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  1. morbid316

    Ronnie Coleman is a Bitch

    thats sick if i ever got titties like that i would shoot myself
  2. morbid316


    no its hand lotion like the man said special chinese lotion damn you got to hate it when the lotion has shit in it it irritates my skin LOL
  3. morbid316

    Prop pain

    suck it up big guy LOL mixing prop with eq or tren for me always takes the sting away
  4. morbid316

    Hi Bros, I'm back and still alive

    good to see you had a great time bro i always wanted to go diving when i was in cancun but to make a long story short i was drunk every waking second i was there LOL Corn braids LOL i'm trying to picture a big dude in those my buddy got them done his hair was pretty...
  5. morbid316

    anti social

    true dat!!!!!!!!!!!1
  6. morbid316

    anti social

    whats wrong with you guys!!!!!!!!!!! i work damn hard for my body and i'm not gonna sit at home and hide it. So damn rights i party I HAVE TO SHOW OF THIS BODY!!!!!!!!!!! To tell you the truth some of the biggest ripped bastards i see are out like 4 nights a week doing coke...
  7. morbid316

    augusta national golf club

    i agree when i played hockey i think i was 14 the league decided to let girls try out for the guys team well only a handfull made it. We were playing one of the teams with a chick on it. well to make a long story short she got the puck behind are net and was skating along the...
  8. morbid316

    Anyone ever hear of RAGE

    Re: ouch................ LMAO
  9. morbid316


    strippers all have major problems, my sister was a bartender at a strip club and told me that every stripper she met had mental problems, or was addicted to coke, or tons of other pills. and most strippers are very insecure about themselves, so maybe thats why they like guys...
  10. morbid316

    Anyone ever hear of RAGE

    my buddy has a mix blend of gear thats called RAGE he tells me its awesome but hurts like hell. It consists of test suspension, Tren , And anadrol he can't remember who makes it must be an underground lab. Has anyone heard of it sounds like a lethal...
  11. morbid316

    Which is safer?

    i have a ziplip , hushmail and cyber-rights account
  12. morbid316

    Damn vets

    i hear you bro i used to keep my dog in the back of my truck yeah stupid me well one day my dog saw a cat i was driving about 80 km/hr and my dog decided hes going after the cat. Needless to say when dog hit the pavement he ripped apart his paws and got bad road burn on...
  13. morbid316

    Clear this up for me.........

    i agree with you guys there is one big ripped bastard in my gym that cuts on 1g of sust and 600 mg of deca and hes shredded I believe its all in your diet doesn't matter what drugs you take. I have heard of pros using 150 mg of anadrol right up to contest time aswell
  14. morbid316

    could yesterday have been any better

    wish i had some of that luck bro
  15. morbid316

    cutting again

    i never have wood probs on tren but give me some ephedrine or some E and limp dick is alll there is
  16. morbid316

    I will never binge again

    hey lard ass drop the bucket of KFC and step away from the table LOL sorry bro have to rub it in.
  17. morbid316

    Lifting this morning.

    winny with tren kicks some serious ass
  18. morbid316

    Whats is wrong with people

    damn people sue these days no matter what. next time i get diarreah i'm gonna see if i could sue a fast food place for causing it LOL or better yet i will sue the protein drink company for causing it.
  19. morbid316

    Yikes! My girlfreind can smell the juice!

    lol half the people i work with now i'm on gear including my 2 supervisors LOL they don't give a shit its CANADA LOL the only guys that talk shit are the little 120lbs punks who say they can kick my ass even if I'm bigger then them. I usually laugh at them but one little bitch...
  20. morbid316


    1500 bro thats got to hurt sorry to hear that i hate scammers