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  1. P

    I have to fly in May

    Certain airports can randomly search your check in bags .. and some (Honolulu did) X-ray ALL check in bags right there in the terminal. I never sweat so much in my life. But, it was OK, and all I did was hide it in my clothing, in a pocket of one of my workout pants.
  2. P


    I used this guy a few months ago, so I am not sur eif he is still around ... Mr.Sosa ... It was like $55 per bottle. [email protected] Other than that, check E-bay.  :)
  3. P

    for all

    Tren ... it's a 20ml bottle, gives good strength gains, solid mass gains, and helps with fat loss. Need some Viagra with it though, since I won't have test.
  4. P

    newbie here

    Max-OT is a good training program. Alot of lifters have been using a version of it for years now ... MAX-OT style is my "standard" form of training when I am not going for something specific (like right now, I am giving arms priority)
  5. P

    newbie here

    Max-OT is a good training program. Alot of lifters have been using a version of it for years now ... MAX-OT style is my "standard" form of training when I am not going for something specific (like right now, I am giving arms priority)
  6. P

    How much do you think i can carry

    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->the thing is i really don't think so Jeez, I thought I had a problem. LOL. Bro, you ARE big. Personal goals and pushing the envelope...
  7. P

    Dbol pink tabs

    Thai anabol, 5mg.
  8. P

    Picked up a HitchHiker today...

    Somone has quite an imagination ... I am confused.
  9. P


    Count me in for Lehigh Valley ... Allentown is do-able ... Anyone want to carpool? LOL. <!--emo&{}--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='{}'><!--endemo-->
  10. P

    A typical day in the MC hood...

    And when somoeone new moves into the neighborhood, everyone says "HEY! Welcome to the neighborhood", then whispers among each other to find out who the new guy really is.
  11. P

    A typical day in the MC hood...

    This is funny shit ... You forgot to add that "every so often, Stickler get's drunk and gets into fights with people's trashcans." I can only imagine what Halloween would be like on that street ... "Hey, who gave out the Thai Anabol this year?" ...
  12. P


    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--> If I had a MC t-shirt I would wear it....hint , hint I should be on TV You could always just hold up a sign that says...
  13. P

    recreational drugs...

    I use GHB to help me get deep sleep ... I think it helps ... Indirectly at least ... Things I don't use, but make sense if one were to use them: - Weed: Obvioulsy will increase appetite. Actually, they have isolated the chemical that induces the "munchies" and market it as a drug for AIDS...
  14. P


    Aratest is good shit.
  15. P

    Dream Cycle

    Just thought I would throw this one out there, but if cost was no object, what would your dream cycle be ... bulk or cut, you decide ...
  16. P

    Real or fake?

    babysiren ... <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->....I figured i'm at a pretty good size. 34C? Yeah, I would say so. LOL. But I get the Hee-cups when I see D-cups...
  17. P

    About muscular development

    I'm with ya Presser ... the last 2 issues have sucked. Some of the best articles in there are written by Dr. Gwartney (who hasn't written in the last couple of issues) and Romano, who is back to just ranting and raving again. His artcile about the airplane thing was identical to something...
  18. P

    This Freaked me out!!!

    I said hammer, red.  Very strange.  <!--emo&:;--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':;'><!--endemo-->
  19. P


    NJ ... seems like Jersey is well represented.  :D
  20. P


    OK, this recipe is good to make and keep 'em in the frezer for when you have that sweet tooth attack mid-week. LOL. They are pretty close to the real deal. As you see by the nutritional info, they are mostly fat ... but if you are familiar with the ketogenic diet thing, you will kow that you...