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  1. dylangemelli big problems with their sarms

    The best quality as well as most trusted is with Umbrella Labs and RCS
  2. dylangemelli

    Reliable sources, steroid oils, peptides, SARMS. Have detected

    i REALLY wish these stupid posts would stop where you just pick random tracking numbers that prove FUCKING NOTHING.. and a COA that ANYONE can pull from another site and use... its insanely ignorant and just makes you look so dumb and fake... literally you are pulling coa's done in arizona yet...
  3. dylangemelli

    12 week sarms with SR9009 tacked on

    i would hold off a few more years before using s23... for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 AC-262 (Accadrine) 20-30 per day once a day in the a.m. 1-12 ACP-105 (VASCULINE) 20 mg day… split doses… 10 mg in the a.m. and 10 mg...
  4. dylangemelli

    sarms and fat loss effects

    this is the polar opposite of what you would want to run.. here is a fat loss stack for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 ACP-105 (VASCULINE) 20 mg day… split...
  5. dylangemelli

    sarms for new users and experienced

    until you get mature enough to do this right and grow up, you should not do this.. having a "race" for results is just ignorant and careless and just not how to go about this.. i just tell it like it is and that is about as immature as it gets and shows you just have no reason to use anything
  6. dylangemelli

    F rated

    For the best quality check out Umbrella Labs or RCS!
  7. dylangemelli

    using lgd4033 from bad review

    Check all the reviews and user feedback and you can see that @domestic-supply is by far the highest rated out there
  8. dylangemelli gw giving me weird sides lol

    For the best quality check out Umbrella Labs or RCS
  9. dylangemelli whats next with these fools

    Check out user feedback and you will easily see that @domestic-supply is by far the best rated out there
  10. dylangemelli

    sarms 3 stack solution to skinny build

    very ideal stack but you also need to eat a lot more.. i would look at ghrp-6 and ghrp-2 to help with increasing your appetite... for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 Rad-140 (TESTOLONE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the...
  11. dylangemelli

    Video Exposing the reality of teenage steroid use

    Exposing the reality of teenage steroid use
  12. dylangemelli

    3 steroid stack for the ages

    what is your body fat? based on your age and weight, i would assume way too high for steroid use
  13. dylangemelli

    proviron 50mgs a day is excellent

    100 is too much and unnecessary.. 25 is fine and people do well there but ive always been a proponent of 50 mg being the ultra sweet spot with it
  14. dylangemelli

    do you like test cyp and equipoise for a lean bulk?

    that cycle is fine, yes... i would bump to the eq to 400-500 mg.. as far as an oral, i would go with a sarm as opposed to an oral steroid... either s23 or rad140
  15. dylangemelli

    disappointed in

    The best reviewed and most trusted site out there is @domestic-supply !
  16. dylangemelli

    want less fatigue all day

    the reason you feel like shit is you are extremely overweight... have you had any bloodwork done? you can run everything under the sun but lets say you have low test, then it wont matter... as well as a shitty diet... what is your diet like?
  17. dylangemelli low test results

    Check reviews and feedback and you can easily see that @domestic-supply is the highest rated out there!
  18. dylangemelli getting nervous on their gear

    All you have to is read reviews and user feedback and you can easily see that @domestic-supply is by far the highest rated out there
  19. dylangemelli

    using 3 sarms on this next run

    you would want to run lgd every day.. this is how it would go with your trt for the best quality sarms check out or 1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 Rad-140 (TESTOLONE) 20 mg day dosed once a day...