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    It is technically dbol I believe. The Romanians use this name.
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    Just started these up yesterday. 20mg/day. May stay at that dose or go slightly higher in a week or two. Planning on running this for 6 or weeks. Around Week 2 or 3...I am introducing NPP into the mix. Looking for some feedback on this stack and if anyone had experience with NAPS before. I do...
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    IGF-1 Lr3 Dose and Downregulation Question

    I'm on my 8th week I believe now - started around 60mcg and now bounce between 80 - 100. Last night I went to 120 or so to see if I felt any difference. Working back and bi's. I did feel very strong. Didn't notice any difference in the pump and I did load up the carbs. Some days I feel more...
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    mc Aqua dex

    Thank you Presser. So Aqua is technically "Arimidex"? I actually have both Aqua and Nolva from you. So would you run Aqua maybe at the end of a cycle? I was asking since wrapping up the SARMS, I started to feel a lil sensitivity on my nips, but nothing crazy and in comes and goes. Only the past...
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    mc Aqua dex

    what is the sole purpose of Aqua and how much do you take / how long?
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    New MuscleChemistry Site Representatives, Writers, and Social Media Manager Wanted man....maybe you forgot I own and operate a full service advertising agency with an in house social media department.... :) Talk to me daddio!
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    MaxSeg's PSL Log

    GREAT STUFF Max! Those are beast routines! Jozifp - get my PMs and email?? Thanks
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    As promised! - - - Updated - - - Final week of SARMS! Will give the final update soon!
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    IGF-1 Lr3 Enhances Steroid Cycles Initiates New Muscle Fibers& Testosterone Receptors

    This is a great read. As I am approaching 8 weeks now on IGF, I am definitely seeing the benefits. I will be starting a cycle very soon and most likely will want to lay off for 2-4 weeks for a short break and then kick it back up again. The article is great, but I see alot of old Dylan Germelli...
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    Deca Durabolin: Miracle or Monster?

    Thanks fellas...I was gonna grab that from PSL this week to line up with some dbol. I was leaning toward NPP and now you guys confirmed it. You think I need to run some Aromasin during that? Or what PCT you recommend? I did grab a few MC products to keep on hand. Thanks
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Definitely worth a run Boomer. I'm seeing more mass and combined with IGF, I think its a great kickstart for a cycle or as some guys may use in between as a bridge.
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    Deca Durabolin: Miracle or Monster?

    What are your thoughts on comparing Deca to NPP?? I am looking to pickup one of them very soon to stack with dbol.
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    Looking for a new pre workout to try

    Dyno was good and I did the 2 scoops myself. I even 2 scoop the C4! LOL And yes, I love their BCAA's. Been on their brand for that for over 6 months now.
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    Looking for a new pre workout to try

    I've been on RSP's DYNO for 2-3 months and then switched to C4 RIPPED which I love. I now bounce between both the C4 Ripped and C4 50x. But I wanna try something new myself.
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    Ostarine/ MK-2866 Unleashing its anabolic power

    I can also attest to the effectiveness of OSTARINE! I have been stacking with S4 and have seen strength increases across the board and more muscle mass.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Felt great tonight doing legs! My weight on squats went up and calf raises. Felt strong!
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    for the SARMS or IGF? I am using the SARMS until I finish this second bottle. I had 4 bottles total, 2 of each. I am hoping that I have 10-14 days left in the bottle to make it 8 weeks. I will keep going with the IGF.
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    S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

    Hey my man! Still moving along well. Started to bump the IGF to 100mcgs the last two days. My shoulders and biceps were feeling PUMPED! I had a few days off for Christmas, but came back hard on the 26th! So been consistent with the SARMS....may have only 2 weeks left it seems. Started my 6th...