S4 / MK 2866 SARMS Combo Log

Friday was my 4th training day of the week, but my 5TH day on SARMS. It was BACK and Bi's. I will sum this one up quickly. Definitely saw more strength on back. I added on some more weight on my deadlifts. Started with 4 sets. Continued with wide grip seated rows, reverse grip pulldowns on the hammer strength, close grip rows on the supported chest t-bar, standing lat pulldowns. Overall felt strong and noticed a slight increase.

Hit biceps by starting with a seated barbell curl. I read about this a while ago as a mass builder. Grab a barbell and sit at the edge of a bench, rest your forearms along your thighs with your wrists at your kneecaps. Then curl up and squeeze the bicep, lower to knees and repeat. I bang out 5 sets of these. 15-12-10-10-6. This method isolates the biceps and does not work the forearms compared to standing. It also prevents any swinging. My weight went up with this on the last set. I moved to hammer curls, then rope pulley curls to seated pulley curls. I usually work in preachers as well, but had to cut the workout a bit short. My arms were more vascular. Could be a combo of the IGF and S4 perhaps. Doing the hammer curls in the mirror are great. Seeing how far I came along in ONLY 6 MONTHS! Sometimes you get some glances and I am sure people may think I could be on some gear.

So I took the weekend off - I normally workout on Sundays, but couldn't this time. So I will be back in for 5 days straight most likely this week. WEEK 2 of SARMS and WEEK 4 of IGF. Hoping to see more from the SARMS now. As far as the IGF, I think its definitely enhancing the routine overall. I know I may be the minority here since I am taking it alone, well now with SARMS. But I believe it is keeping my harder, more fuller and I thinking is starting to affect my overall body fat. Plus I am eating more!
Day 1 of Week 2 last night. Shoulders on the menu. Started with my usual overhead press on the hammer strength. Banged out 5 sets. felt good. Second time now finishing at a higher weight than before. I normally jump up by 20lbs on each set. On the last set, I bumped up to 30lbs. I then worked in DB Overhead presses which I normally don't do. But had good energy and did 3 sets. I moved to rear delts and did 4 sets. Same weight for the most part, but I am now going a bit higher on the last 2 sets for 10 reps. At this point I started to feel a lil tired, then again, its like 10:30pm! I moved to front lateral raises using the straight bar on the pulley. I like this movement since it feels more controlled than the free weights. Now this is where I got a surge of energy back. I did more weight and reps here for 3 sets. Moved to side laterals and felt strong for 3 sets. Finished with DB Shrugs for 5 sets - last set doing a drop set 4 times. Then for the final extra burn, I hit the ropes and my forearms and shoulders were on fire. Not sure of the proper name, but they are weighted ropes and you extend them out and make waves.

So, my take. A lil increase in strength overall is being seen. Definitely have more endurance overall. I am doing MORE for sure...whether its reps, extra sets or even another exercise. Is anything night and day right now, NO. But that would be wishful thinking since this is not a TEST/DBOL cycle. LOL HOWEVER, what I am seeing is my body changing. Now I think the IGF is a main factor with that since its been about 4 weeks now....but I see my shoulders getting more fuller and rounder. Something I never had. I always had size there and my traps....but I am seeing the outer delts fill out now. I am seeing my arms take more shape and my waist getting smaller. I am boarderline a 34 inch waist now in jeans. I used have a few pairs at 44!!!!!! Fuck man! LOL But some 36 in pants just a month ago are now loose. So something is working. My diet has been clean and training 5 days a week too!
Sounds like from the waist measurements the recomp is working. Are you measuring any bodyparts? What about body weight?

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I wish I did body measurements honestly. I know I gained size overall in my arms and such. A huge amount of progress has been made this year. Just to give you guys the full recap - Jan 2015 I was 321lbs. I had size all over. Size 52 jacket. Haven't been in a gym in 13 years. But its been probably 18 years since I was serious. Fast forward to now. I started training 5 days a week back in JUNE. When I started, I was 297lbs. Today I am 228lbs at 5' 11.
Hey fellas - just checking in as we almost wind down Week 2 of SARMS. In the past two workouts (legs and then chest/tris) I have saw another increase in weight. Almost every exercise with Legs....at least the ones that matter. It would be either weight or pushing more reps. I saw an increase in squats, leg press and calves. With the others, I did more reps. I felt good. And that seemed to carry over with chest/tris.

Since I am following the 5 day on and 2 off off protocol, it just so happens that I am on SARMS Mon-Fri and off the weekend. However, I do train on the weekends for the most part. I just skip the sarms. IGF everyday. I am feeling leaner though overall - muscles looking fuller. I may have the balls to take a pic to at least show the progress. LOL But I think this combo is working. I am seeing some changes. Its only 2 weeks though of SARMS - so let's see how this continues.

On a side note - there have been no odd side effects that I am experiencing to date and no vision issues from the S4.
good to hear no side effects from the S4 like the vision issues some report on higher dosages. and yeah bro sounds like ur serious and kicking ass! so my hat goes off to you daddio!
I think the whole thing with S4 issues is dose related. I mean I am no expert and newbie with SARMS, but I have done a hell of alot of reading and video watching. Premier is recommending 35mgs and that is where I am staying. I believe their product is more potent and higher quality. One of the reasons you can go sub-lingual. However, many other companies and videos have you STARTING at 50mgs and as you move along, you can increase to 60, 75 and some reports of 100mgs! That is of course if you do not experience the vision issues. So I will just stick with the 35mg and hope to see some results and play it safe with the 5 ON / 2 OFF.

