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  1. dylangemelli package not delivered.

    my best results have always come from @domestic-supply products!
  2. dylangemelli

    warrior labs sarms owner scammed me

    If you stick with Umbrella Labs or RCS, you will get the best and most trusted quality and customer service
  3. dylangemelli

    Video The truth about statins with Dr. Brett Nowlan

    The truth about statins with Dr. Brett Nowlan
  4. dylangemelli

    best way to use Primo with equipoise

    its only your second cycle and you already want to stack 3 compounds.. thats too much and completely unnecessary... go with test and primo and if you want something else, look at a sarm like s4 or acp105
  5. dylangemelli

    cutting down on tbol and test E

    i would NOT go over 6 weeks with tbol.. you are making a large mistake if you go 9 weeks with it...
  6. dylangemelli

    Video Dylan Gemelli Podcast Featuring 1998 Fitness Olympia CHAMPION Monica Brant

    Dylan Gemelli Podcast Featuring 1998 Fitness Olympia CHAMPION Monica Brant
  7. dylangemelli

    8 week effects on rad and sr9009

    your two main areas of focus should be on improving your diet and cutting down to a healthy body fat.. you are nowhere near that right now... for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day...
  8. dylangemelli

    gw + ostarine for lean gains?

    for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later 1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day...
  9. dylangemelli

    breaking new strength PR’s on tren

    it makes no sense in any way, shape or form to use tren at your age
  10. dylangemelli

    how to run s4/andarine for massive gains

    for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 AC-262 (Accadrine) 20-30 per day once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and...
  11. dylangemelli poor results

    If you just look at user results, feedback and company longevity, you can easily see that @domestic-supply is by far the highest rated out there
  12. dylangemelli wow worse source evah !

    My best results have always come from @domestic-supply products!
  13. dylangemelli everything off with hormones

    Stick with Umbrella Labs and RCS for the best and most trusted quality out there
  14. dylangemelli fake products

    Just look at reviews and longevity of the business and you can see that @domestic-supply leads the pack
  15. dylangemelli health has been poor

    if you check reviews and user feedback the you can easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated out there
  16. dylangemelli

    stacking tren and and NPP for a 7 week run

    im not a fan of stacking them at all.. if you are fully intent, i would keep the doses low, no higher than 300 each
  17. dylangemelli

    why do so many use cialis on cycle?

    steroids are suppressive and shut you down... they can thrash your libido... especially is misused
  18. dylangemelli

    using nutrobal correctly on my next cycle

    then i guess all the studies that were conducted on HUMANS are all stupid too then right? the ones that clearly show the maximum benefits at 6 months and a year... those are all stupid right?
  19. dylangemelli

    using nutrobal correctly on my next cycle

    theres no reason for you to use mi677 at 23 years old... what exactly is your goal?
  20. dylangemelli

    Newb Question

    yo8u absolutely should draw with a different needle.. draw with an 18 and pin with a 25.. as i said, there is ZERO reason to use a 23 to inject