Yohimbe HCL


MC Vet
I've used yohimbe bark extract orally before.  I was wondering if any of you have used Yohimbe HCL and if using it DMSO for site specific fat loss works well and also if anyone has ever heard of converting it to injectable and using it that way???,,,any info is greatly appreciated,,,bigjosh
how careful do you have to be with dmso?  I've heard that anything on you gets into you through the skin,,,do you have to take precautions?
not much for posting on this board but i read somewhere on elite that said the halflife of injecting yohimbe is 11 minutes...so youd have to do it often...however the same thread mentioned Dan Duchaine saying that injection was the most effective method....wouldnt do it personally and for sure not with dmso but hey...be a guinea pig if ya want
Hope this helps
I have heard of people both injecting and using yohimbe with dmso, so I wouldn't be a guinea pig(at least not the first guinea pig,,,lol).   However, I would like to talk to some of those who have done it.  I mean, isn't cutting gel basically a weak form of yohimbe and dmso or something?

Topical yohimbine is best used in areas that are typical hard-to-lose areas, such as thighs, triceps, love handles, glutes, and the chest. You can use topical yohimbine in any area that has soft “female fat”. This means the area is likely to have high concentrations of A2 receptors.

Twice daily topical administration will give you the greatest benefits, even though smaller more frequent dosing with varied sites may produce better results in some individuals. Dosing will vary depending on tolerance, 20mg (typically) per dosing is a good place to start, though some can tolerate/enjoy much higher doses. You will know when you take too much as it will not feel good. Typical side effects could be headache, tiredness, or other similar minute effects.


1. Apply after a hot shower

2. Use a body scrub to get rid of dead skin. This should be done 2-3 times a week

3. It may be of some benefit to swab the area with diluted alcohol prior to administration. However, this is probably only really beneficial if not applying after a shower.

4. Use one or more carriers, depending on the site of application and your gender. If you are female, you will require fewer, less potent carriers to get the yohimbine into your system.


 Organic carriers - aloe vera. While aloe vera gel is effective, the use of pure liquid aloe vera is better and thus recommended. This carrier also hydrates the skin.

 Menthol - either diluted or in a cream base like Aspercreme (1%menthol), Bengay (16%menthol), or  salicylic acid (aspirin is also a penetration enhancer). This category includes peppermint (50% l-menthol), wintergreen (50-70%) and spearmint oils (50-70%)—all of which are excellent carriers and penetration enhancers. If using oils, be sure to dilute about 8 parts water or aloe vera to 1 part oil.

 Capsicum - contained in several cream products (the more capsicum the better). This will increase absorption, and  may have some localized effect on fat burning. This may be too harsh for some and perhaps is best when diluted and added to other carriers.

 Pluronic gel (aka phlogel) - Should only be used in areas with poor blood flow, as it will dramatically increase uptake. This is difficult to obtain and probably not worth the effort as similar results can be obtained cheaper and more easily.


 Alcohol - that's right plain alcohol, which is what most of the topical prohormones use (it is gelled alcohol), though this is better as a carrier for prohormones. It is not recommended for use with Yohimbine HCl except to clean the site prior to administration.

 Isopropyl myristate - a widely available, cheap, cosmetic ingredient. Add this to alcohol and you have the same formula used in ANDRO-GEL, by Unimed Pharmaceutical.  This option is also not recommended.

The best thing to do is to try these different carriers to find the ones that are right for you. The easiest to get are the menthol-based carriers (Aspercreme, Bengay, peppermint oil-diluted). Mix with a little aloe and perhaps swab the area with alcohol just prior to administering. For most people this is sufficient to get good results.

If you have large pockets of fat with little blood flow (these areas are always cold), then using stronger carriers are advisable. Women, because they have thinner skin, will probably need to use less potent carriers.



Results will depend on the number of A2 receptors. A2 number is greatly affected by estrogen levels. If you have estrogenic fatty pattern (thighs, chest, and triceps) then it will be very effective.


Almost certainly! This water retention may take up to 2 weeks to dissipate if you have been using yohimbine topically for long periods and high doses.


Yohimbine may be taken in a variety of ways, although the most common and comfortable pattern, with less water retention, is 3-4 days on and 1-2 days off. However, it can be taken every day. When using higher doses watch out for systemic build up.


1. Women

2. Men with female fat storage patterns

3. Men who have bulked heavily while "on", which because of the increase in estrogen will increase the number and sensitivity of A2 receptors.

4. Men who are very lean and trying to drop those last few "stubborn pounds" - typically in thighs, lower back, and love handles.


This is very individual. The only dosage recommendation that I give is start with 20-40 mg per application and work your way up to 2-3 applications per day. Use different sites during the same day. For example, don't do thighs twice in the same day.
I used yohimbine HCL last summer and I made a mixture with a product called Musclerub which you can get at any pharmacy.  It really worked good on my abs.  I used 20mg before and 20mg after my workouts.
I mixed it with aloe gel, alcohol and aspercream.  I didn't notice any results that I couldn't have gotten through just diet alone.  Not worth the $$ IMO.