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  1. S

    Sasha's updated pics

    thanks guys.. guess its time to update again soon.. sasha p.s. presser.. bite me ;)
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    Started Clen today....

    much agreed.. it is def worth it.. the results are great if you can tolerate the initial sides.. its hard sometimes at first.. and when people ask if you are ok "oh to much coffee this morning" is usually my responce... heehee.. if they only knew :) the very first time i took clen.. my muscles...
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    ladies, t3 for my girl, need advice

    a long while back, i was reading that "supervixen" book and in the diet section she was talking about different supps to take to aid in fat loss.. kelp was one.. after doing some research on what it did and how.. that is where i started using it... "Kelp is an excellent source of minerals...
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    Started Clen today....

    as long as the diets good... you should be fine.. theres nothing negative with clen.. other then the shakes and things of that sort.. and those usually subside after the first week to 2 weeks.. so any signs of parkinsons should be gone before you go home ;) what are you worried about...
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    Who here competes?

    i am sure if you look good enough you could get fitness model jobs... as long as you look to the right photographers.. like this site. or this guy bill dobbins so you never know what you good get into with enough research and...
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    Who here competes?

    never have.. not sure if i will.. think about it.. start to get into the thought.. and then step back.. i guess its because i do it for me.. not the crowd... plus if i tried doing all those flips splits.. etc.. i would look like an ass out there ;) .. probably fall flat on my face. heehee.. oh...
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    ladies, t3 for my girl, need advice

    one other thing i have been advocating to people who are gonna be taking t3... kelp.. ie seaweed...especially when coming off t3.. helps boost the thryoids own production and utilization :) just a little thought.. for when she comes off... sasha
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    EQ and Winny

    are you taking the winny inject or oral..are you going with the 1cc... curious as how high you are going with it.. especially with a first cycle... try not to go over 75mg a wk of the winny even if its just alone.. and with the eq watch out..its a long acting ester... so take it slow when you...
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    ladies, t3 for my girl, need advice

    wk1 25mcg wk2 50mcg wk3 75mcg wk4 75mcg wk5 50mcg wk6 25mcg this should be sufficient for her to see good results.. some people go higher but you may want to try at 75mcg tops... if that works for her why go higher!!! i have taken up to 100mcg and i ramped it up every 4 days until i reached...
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    My Lady and IP's Winnie tabs?

    those are 50mg right.. i had those.. i cut them into 4's.. a little above the recommended 10mg a day ... that may be a good baseline to start at with her.. seeing as though women can have sides easily with winny.. its best to stay at the lowest dose to start yet that applies to all aas.. @10mg...
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    For Sasha...

    i ran the same dose as you.. the only thing that i have done different was followed with 4 wks of primo.. 50mgwk.. just to slide off nice and lean up while retaining the gains that i got.. the strenght was great.. going from bi curls at 20-25.. to 40's ./'s where never my strong
  12. S

    just wanted to say hi

    hello.. how you doing... good to see you here ;) sasha
  13. S

    Womanly Cycle

    monroe76, did you like it ??? i have just finished taking it... i loved it.. my stength was unbelievable.. the gains where great.. the only thing i didn't like was the water retention that i had.*every ones body is different* never lost my period.. almost but not quite there!!!! it was almost...
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    Good Cycle for women

    thermochaser.. due to her size i would start her at a min of like 5mg.. she is really really tiny... and you can after a week or 2 up it to 10 mg a day.. then 15mg if nec. anavar would be her best bet to use 1) oral (her preference) 2) made for women and children.. the chance for neg sides are...
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    Personal training info

    i am just getting ready for the NASM ( they are international and highly regarded by most fitness industry professionals.. there are different area that you can specialize in ie.. performance, sport, post rehabilitation... it goes on.. there tests are very very hard.. a min of a...
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    High Protein / Low Carbohydrate Diets –

    High Protein / Low Carbohydrate Diets – Are They Effective? By Lou Barrie The answer in a nutshell – Yes! But, to clarify a point and to state it categorically; you cannot successfully engage in this type of diet while maintaining a low fat eating pattern – impossible and impractical...
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    Addressing the New Protein Diets pt2

    EAT ANYTHING? Some of these diets suggest you can eat anything you want as long as you avoid carbs. They ‘OK’ the consistent ingestion of red meat, of bacon, of butter, and other saturated fats. I can do a complete article on this topic alone, but I'm going to bypass it since saturated fat...
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    Addressing the New Protein Diets pt 1

    Addressing the New Protein Diets Head On! By Phil Kaplan If you've heard me speak about the frustrations I've experienced with the no-carb mentality that's sweeping the already misinformed and vulnerable over-fat nation we live in, I will not apologize for the repetition of the theme...
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    GI index Glycemic Index Beans baby lima 32 baked 43 black 30 brown 38 butter 31 chickpeas 33 kidney 27 lentil 30 navy 38 pinto 42 red lentils 27 split peas 32 soy 18 Breads bagel 72 croissant 67 Kaiser roll 73 pita 57 pumpernickel 49 rye 64 rye, dark 76 rye, whole 50 white 72 whole wheat...
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    Will T3 help me?

    excess post recovery oxygen consumption EPOC... = the body burning more calories following the exercise then before it was started... consider it an after burn .. kinda like your car how it gets hotter after you shut it off. the body must utilize amounts odf O2 to replenish energy supplies...