insulin Q's Humalog versus Novolog humalin r

Cool, let us know how it goes, and please be careful.
it actually came today, but i wasnt here to sign, and its coming tommorrow instead, which again, i wont be there to sign.....So im not sure what the postal service will do with it at that point
What do I guys think of the effectiveness of humalog mix 75 25

I'm in Mexico and could pick up some of the 3ml vials which are very convenient can't seem to find the other kind
It's not different grades, just the length of time they are active in the body, and the length of time a particular insulin is active is a huge deal. It's nothing like esters in test. Humalog is active in the body for two hours. This is the time frame you have to make sure you get plenty of carbs so you don't go hypoglycemic. Humalin is active for four hours. That's a lot longer time to make sure you are okay. No sleeping during this time. There are other longer-acting insulins (8 hr) as well which diabetics take small amounts of so they don't have sugar buildup while they sleep--not at all useful for bodybuilding.

What are your reasons for saying that the longer acting insulins like Levemir are not at all useful for bodybuilding? I have been suggested Levemir by a few of my trainers that use it themselves and compete at a national level ... im just curious as to why it would be no good for BB'ing in your eyes.
When try slin again I'll use it twice a day on training days - once before my first meal and once pre-training.

Taking it pre-training and following up with post-workout igf/or hgh.

the 10 carb per 1iu is usually bullshit. Indeed it does vary from person to person, I was able to take handle 10 - 15 ius on 30 30-50 carbs, no problem.
When try slin again I'll use it twice a day on training days - once before my first meal and once pre-training.

Taking it pre-training and following up with post-workout igf/or hgh.

the 10 carb per 1iu is usually bullshit. Indeed it does vary from person to person, I was able to take handle 10 - 15 ius on 30 30-50 carbs, no problem.

2nd that

i went as high as 25ius on 70g carbs
but just wasnt seeing any added benefit at the high ius so cut back to 12
guess it comes down to the individulas insulin sensetivity and mine is very low which sucks
I have only been using Humilin R, and I love it. It hits me fast. And its easy to get, Walmart for $25.
I have only been using Humilin R, and I love it. It hits me fast. And its easy to get, Walmart for $25.

What's it cost you? paying 40+ bucks to buy from Canada gets old.

Though I don't like the idea of the shit being active in my system for such a long time :nope:
What's it cost you? paying 40+ bucks to buy from Canada gets old.

Though I don't like the idea of the shit being active in my system for such a long time :nope:

so what no script for Humilin R but need for Humalog? if so why is that
so what no script for Humilin R but need for Humalog? if so why is that

There is no good's actually quite silly.....

I actually prefer humulin to humalog anyway. "softer" peak....and it's active longer....which forbthe hardgainer it's better (at least for me)
There is no good's actually quite silly.....

I actually prefer humulin to humalog anyway. "softer" peak....and it's active longer....which forbthe hardgainer it's better (at least for me)


Your a hard gainer ? Your a god damn beast of a hard gainer is all I can say

I've been using log and I've taken the dose very high and I feel nothing Nada on the higher doses, so dropped it back to 10ius and I know it legit my last log I bought from Wal-Mart in Mexico

Maybe I should try humilin then

Your a hard gainer ? Your a god damn beast of a hard gainer is all I can say

I've been using log and I've taken the dose very high and I feel nothing Nada on the higher doses, so dropped it back to 10ius and I know it legit my last log I bought from Wal-Mart in Mexico

Maybe I should try humilin then

When I started working out i weighed an emaciated 135 at age 18 (5'10.5").....

I think humulin is perfect pre workout....sub q 30-45 mins pre wo (it peaks first 45mins to an hour later) than again 2-2.5 hrs later....right in time for a solid pwo meal
A friend of mine gave me a vial of Humalog 75/25 mix. I understand that the life is a little longer (thanks, superted). Thinking of starting it tomorrow with a cycle of Boladrol.
There is no good's actually quite silly.....

I actually prefer humulin to humalog anyway. "softer" peak....and it's active longer....which forbthe hardgainer it's better (at least for me)

What kind of humulin are you referring to?