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  • Plang, whats going on bro...i love the post on the pre-workout slin use...i wanna know how it worked out for you and would like you to look over my protocol to see if its ok if you dont mind...i have humalog by EL, Thanktropin red tops as of now, and will be looking into IGF-LR3... i have all the supps (will add xtra glutamine to my shakes)...onlt thing is, is that i had trouble understanding your shakes...if i do 8 ius before i lift, then that means at least 56g of carbs in 1st drink, but what about 2nd drink and 3rd drink? it the same? do i need more since ill be working out? or will the additional excess amounts of carbs just store as fat?...ive been takin slin on and off for a while but only did it postworkout...i know the risks which is why im concerned about the 2nd and 3rd drinks...i know that with humalog i need a shake right after, then protein and carb food 45-60 min mark and again at the 2 hr mark with 0 fat...any advice will be helpful...
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