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  1. N

    anadrol vs. dbol

    ya, anti-e's do a lot. I personally have no bloat with the nolvadex / proviron combo.
  2. N

    anadrol vs. dbol

    Whats funny is I was debating this myself recently. Im taking 1g of sus(per week), 400mgs of deca(per week), 25mgs of proviron(ed), 10mgs of nolvadex (ed). All same as before except I switched from d-bol to anadrol. Both anadrol and d-bol where at 50mgs. Im really not noticing a diffrence...
  3. N

    Single, Married, significant other?

    wow... didnt know that "on holiday" was suspended!! he must have done something really terrible, like posted a source or said something that was racially inappropriate!! I think he was around this place for like 3 years!! He's going to be missed!!
  4. N

    Site enhancing oil question.

    hey guys. Just wanted to add that im on my 4th week of syntherol. Im following big A's routine. Im currently doing the inner and outer head of my bi's and the center head of my delts. Im also on anadrol, 1g of sus, and 400mgs of deca. All I have to say, is my bi's have grown an inch, and...
  5. N

    Another inject horror story......

    Hey southern, Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I've nevere heard of this before. I've always injected in my delts. Up to 3 cc. Good luck!
  6. N

    5 week IGF cycle results...

    I've done 200ius per day. Loved it.... tried starting with 40ius to 80ius... Found for me personally, anything below 100ius dosent work for me.
  7. N

    Site enhancing oil question.

    Im doing it right now glen. To answer your question, no- there is no liver damage, you can drink. Its just an oil that will not dissipate for a while if injected into the muscle. Its smooth and painless. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>...
  8. N

    liquid anadrol

    anadrol is wonderful. I just got off the scale and I weigh 248.5 right now... haa haa. Thats a gain of 8.5 lbs in just 6 days. its very toxic though. The liquid form still passes through the liver, so the inj has no benifit.
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    MC Aqua Burn

    welcome to the club mm.
  10. N

    liquid anadrol

    Its not really less harmfull because its an inj though. You still need to be very careful with it. Personally, Id just rather the pill form, I think its suspended in a short easter, from what I can remember. Have fun!
  11. N


    Sooo... You cant even do legs now ot??? Your falling apart!! Damn dude, Id say its time to put the training wheels back on... all kidding aside, I hope your ok.
  12. N

    Had to stop taking igf

    Is there anyway that you can try using IGF with more intervals?? maybe use 10 ius 4x per day instead of 20 2x a day. Btw, I know what your talking about... but I dont have a problem unless im using 100+Ius per day.
  13. N

    palpitations and steroids..???

    I've experienced the same thing-but mine was after 20+ weeks. Whether its anxiety attacks, or something else.. lets get rid of it. I suggest dropping the orals. Starting a good cardio routine, make your diet super clean. End your cycle at 12 weeks (at the latest!). Eq isnt the best either...
  14. N

    which anti-e won't kill sex drive?

    Check out Proviron!! 25mgs per day makes me horney as hell. I like to combind that with 10mgs of nolvadex.
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    Where is the other button??? I vote for less government & more AMERICAN jobs.
  16. N

    Question about cycle

    Yes, you should use igf with this cycle. It will help you cut + dose wonders for site enhancement. If you used 20-40ius per day, 1ml will last almost a month. Some people see results with that amount. Me personally, I dont. I have to take 100-150ius per day. which 1 bottle lasts about a week.