proviron 50mgs a day is excellent


New member
35 years old and 210 pounds 6/’2
first time using proviron. I recommend using It in every cycle. After listening to the podcast I decided to try it out and add it to my cycle.
It was trenbolone enanthate 250mgs a week
test E 200mgs a week
proviron 50mgs a day
just that proviron addition went A LONG WAY. Great tips and advice from the podcast and on these forums.
Has anyone tried it at 25mgs or 100mgs? Curious about what would happen if I tried that
35 years old and 210 pounds 6/’2
first time using proviron. I recommend using It in every cycle. After listening to the podcast I decided to try it out and add it to my cycle.
It was trenbolone enanthate 250mgs a week
test E 200mgs a week
proviron 50mgs a day
just that proviron addition went A LONG WAY. Great tips and advice from the podcast and on these forums.
Has anyone tried it at 25mgs or 100mgs? Curious about what would happen if I tried that
not bad if you add 50mgs proviron
but 100mgs too much
add n2guard you'll love it too for organs makes you feel better
100 is too much and unnecessary.. 25 is fine and people do well there but ive always been a proponent of 50 mg being the ultra sweet spot with it