I will never binge again

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Presser, question for ya. Were you on severe carb restriction for a time b4 the binge? I've got a theory on this based on my own dieting. I've always been puzzled how some people can use the "rebound" effect to put on nothing but muscle while I seem to put on fat first.
What a tub ass! If you really respected yourself you wouldn't do that. I think there are some deeper issues working here. Wanna talk about it? :D
Read my post in your thread I said you would get fat! After a strict diet you have to ease your way into eating a semi-shitty diet!
The best thing is when you gain the weight back you frigging socks cut into you calves...that is funny as hell...man it is bulker and you did say you wanted to reach about 290...KEEP EATINg!!!
after a very strict diet two things can happen:

If you eat VERY clean you would be surprised at how much muscle you can add or

as in this case you can put on a lot of fat.
I binged early on in my career as a BB and I once put on 42 LBS in 4 days I hurt I couldnt even walk right My work boots wouldnt even fit on my feet.You will only do this once or twice B4 you learn your lesson...LOL You probably look big as shit though.
you had better start eating clean now-or 16 weeks out from your next show you'll be kicking yourself in the ass!!-Goes on easy-comes off hard!!
Presser-you had better buckle down now-shit your only 12-16 weeks out!!-you'll remember every donut and candy bar when your on the bike at 6am!!-and nothing I say would ever "jinx" you-I'm sure you'll do the work and improve on your conditioning from your first show-just a matter of how painful you want it to be!!-Good luck-Train Hard-Eat Clean!!