ever get anxiety from gear


New member
Hey Bro's
Anyone ever get anxiety from gear... sometimes after really lifting heavy or really getting winded I get like a panic attack... feels like I cant catch my breath.. it dosent happen when off cycle and I understand it but it is uncomfortable sometimes...
I just ride it out and have monitored my Blood Plessure throughout and is perfect... is there anything I can take to help.. I have xanax and it helps but only take it if it really gets bad.. And also I had slight anxiety before I started cycling and gear just seems to magnify it a little.. not so much of a problem that I will stop juicing... just looking for a solution Thanks
What kind of gear are you on? Fina gives me a little shortness of breath.
When I am in a anxious setting situation fina does magnify it for me also--and I have heard many others feel the same--don't worry too much,I. definitly lay off the xanax-that could become a great potential problem.
thanks for the replies... I make a 30 day supply of xanax last 6 months so I use them sparingly.. But it is a comfort to know if it gets bad I can have a few in my pocket .I had them from mild anxiety before AS use. I am running test cyp 800mg EW and deca 450mg EW... EQ I wont touch again it was the worst and a little short of breath while on fina also.. and yes anxiety is greatest when waiting for gear :) it is managably but if there were some solutions I would persue them.. no reason to stop AS use :)
getting swole right about now 5 weeks in.. and loving it
I don't have the problems so much on gear. I do however suffer from anxiety attacks myself. I also take .25 xanax and a single scrip. last me about six months too. I haven't taken one in over four months now. The key is realizing what is happening to you. Your body is releasing adrenaline at the wrong time. Just remember that this isn't going to kill you and the best thing to do is lay down in a quiet place. Hope that helps a little.
Hey bro, i get a little antsy when on as well, you have to remember that we're messing with our hormones here so the effects can be very different for different people. BTW be carefull with xanax it can be very addictive and i know this from experience as a close friend of mine had some serious problems with it. Good luck
I don't get anxiety but that you do isn't surprising. What I mean is that test, tren, clomid and others alter mood significantly -- clearly we're playing with substances that affect the mind as well as the body -- so I am not surprised.