Now a quick progress update - Week 3 almost half way done. Feeling like a beast in the gym. Its been a while since I had that feelin when starting a set and saying to myself "fuck this weight" and start banging out the reps. LOL I am pushing more for sure. I see myself in the mirror and see more thickness in my arms, chest and shoulders. Again, probably not like you guys since this is all I am running, but I am feeling confident. My arms are more vascular and its really noticeable when picking up dumbbells...I'm like fuck yea! LOL I trained Chest and Triceps last night and it was great. The pump was fantastic. My arms were on fire too. Completed 19 sets for chest (5 exercises) and like 17 sets for Tri's I believe.
I think the whole thing with S4 issues is dose related. I mean I am no expert and newbie with SARMS, but I have done a hell of alot of reading and video watching. Premier is recommending 35mgs and that is where I am staying. I believe their product is more potent and higher quality. One of the reasons you can go sub-lingual. However, many other companies and videos have you STARTING at 50mgs and as you move along, you can increase to 60, 75 and some reports of 100mgs! That is of course if you do not experience the vision issues. So I will just stick with the 35mg and hope to see some results and play it safe with the 5 ON / 2 OFF.

Now a quick progress update - Week 3 almost half way done. Feeling like a beast in the gym. Its been a while since I had that feelin when starting a set and saying to myself "fuck this weight" and start banging out the reps. LOL I am pushing more for sure. I see myself in the mirror and see more thickness in my arms, chest and shoulders. Again, probably not like you guys since this is all I am running, but I am feeling confident. My arms are more vascular and its really noticeable when picking up dumbbells...I'm like fuck yea! LOL I trained Chest and Triceps last night and it was great. The pump was fantastic. My arms were on fire too. Completed 19 sets for chest (5 exercises) and like 17 sets for Tri's I believe.

Now thats whats up!!! Good for you brutha, i know that feeling and its a killer feeling when you get that mentality back again!

As for the dosages, i would stick to the 35mg recommended by premier-pharmaceutical and in all honesty a lot of companies will not be honest with you like that and they will tell you to take as much as possible (higher dosages) so you use more and need to buy more! Creatine comes to mind when i think how companies would tell everyone they needed to load load load at first, and come to find out you didn't, and they just wanted you to blow through the stuff so you ran out and needed more!

So i find it commendable they told you to stick with 35mg,
Furthermore Presser, he confirmed twice with me to do 5 on and 2 off for BOTH sarms. He said it would be effective and to give the receptors that short break. So if they were just pushing product, he wouldn't be telling me this. Seems like a solid company right there!
very solid company! This is why i write about them so much here and their SARMs. We think when members try sarms, from this particular company premier-pharmaceutical they will see noticable difference from other sub-par companys

I do not think www.musclechemistry.com would carry them if they were not good
Furthermore Presser, he confirmed twice with me to do 5 on and 2 off for BOTH sarms. He said it would be effective and to give the receptors that short break. So if they were just pushing product, he wouldn't be telling me this. Seems like a solid company right there!

They are bro, and one of the few rare guys where you've never heard a single person say a bad thing about him! So i trust his companies
hey guys! Wanted to check in and give an update. Everything seems to be moving along well. I will skip all the training details since it roughly remained the same as stated above. But here is the overview. In my 6th week of IGF now and my 4th week of SARMS. My weight for the most part is generally the same. It goes up and down at times, but generally comes by around the same number which is like 227-228. BUT, what I have been seeing that that my upper body is filling out more and I am getting stronger. Just last week, I have seen my bench press go up by 50lbs. That was my last set. And again, I am on NOTHING else. More importantly, my waist seems to be getting smaller as well. Its hard when you see yourself daily and I don't notice a whole lot there, but my jeans tell a different story. I can get into size 34 now mostly just fine. Alot of the 36 pants that were fine last month are loose or a tad big now. So that gotta be progress. So far so good!
Well bro it sounds like your doing a great job with body composition changes! The scale is not important, as you know! The mirror is what tells the real story and i guess your old jeans your now fitting into tell a pretty good story in and of itself lmao
Hey my man! Still moving along well. Started to bump the IGF to 100mcgs the last two days. My shoulders and biceps were feeling PUMPED! I had a few days off for Christmas, but came back hard on the 26th!

So been consistent with the SARMS....may have only 2 weeks left it seems. Started my 6th week today. Strength has been good...I posted the times I have seen increases. So that weight has basically been maintaining now. I wasn't expecting increases each week! But the endurance has been key. Sometimes I feel like I can keep banging out sets. I believe alot of progress has been made so far with this stack. I feel harder and that I added some size. For being on nothing else, I am very happy to see myself flex mid-workout and feeling pumped. Grabbing dumbbells and my arms are feeling and looking more jacked and vascular. Definitely not like you guys with the gear...but the progress on just sarms/IGF, eating right and training hard is doing great things!
100 on the igf, love it. Great log very motivational

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100 on the igf, love it. Great log very motivational. Have you decided to 6 or 8 weeks