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  1. T

    drol dosages and cycle critiq.

    This is my 5th-6th wk of using anadrol,I stared at 50 mg ed than went to 100 on my 3-4thwk now for the last 4 days I,m up to 150 ed.I have had some headaches and a general feeling of I might be pushing this anandrol stuff too much--I'll see how I feel today--my drive to stay on this so high(150)...
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    I,m 50 yrs old and my last cycle(which was my 2nd),i was on for 1yr--test cyn from 600 to 1g wkly andfina 150 eod 2 1/2 months on and 2-3 months off--my gains were great---I believe because I had stayed on so long that my body was able to except my new growth as a 'permenant type thing",so my...
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    Thank god my natural test level is back!

    Yea I know--5 TIMES!!!! hey kid--some of us might have been born at night-but it wasn't last night--go back to your wet dream!
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    ever get anxiety from gear

    When I am in a anxious setting situation fina does magnify it for me also--and I have heard many others feel the same--don't worry too much,I. definitly lay off the xanax-that could become a great potential problem.
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    can't walk a block-but I'm getting HUGE!!

    I plan I uping the anandrol to 150 ed for the last 3 wks--has anyone else taken this at high dosages--what were your gains like--how about sides??
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    can't walk a block-but I'm getting HUGE!!

    since taking anandrol my semen has changed alot--its like glueish--or slightly chunky--anyone ever had that happen?
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    can't walk a block-but I'm getting HUGE!!

    Correction---I have been on anadrol for4 weeks and I plan on staying on 4 more.yes I know its a hit on the liver--just got back some blood test and so far so good--but anyway the shins absolutly kill me now, just going up a flight of stairs--I,m taking 1200 mgs of mag for the cramps--I thought...
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    can't walk a block-but I'm getting HUGE!!

    Currently stacking fina 150 eod,test cyn 1 g wkly,ananrdol100mg ed,and arimidex 1mged. This has been a great cycle for getting really big for me,especially my traps--they seem to have exploded.i srtarted at 6' 230 now at 245 and have been on this cycle for 7 weeks--and everything else has...
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    burning too much fat--causes odors?

    should see stop taking the xenidrine--or do you think it is ok?
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    burning too much fat--causes odors?

    my wife has had an odor( in the southern region) so she went to her md-they tooh a urine test and something showed them that shes burning too much fat. she told them she takes xenidrine ed and they said that is probaly the reason--so they said stop taking the xenidrine--does this sound ok?
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    While stacking with fina/test which is better?A or D

    My liver would appreciate not using an steroids at all. And my grandmother would appreciate me going to church.
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    While stacking with fina/test which is better?A or D

    just found out about this board --looks real good--anyway,I,m 6' 240 --18 1/2"arms etc.,bla bla bla--I,m into my 2 nd month of test 1g and fina 150 eod and I just finished 30 days of stacking this with anandrol 100mgs ed--the anandrol exploded me--it was great--my traps saw the biggest...
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    While stacking with fina/test which is better?A or D

    while stacking with fina 150 eod and test cyn 1 g wkly which do you perfer to add on and why--anadrol or dbol??