Search results

  1. P

    Cheats while cutting

    Every Saturday is cheat day for me and my girl. Nothing outlandish, but it keeps us sane. If you are craving something, it always only a few days until you can have it. Plus, the change in calories/ratios is good ... as long as you aren't about to take the stage anytime soon ... Usually we...
  2. P

    How strict are you?

    I was off from work today, so it's not as structured as usual ... I'll post again tomorrow with a better one ... 6 am - Wake up, 32 oz. water, 2 caps Lipokinetix 6-30 am - 30 mins on elliptical trainer, MP3 player batteries died so I was forced to listen to the top 40 shit at the gym. Fu*kin'...
  3. P

    Effective appetite supressant

    I only do the 30's, not the 37.5's ... It does its job really well, and makes me an animal on the court.  <!--emo&**--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='**'><!--endemo--> Never felt the kind of speedy that...
  4. P

    I have some updated pics up in members area

    going to check it out now bro ...
  5. P

    Price Check--GH

    Looks like someone is giving you "gym prices". Poke around and you can get it for what the other bros are saying.
  6. P

    Effective appetite supressant

    Phenteramine works really well.  ;)  gets me amped for basketball too ...
  7. P

    Yohimbe HCL

    TOPICAL YOHIMBINE HCL USE: Topical yohimbine is best used in areas that are typical hard-to-lose areas, such as thighs, triceps, love handles, glutes, and the chest. You can use topical yohimbine in any area that has soft “female fat”. This means the area is likely to have high concentrations...
  8. P

    DNP Help for athelete

    I agree with what the others have said. DNP works like a charm for fat loss, but your workouts/training will be for shit. If you are still hell-bent on using it, be sure to keep wter intake high, and follow all of the usual DNP guidelines (isocaloric diet, low-GI fruit intake, etc.)
  9. P

    Need your prayers...

    Got here late zoop, sorry. I will say a prayer for her tonight, hoping for a speedy recovery.
  10. P

    Mod birthdays

    Happy Birthday to you all. Hope you had fun ...  <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
  11. P

    GYM accident

    damn, yak! Hope you heal up fast ... good luck bro ...
  12. P

    Your savior has arrived.

    Welcome to MC
  13. P


    Stick, it's OK bro. A 10-egg omlette is a major undertaking. Don't feel bad ... But, I thought that Italians were supposed to be good cooks ...  ;)
  14. P


    Since you are already running Tren, using deca at the same time might not be a great idea (progesterone). Tren/winny/test is a great stack as it is.
  15. P

    frontloading sust

    When I frontload sus, I do it very similar to what BStrong said. I go 1ml per day (I use 300mg strength) for 21 days, then I drop to 1200 mg per week. I'll usually run d-bol for the 21 days, and then when I switch to 1200mg schedule, I'll add in some anabolics (winny/tren, etc.). It's actually...
  16. P


    I go with Tornel for the same reasons everyone has already stated.
  17. P

    tren and dieting attitude

    LOL ... Tren strikes again. I just have to tell myself to walk away when I feel shit getting to me. It's not worth it. Tren + Dieting is a nasty combo. Road rage, etc. LOL.
  18. P


    Hey Capt ... so you are saying that you were sporting wood in the men's locker room, eh?  LOL. Just messing with ya bro. Thanks for the "heads up".
  19. P

    Water vs. Coke

    great post tiny ...
  20. P

    Would anyone care to purchase the banner

    hmmmm ... I might be interested. Still getting things together ... The price is right though ...