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  1. pgb


    i like the foods. now i need to make something to eat.
  2. pgb

    Deca or Tren? Which do you prefer for recomp?

    never used letro, always just adex. i did not know letro affects the tendons and ligaments. i prefer npp due to sides from tren that i do not care for. tren though, i think is the better recomp.
  3. pgb

    Personal Touch will help with loyalty.

    lol. I thought from the title, this might be about relationships. either way though, both aspects are very important.
  4. pgb

    What Tribe are You?

    I'm in the human tribe. lol
  5. pgb

    Milky / cloudy film on top of brew

    just a note, i do not heat my raws and bb with ba in them. the ba can potentially evaporate. granted, maybe not so much at lower temps. i do not use a water bath to heat my oil and raws. i heat them in the oven. i set the oven to preheat to 350 with my oil and vials in it. once the oven is...
  6. pgb

    Deca or Tren? Which do you prefer for recomp?

    I'm not sure I would compare tren and npp, but deca doesn't compare with npp either, to some degree, even though they are both nandrolone. deca will cause water retention and gain, but only if you eat. I mean eat a lot. i have trouble eating that much. deca also seems to make it harder to...
  7. pgb

    Any Vegan or Vegetarian Bodybuilders out there?

    lmao. I grew up eating meat, so really couldn't say from my own perspective, but there was a guy, yeah i know there is always a guy, lol. anyways in the marines this guy was a vegetarian, vegan didn't exist back then, but this guy was a toothpick. so i would have to agree with Presser and...
  8. pgb

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    sure got that right brother, i haven't always done so and paying the price for it. a lot of injuries are from accidents i've had. you when you're a laborer, stuff happens, like i when through a roof once up to my mid thigh. things like that.
  9. pgb

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    thanks, i've got several old injuries. going to see va ortho for torn meniscus in my left knee, with other things messed up in it, and of course, arthritis. haven't tried cbd oil, and have been reluctant, because i get va care and they frown on its use, big time.
  10. pgb

    new pic how am i doing ?

    good job, whatsup. trimming down nicely
  11. pgb

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    i have to workout with chronic pain. it is as it is. but i still get full workouts. i can't do a barbell bench, but db work okay most of the time. found out recently, i have a separation of my clavicle in my right shoulder. it's old and don't know how i did it, but it causes considerable pain at...
  12. pgb


    okay, what is it, and of course, no, never heard of it.
  13. pgb

    Sustanon Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle stack and dosages

    oh, i know brother. i did research it as well, but as it stands, i still need to use it, due to my prostate getting enlarged as well as my psa being up. i'm 60, so you might imagine some of the problems i'm getting just by getting older. i do take some dht steroids as well. mostly mast, to help...
  14. pgb

    Sustanon Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle stack and dosages

    actually he didn't say anything. they just sent me a letter with the results, read it was high as well as psa. he recommended a prostate biopsy was all. that was from urology. by the time i went in to see i went to primary, i had use short esters and stop about two weeks out. my level was 90...
  15. pgb

    Sustanon Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle stack and dosages

    at various intervals, it becomes a must for me. need to maintain at least a trt level and if i've been on cycle, i need to get some of the long esters cleared before labs. they didn't like it when it came back at >1500ng/dl. lol. i didn't mind, i felt great, lol.
  16. pgb

    Sustanon Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle stack and dosages

    i like deca better, it seems to help my aging joints as well as helping to heal injuries. don't get me wrong, npp really helps with that, too. it 's just that the short ester goes through my system so fast that i have to pin at least eod for it to be effective, but i notice the effect wears off...
  17. pgb

    Best carrier oil for dark tren

    haven't mixed any tren up yet, but i ordered some ace, just waiting to get it. i just started using mct oil. did some test vials first to see if it would cause me problems. good so far. i even mixed test cyp up at 250 mg/ml and it didn't crash, i read about someone that said theirs did...
  18. pgb

    Sustanon Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle stack and dosages

    i think you'd like it. i really like sus best of all test. i use both npp and deca, depending on my schedule for lab work i have to have done every 6 months. if you have joint problems or even arthritis, you'll find it quite helpful.
  19. pgb

    Best carrier oil for dark tren

    sorry you misunderstood that. the gso is a yellow color itself. in my oils it comes out about the same color, because they're white powders. tren is a yellow to amber color, depending on the manufacturer. thus the color of the finished product may come out darker. there are some other oils that...
  20. pgb

    Best carrier oil for dark tren

    i started brewing my own gear, maybe a one and a half years ago. i was using gso, but recently started using mct oil. as far as getting darker tren , i don't know since i haven't brewed it yet. will be soon. my guess though is maybe the oil contributes to the color. with gso, everything is a bit...