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Deca Cycle | Deca Durabolin Cycle

Taking Deca Durabolin alone is not a wise choice. In fact, it is probably the last steroid anyone would want to take alone. A Deca cycle will shut down natural testosterone production fast, as well as the user's sex drive, and can often lead to depression.
Deca Durabolin is trademarked by Organon, the actual steroid name is nandrolone decanoate, but almost everyone knows it as Deca Durabolin. A survey conducted in the early 1990s identified Deca as the most popular anabolic steroid on the black market. Over the years, because of cost, and the fact that nandrolone is the most counterfeited steroid on the black market, it's popularity has decline.Deca Durabolin has three unique characteristics about it.

  • It can stay in the system for up to 18 months. That means anyone who may have a steroid test in the near future, wants to stay far away from Deca.
  • Deca is a progestin, meaning at high doses may cause progesterone gynecomastia, which means having something like Nolvadex on hand is not going to solve the problem.
  • A Deca cycle is great for the joints, and injuries. Though there is not a lot of data to back it up, it's believed it works well for joint and injury pain because it improves collagen synthesis and increases bone mineral content. Often bodybuilders with shoulder, or knee pain will include Deca Durabolin in their cycle to help relieve some of the pain. Often baseball pitchers use the steroid deca to relieve joint pain, before steroid testing of course.
Deca in a cycle is best when used in a bulk cycle. A deca cycle will cause a bit of water retention, which isn't wanted when dieting. Also, bodybuilders are often lifting heavier during bulk cycles, and the Deca will keep any new pains or injuries minimized.Once again, we'll repost the mass cycle, which was also posted in theSustanon cycle, and Dianabol cycle.
[TABLE="class: gradient-style"]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]Week[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]Sustanon Dosage[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]Deca Durabolin
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]Dianabol Dosage
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]1[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]2[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]3[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]4[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]5[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]6[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]40mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]7[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]-[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE"]8[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]-[/TD]
Not only will Deca Durabolin minimize pain from any injuries, it will add solid strength and muscle gains through out the whole cycle. The Dianabol is also not completely necessary... a cycle with just testosterone and Deca will yield very impressive results.A Deca cycle will work with any steroids, but testosterone should always be included in the cycle.Deca today, is still highly counterfeited, and it may be difficult to find legit pharmaceutical Deca Durabolin. Many underground labs will carry nandrolone, and if a legitimate underground lab if found, it is probably more than likely real, then finding amps from overseas somewhere.As mentioned through out, there are side effects with Deca Durabolin, but they aren't too common. A user may experience water retention, gynecomastia, and shut down of libido if testosterone is not included in the cycle.
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Good 8 weeker but do we dont have to stop deca a week before susta ,and to can we take aromasin and proviron with cycle if we are more prone to gyno and lets say in 9th week can we take test prop and then start pct just to avoid deca dick
The Steroid Cycle Chart above needs to be refined:

This cycle should go at least 12 weeks! Sustanon dosages are laid out for traditional Sustanon 250 blends with 4 testosterone ester, 2 short and 2 long. If your using a UG brand Sustanon, be sure to ask for the blend, as it matters tremendously!

Cycle below will put on great strength and mass gains if done correctly with proper training and dieting! Be sure to always have your PCT, Post Steroid Cycle Drugs on hand before ...YES BEFORE ..Starting any cycle as you never know what will happen!

Pretty basic stuff! But going through our SEO i found this thread ranked and thought I had better fix it as the original charted dosages for each steroid were off in my opinion.

[TABLE="class: cms_table_gradient-style"]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]Week[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]Sustanon Dosage[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]Deca Durabolin
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]Dianabol Dosage
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]1[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]750mgs total
250mg eod

[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]600mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]50mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]2[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]750mgs total
250mg eod[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]600mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]50mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]3[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]750mgs total
250mg eod[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]600mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]50mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]4[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]750mgs total
250mg eod[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]600mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]50mgs[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]5[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs total
250mg twice a week[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"][/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]6[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs total
250mg twice a week[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"][/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]7[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs total
250mg twice a week[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]-[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #B9C9FE, align: center"]8-12

[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]500mgs total
250mg twice a week[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"]400mgs[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8EDFF"][/TD]
I have never used sust. or deca. I know about them, just never tried. I think I should give it a go to see what all the hub bub is about.
I have never used sust. or deca. I know about them, just never tried. I think I should give it a go to see what all the hub bub is about.

i think you'd like it. i really like sus best of all test. i use both npp and deca, depending on my schedule for lab work i have to have done every 6 months. if you have joint problems or even arthritis, you'll find it quite helpful.
I will give them a go after next blood work. Other than timing for blood work do you like deca or npp better? I know same , different ester. Just curious which one, and why.
I will give them a go after next blood work. Other than timing for blood work do you like deca or npp better? I know same , different ester. Just curious which one, and why.

i like deca better, it seems to help my aging joints as well as helping to heal injuries. don't get me wrong, npp really helps with that, too. it 's just that the short ester goes through my system so fast that i have to pin at least eod for it to be effective, but i notice the effect wears off a lot within a day.
also with deca, i don't need to pin as often. npp is good for a kick start as well.
Ok, deca and sust it will be. Thank you for the feedback. It will be a while But I will report back.
After all of these years, I am not pinning eod. lol

at various intervals, it becomes a must for me. need to maintain at least a trt level and if i've been on cycle, i need to get some of the long esters cleared before labs. they didn't like it when it came back at >1500ng/dl. lol. i
didn't mind, i felt great, lol.
at various intervals, it becomes a must for me. need to maintain at least a trt level and if i've been on cycle, i need to get some of the long esters cleared before labs. they didn't like it when it came back at >1500ng/dl. lol. i
didn't mind, i felt great, lol.

what did they say to you?