ladies, t3 for my girl, need advice

I have T3 from Mexico by Medix: each cap is 75 mcg 'capsules'. Unlike Cytomel, these are not tabs but rather they are capsulses, and I believe they are time-released. So, I can not pyramid/taper by breaking the capsule like I would with Cytomel. So essentially what I need to know is precisely how does one do a cycle of these. Has anyone any experienced with these 75mcg capsules. My friend said that it is by days: so many days on then so many days off, alternating both as you go. He is lacking specifics, as he is himeself awaiting information on the dosing cycle. In the meantime, I thought I'd inquire here.

P.S., the T3 is going to be used by a woman -- height 5 foot, weight, approx. 108 lbs with a slow to moderate metabolism.

Thank you.
Just a question for you ladies while on the topic of T3. Do you prefer T3 or clen? Do they even do the same thing? I'm just starting a clen cycle now but I'm curious as to what else is out there!
