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  1. Plang

    full proof masteron recipe

    Must have been a late night for me...ha ha
  2. Plang

    IGF application for Posterior Elbow Pain

    I have had a few soft tissue injuries in my day (making myself sound old)...cortisone will only mask the issue....and make a tear more likely...GH will help...but over a long period of time...i'd go with igf-1 micro dosed in 10mcg increments...maybe 30-40mcgs a day....igf-1 is definitely ur best...
  3. Plang

    IGF application for Posterior Elbow Pain

    I've had success with micro dosing soft tissue injuries directly into the injured tissue (and even sub q around the knee area)....i would not reccomend this practice to everyone though....I'm rather adventurous...but I do beleive u can directly inject into tendons...
  4. Plang

    full proof masteron recipe

    It's pretty low...I'm justb estimating on volume (dunno how much space 7g powder displaces exactly)....but if u made about 50mls and had 10g of powder it would be 50mg/ less than that probably
  5. Plang

    full proof masteron recipe

    EO kills me...I use 20% BB 2% BA and GSO...100mg/ml no problem and no i use masteron enanthate...which I'm sure is more soluble than prop...but a buddy used the same recipe for m prop no problem
  6. Plang

    Private messages

    I think presser was hardly being a dick...let alone roid rage...maybe u guys need to up ur dose an u won't be so touchy...a question was posed...he responded an explained
  7. Plang

    Knee Wraps

    I only wrap on hack squats when going over 4 plates a side (usual working sets 6-8) or when back squating over 405 as Jon said....i tore my acl when i was 16....I was cautioned by my doctor to never squat but obviously that didn't take....I think though as the dude cautioned it can cover up...
  8. Plang

    315 for reps....

    What exercise?
  9. Plang

    Who does two days for back? One thickness, one width?

    I train on an 8 day split...usually 2-4 days apart
  10. Plang

    front squats...

    I think it has a lot to do with body type i have a long back squats put a lot of stress on my lower back since the bar is further forward away from my hips than for most people...where as front squats I stay more upright
  11. Plang

    Who does two days for back? One thickness, one width?

    I do width and thickness days.....pull ups, pulldowns, straight arm pulldowns and pullovers for width and rows of all kinds and deadloft variations for thickness
  12. Plang

    front squats...

    When front squatting my quads actually get fairly close to failure whereas when I back squat my lower back is the limiting factor....i have a tall torso so front squat seems more natural myself too....usually use 315-365 for a friend who did 405 for a solid 6 and 495 for 3 at a body...
  13. Plang

    My opinon on Insulin

    A mistake a lot of guys make (an why they get fat) eating X number of carbs because they use X dose of insulin.....dose your insulin according to how many carbs u normally eat....the point is to assimilate your meals and/or pre/during/pwo nutrition better....who isn't going o get fatter...
  14. Plang

    insulin Q's Humalog versus Novolog humalin r

    When I started working out i weighed an emaciated 135 at age 18 (5'10.5")..... I think humulin is perfect pre workout....sub q 30-45 mins pre wo (it peaks first 45mins to an hour later) than again 2-2.5 hrs later....right in time for a solid pwo meal
  15. Plang

    insulin Q's Humalog versus Novolog humalin r

    There is no good's actually quite silly..... I actually prefer humulin to humalog anyway. "softer" peak....and it's active longer....which forbthe hardgainer it's better (at least for me)
  16. Plang

    Do you believe in ghost?

    I would think the same thing if it didn't happen to me.....
  17. Plang

    HGH, morning or night or other?

    I think gh is hard to fuck's gonna work no matter what
  18. Plang

    Do you believe in ghost?

    We also had several things disapear...most recently something as simple as a roll of groun turkey on Sunday....i searched minute i cooked half a pound on the foreman and put the oter half in the fridge...the next minute i decide to cook the other half it's gone....we searched...
  19. Plang

    Do you believe in ghost?

    A little gf's grandmother was basically a Mexican witch doctor.....I'm very skeptical....non practicing gf and I toward the end of our contest prep would fall asleep in different places....and ingot too lazy over time to wake her for bed.....the first...