which has a cooling effect on the skin and may help alleviate some discomfort. Another botanic is camphor oil, which is suggested to be helpful for inflammation, pain, and treatment for arthritis. (17) This CBD relief cream has a diverse range of ingredients that all have some potential benefits for pain relief, reducing inflammation, and specifically addressing joint pain or arthritis. A single bottle will cost you around $40.00 for the 1,000mg of CBD or around $60.00 for the 2,000mg of CBD — but if you opt to purchase a three-pack, you’ll save 20 percent on both the 1,000 and 2,000mg bottles.

FOCL Relief Cream


FOCL Relief Cream comes in either 1,000mg or 2,000mg CBD options and may provide releif for sore muscles, joints, and body aches. This formula also contains botanicals meant to leave a cooling effect for further pain relief such as menthol and eucalyptus.

Who Should Buy FOCL Relief Cream
  • Anyone looking for a topical way to treat joint pain or arthritis will enjoy this cooling CBD cream that you apply directly on to your skin.
  • Folks who want the option between 1,000mg and 2,000mg of CBD per bottle.
  • Those who enjoy benefitting from botanic ingredients will like seeing the menthol, eucalyptus, camphor oil, and wintergreen inclusions here.
Who Shouldn’t Buy FOCL Relief Cream
  • Those who don’t want to pay a lot for their joint supplement. This is a great option for those who don’t want to ingest a joint supplement, but it’s a bit pricier than some of our other picks.
  • Anyone who has an adverse feeling toward CBD. This topical contains either 1,000 or 2,000mg of CBD per bottle.
  • Folks who prefer a joint supplement they can ingest will want to opt for a pill or oil supplement.
FOCL Relief Cream is an excellent alternative joint supplement to traditional oral supplements. It provides potential pain relief from arthritis, joint pain and muscle pain, and delivers CBD and cooling botanics of menthol, plus potential pain relief from camphor oil to round it out.

Best Joint Supplement with Omega-3s
This pick comes from krill oil and has a solid serving of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Both have important health benefits and may be beneficial as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Swolverine Krill Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids can be important for the development of the brain and eyes, and supplementing with them may benefit brain function, mitigate mental health disorders (like depression and anxiety), and reduce inflammation of the body. (18) Each serving of this supplement contains 500mg of krill oil, which typically provides 100mg of phospholipids. Phospholipids are a type of fat that is abundantly found in krill oil. They’re also antioxidants, which may help remove harmful agents from the body (19)

This supplement also provides 100mg of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been suggested to contain anti-inflammatory properties, making them potentially beneficial for those who suffer from joint pain. (20) If you’re weary of a fishy aftertaste, Swolverine already thought about that, and included ethyl vanillin to combat fish burps. Another benefit to this krill oil is that it only requires you to take one capsule per day to reap the benefits. It also sports a pretty sweet price tag of around $0.50 per serving.

Swolverine Krill Oil


Swolverine's Krill Oil delivers 500mg of krill oil, omega-3s in the form of EPA and DHA, and astaxanthin. This supp only requires one pill per serving and has the addition of Vanilla flavor to potentially combat a fishy aftertaste.

Who Should Buy Swolverine Krill Oil
  • Those who want to benefit from anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil.
  • Folks who want an omega-3 that may be more absorbable in the body will like that krill oil has a high count of phospholipids, which may offer higher absorbability than triglycerides (which you find in fish oils).
  • Those who fear a fishy aftertaste or having fish burps will appreciate that Swolverine added ethyl vanillin to their formula to combat that problem.
Who Shouldn’t But Swolverine Krill Oil
  • Vegetarians and vegans will want to steer clear of this pick as it contains krill, which are shellfish.
  • Anyone who wants a more robust formula may want to look outside of this supplement, which only contains one active ingredient — 500mg of krill oil.
  • Those who prefer a higher dose of omega-3s. However, that will likely be reflected in the price.
Swolverine Krill Oil is just 500mg of krill oil, which provides 100mg of EPAs and DHAs, as well as 100mg of phospholipids. The addition of ethyl vanillin makes this single-capsule krill oil more enjoyable to take with no fear of fishy burps or a bad aftertaste.

Best Joint Supplement with Chondroitin
Chondroitin is present as one of the building blocks for human cartilage, and supplementing with it may benefit joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. This supplement has 1,200mg of chondroitin per serving, making it a very eligible choice for joint pain and osteoarthritis management.

Huge Supplements Joint Support
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder where loss of cartilage occurs or where the cartilage around the bone is remodeled. (21) It is a chronic condition that affects joints, which may be especially painful after long bouts of inactivity or from weight-bearing activities. Chondroitin has been shown to have moderate success in pain management and function, but its real use may be best suited towards helping those who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knees. (22)

Huge Supplements Joint Support has 1,200mg of chondroitin per serving, which is a solid dosage, and not found in many joint supplements on the market. Glucosamine is similar to chondroitin, and is also found in cartilage in the body and may be helpful for mitigating joint pain. The 1,500mg of glucosamine in this supplement may be beneficial for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. (23) This also contains 300mg of boswellia extract, and 5mg of black pepper extract (which may make all the ingredients more absorbable).

Some things to be aware of here include the six-pill serving size, and the price. Huge Supplements Joint Support costs over $1.00 per serving, and although the dosages are high, this is a bit higher than some of the others on this list. Lastly, it’s good to note that these pills contain Red #3 and Blue #1 for those who are actively avoiding artificial coloring in their supplements.

Huge Supplements Joint Support


Huge Supplements Joint Support has five effective and highly dosed active ingredients aimed to mitigate joint pain and keeping joints healthy. Each six-pill serving provides glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin, Boswellia, and black pepper extract.

Who Should Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support
  • Those who have degenerative cartilage who are still doing weight-bearing activities (like lifting weights) may benefit from the 1,200mg of chondroitin in this supplement.
  • People who want a supplement that may be more bioavailable will appreciate the 5mg of black pepper extract present here.
  • Folks who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis will like the 1,500mg of glucosamine present in this supplement.
Who Shouldn’t Buy Huge Supplements Joint Support
  • Those who are actively avoiding artificial coloring in their supplements will want to steer clear as this has Red #3 and Blue #1.
  • Folks who don’t want to take six pills a day can find joint supplements that only require one or two pills per serving.
  • Anyone who wants to stick to a stricter budget can find a cheaper option available on this list.
Chondroitin may be a very beneficial supplement to take for those who are suffering from osteoarthritis. The 1,200mg of chondroitin present in this formula make it a stand out supplement, and the addition of 1,500mg of glucosamine make it an all-around winner for anyone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Ingredients in a Joint Supplement
There are many potentially effective ingredients that you’ll find within joint supplements. Each ingredient may have different properties that make it more effective for some individuals over others. Below we list out a few of the more common ingredients in joint supps and dig deeper into their potential benefits.

Turmeric is a spice and ayurvedic medicine that has been used for centuries for its potential medicinal properties. It is most commonly used for its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may make turmeric a very helpful health aid for a host of ailments. (24) As joint pain generally goes hand in hand with inflammation, turmeric may be an effective remedy to help combat stiffness and pain in the joints.

Boswellia extract is another ayurvedic ingredient that has been used for centuries as...

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