Search results

  1. buffgrandpa

    Anyone know a sholder surgeon in KC?

    Anyone know any good sports surgeons in the KC area? Got to get these (@*#$)(*@_ rotator cuffs fixed, since I can't find any DECA, LOL, since that would be illegal. :-)
  2. buffgrandpa


    I'm with gearedup, 6 hrs on workdays but on weekends 6 hrs may be a stretch for the whole weekend. :-)
  3. buffgrandpa

    Estrogen Issues

    LOL ok not all apply but thought it was fitting when I saw it today. 10 WAYS TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE "ESTROGEN ISSUES" 1. Everyone around you has an attitude problem. 2. You're adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet. 3. The dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans. 4. Your husband is...
  4. buffgrandpa

    Survey Says ......(hypothetically of course)

    Gear101 are you some kind of god? ;-) You've got more information than... oh well. Are there any real good books on this subject (like steroids101) or is the best place to learn here and the school of hard knocks (preferably here) :confused:
  5. buffgrandpa


    Damn, 4-6 hrs max, after that the bed throws me out. But you know the older you get the less sleep you need :-) . I have developed the art of 15-20 minute power naps though.
  6. buffgrandpa

    Going to see the surgeon!

    Sorry to hear that man, hope it works out OK. Just as a side note, when I was searching the net for liposuction stuff about a month ago I ran across a place in Texas that does "abdominal etching" for athletes with some pretty impressive results, thought you might want to look at it if you...
  7. buffgrandpa

    Survey Says ......(hypothetically of course)

    Thanks gear101, you have PM. Anyone else what to weigh in? ( BTW I don't really want any info on TJ just the cycles)
  8. buffgrandpa

    Survey Says ......(hypothetically of course)

    Here is the question that a buddy of mine asked me, not exactly like this but you'll get the idea. **This is not a request for prices or sources or anything like that**. There are 2 parts and if for any reason you feel uncomfortable about answering here please feel to e-mail me. I am going to...
  9. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    Thanks guys, looks like you are all saying the same thing, at least in the same ball park. Got a buddy of mine going to Mexico in June, getting him prepped with pics and advice too, for his pharmacy visit :-) .
  10. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    Thought I would reply since I did my leg workout today and can't get up right now anyway. LOL Damn Napalm1 you were supposed to tell me about the "magic" pill that would make them go away in a couple of weeks so I wouldn't have to keep workin so hard. LOL Oh well thanks for the input guys...
  11. buffgrandpa

    longitutde capsule co busted

    Ahh hell, guess I'll have to get the pump back out. LOL :D
  12. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    I think that is good advice for anyone reading this post, and I have recently started doing that. I got to the point where I could go for a month at less than 20gms per day and not see a thing. What I started doing about a month ago was taking in 1-200 gms on my rest days. Right now I am on a 3...
  13. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    hehe Oops did that backwards, too early in the morning. Ab Gel article
  14. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    I've read too many articles like this about those rub on gels. Have you used it yourself?
  15. buffgrandpa

    ab fat / love handles

    Curious as to what some of you think the best first cycle would be, here are the particulars. I am 40 yrs. old. In the last 2 1/2 years I have lost 100#'s, mostly with very low carbs and ECA stacks. Waist went from a 46 to a 32, but the problem is, around the gut (abs and love handles) still at...
  16. buffgrandpa

    weekly picks

    Thanks guys, haven't had much time to cruise this board yet. Hey Gear101, you the same gear from fitness board?
  17. buffgrandpa

    weekly picks
