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  1. charliebigspuds


    The guy is just some dick wad looking for views I think. Rich then put up £20-25 k to fight one of his crew. 20k each winner takes all. My his prophet guy did not respond. YouTube bull shit I guess
  2. charliebigspuds

    Movie Review for "Cell" Stephen King Book, and Movie, and FREE on 123movies

    Downloading going to watch it tomorrow. Lazy day off. And the weather is shit. Cheers.
  3. charliebigspuds

    Help me choose a watch for a memorable occassion

    Nice choice..hope its on your wrist by now..
  4. charliebigspuds

    Modern Steroids

    i agree there will always be new drugs to chase the money in sport..and with lifts being blown out of the water these past few years it does make you wonder where it will end. did you see the Eddie Hall deadlift pretty amazing...but i am biased
  5. charliebigspuds

    Batman versus Superman Movie for FREE in HD at

    i stand corrected maybe just the hype from release and my next doors kids saying that they cant wait to see it. but im glad im not the only one that thought it was shit...(i thought it was me being old and moody)
  6. charliebigspuds

    Batman versus Superman Movie for FREE in HD at

    pretty sure most phones will be able to.. but samsung phone and smart tv work best imho. ive got an iphone and i feel i can do more with the samsung phone (or maybe i dont know how to use the iphone im not that tech savvy)
  7. charliebigspuds

    Displacment and link to calc

    ive never used it either if im honest.. small amounts like 50-100ml would be so small its not even worth the math.
  8. charliebigspuds

    Batman versus Superman Movie for FREE in HD at

    I can honesty say I thought it was pretty crap and I like the comic movies ect ect. But I felt this was overrated to say the least. As for playing stuff on my tv from my phone. I like to watch you tube music vids from my iPhone. But I've got to say when I had a Samsung phone and tv yo can do...
  9. charliebigspuds

    True Story as GOD as My Witness......Mac Machine at WAWA money drawer wide open!

    i thought you was serious for a second. Funny shit man. LoL
  10. charliebigspuds

    Hello from OR

    Welcome to Mc
  11. charliebigspuds

    My meal plan on workout days.

    thoughts or questions ----- HELL NO thats looks solid..wish i could eat that daily
  12. charliebigspuds

    Never Hungry in the morning.

    im starving as soon as i wake up..infact my gut can wake me up in the morning.. and the only way i can get a lie in, is if i go eat some thing small then go back to bed for a few hours... but the funny thing is im not a big breakfast eater 4-5 eggs and porridge or cereal toast ect..
  13. charliebigspuds

    The Blairs Snitch Project

    Epilogue:If you’re interested in additional information about Operation Grasshopper, you can check out my Freedom of Information request to the FDA on If Prohormones and steroids in dietary supplements interest you, I filed a FOI request with the FDA on that topic as well. If...
  14. charliebigspuds

    The Blairs Snitch Project

    The Blairs Snitch Project: How Steroids get from China into Dietary Supplements Steven Donald Wood, was in serious trouble when Serious Nutrition Solutions, was raided in 2011. He had been using it, along with several other companies located in Blairs, Virginia, to sell designer steroids...
  15. charliebigspuds

    Displacment and link to calc

    for the science geeks. also a very good steriod calculator in link..(from baskiller) Testosterone Base - 1g Displaces 0.893mL TestosteronePropionate - 1g Displaces 0.909mL Testosterone enanthate - 1g Displaces 0.943mL...
  16. charliebigspuds

    Free Ephedrine with IGF-1 Lr3 Orders! Memorial Day Weekend Special!

    well its a good deal -- and liking the new store web page as well:cool: