Knee Wraps


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I've been having knee problem. So I try using knee wraps and my knee fill a hole lot better.. Do any of you guys use them and do you think that they work that will.
I feel they cover up knee injuries and give you a false sense of security while letting the stabilizing tendons and ligaments around the knee atrophy all the while letting you use a heavier weight. Theyre a recipe for disaster IMO. I use neoprene knee sleeves. I was up to 585 when I was 22 using knee wraps for 6, but never got a good pump in my quads. Without them I never got over 495 for 12. Now I try not to go over 405 and I get a great pump in my quads.
I feel they cover up knee injuries and give you a false sense of security while letting the stabilizing tendons and ligaments around the knee atrophy all the while letting you use a heavier weight. Theyre a recipe for disaster IMO. I use neoprene knee sleeves. I was up to 585 when I was 22 using knee wraps for 6, but never got a good pump in my quads. Without them I never got over 495 for 12. Now I try not to go over 405 and I get a great pump in my quads.
Thanks Dude .. It sounds like you would know ... Where do you get the neoprene knee sleeves at...
Thanks Dude .. It sounds like you would know ... Where do you get the neoprene knee sleeves at...

I got mine at Sports Authority. I got the ones with the hole for the knee cap. Keeps everything in place and the moist heat is great for them.
I only wrap on hack squats when going over 4 plates a side (usual working sets 6-8) or when back squating over 405 as Jon said....i tore my acl when i was 16....I was cautioned by my doctor to never squat but obviously that didn't take....I think though as the dude cautioned it can cover up mistakes leading to injury....if u can't do the weight without wraps u shouldn't be doing it in the first place
I've been having knee problem. So I try using knee wraps and my knee fill a hole lot better.. Do any of you guys use them and do you think that they work that will.
I use them on the seated leg press with the big sled foot plate once I start getting around 7 plates on each side.
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