ladies, t3 for my girl, need advice


New member
hey my girl does an hour and a half of cardio 4-5 times a weeks and eats clean. she has used clen and knows about that. my question is for those of you that have taken t3 how have you run it and what would you recommend? thanks ladyz
wk1 25mcg
wk2 50mcg
wk3 75mcg
wk4 75mcg
wk5 50mcg
wk6 25mcg

this should be sufficient for her to see good results..
some people go higher but you may want to try at 75mcg tops... if that works for her why go higher!!!
i have taken up to 100mcg and i ramped it up every 4 days until i reached 100mcg.. after about 3wks at 100 i started to ramp back down... if you are going to do that.. just write it out on a monthly planner so she knows what days she will be taking what dose.. well thats what i do. other wise i forget :).

one other thing i have been advocating to people who are gonna be taking t3... kelp.. ie seaweed...especially when coming off t3.. helps boost the thryoids own production and utilization :) just a little thought.. for when she comes off...
a long while back, i was reading that "supervixen" book and in the diet section she was talking about different supps to take to aid in fat loss.. kelp was one.. after doing some research on what it did and how.. that is where i started using it...

"Kelp is an excellent source of minerals from the sea, particularly iodine which is very important for the thyroid gland to function properly. The thyroid gland is an important regulator of metabolism and weight.
Cultural studies relating to the result of diet including kelp have determined a link to a lower breast cancer rate; less obesity, heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis; lower blood pressure; less thyroid disease; less constipation and gastro-intestinal ailments and less infectious disease. Kelp provides nutritional support to the nervous system and heart in the form of iodine, vitamins, minerals and cell salts.
Iodine is essential for the proper regulation of energy through its effect on metabolism. Thyroxine, the major thyroid hormone, aids in protein synthesis, carbohydrate absorption and the conversion of carotin to Vitamin A. Kelp not only absorbs iodine from seawater, it also sponges up an enormous supply of essential nutrients and delivers them to the thyroid and the rest of the body. These nutrients include protein, essential fatty acid, carbohydrates, fiber, trace elements, sodium and potassium salts, and a variety of other chemicals, such as alginic acid.
Beneficial to the sensory nerves, membranes surrounding the brain, spinal cord, and brain tissue. Used for Crohn's, colitis, ulcers, goiter, obesity and hair loss. Good for thyroid function, arteries, and nails.
Kelp is also an important general and nutritive tonic herb which aids in the treatment of obesity, heart disease, respiratory disease, rheumatism & arthritis, high blood pressure, thyroid deficiency, constipation & gastrointestinal ailments, and infectious disease. Kelp provides nutritive support to the entire body, and also improves circulatory stimulation. In this formulation, Kelp measurably enhances the overall effectiveness and usefulness of the blend.
Additionally, the trace mineral content of Kelp is among the highest of any known single source, and is especially valued for its anti-cancer, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and fibrous qualities. Kelp is also one of the best weight-reduction plants available.
Iodine in Kelp maintains a healthy thyroid, thereby significantly reducing one major cause of obesity. In addition, seaweed increases the body's ability to burn off fat through exercise. Thus, stamina is boosted, allowing cells to consume energy more efficiently. Kelp also lowers blood cholesterol levels. "
blah blah blah :)
Bigjim -- Bladderwrack is a good option. They smell REALLY bad -- but it is a good supp.

Sasha -- I am thinking of starting some T-3 -- do you break up your tabs or just take it 'once' a day? I have heard to do both.

I'm not sure how much on the kelp.....I have not tried it before...but I am thinking of it at the end of this T3, I will see if I can find it. Until then, here is a BUMP :D
Dezir said:
I'm not sure how much on the kelp.....I have not tried it before...but I am thinking of it at the end of this T3, I will see if I can find it. Until then, here is a BUMP :D

thanks, bump :D
sasha said:
one other thing i have been advocating to people who are gonna be taking t3... kelp.. ie seaweed...especially when coming off t3.. helps boost the thryoids own production and utilization :) just a little thought.. for when she comes off...

Cool tip might what to post that on the A-discuosion board!
Hello all I have a Q about T3 are any of you taking it without AS? If so what are the doses, and how is it working?I'm trying to get all of the info I can for my wife so I ccan be of better asssistance to here in her quest for a a new body. Thanks Swole
I have taken T3 without great for me, I just make sure I keep a high protien diet. I use the same amount that Sash posted up at the top....25, 50, 75, 75, 50, 25. Right now I am trying something new....I started with 25 for the first week, now I am on 50, I am going to stay on 50 for six weeks...then back down to 25 for 1 week...I am experimenting...hehe...I am only on the 2nd week, so far, so good. But the first time I used T3...I did it for 5 weeks....I did 75mcg for only 1 week, then I ramped back down.
Hey Dezir thanks for the info I have also found the kelp. Did you also use and eca stack with the t3? And what about cardio did you cut back on it ,and increased weight training or was everything the same? thanks in advance Man this board is great!!!
Yes, I use an ECA with it......and I didn't cut back on cardio...well not on My cardio goes in spruts....I have weeks I do really good and keep it up, and other weeks I hardly have time for it. But everyone is diffrent with this, she will just have to give it a try and adjust as she sees she needs to.