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  1. charliebigspuds

    Naposim rings a bell..but cant place it a lab?
  2. charliebigspuds

    Crossfit / PL WOD

    sweet its playing now on my laptop at home.will have a look see..:D
  3. charliebigspuds

    Crossfit / PL WOD

    copyright but its your vid what the fuk how looked a good WOD on paper..
  4. charliebigspuds

    another DMAA thread

    here is that prework out..have a look its pretty dam good i got 2 as soon as it came out..DMAA (gerainium extract) - - - Updated - - - what im wondering is how they getting away with it..and if they will carry on getting away with it... any how just wanted to share and put it out there see...
  5. charliebigspuds

    another DMAA thread

    was sent this by the same company i got mesmorph from...but will post about that in a bit.. what is your thoughts on this look at the wording i mean.. thats a big statment RIGHT??? whats the implications of that statment..its a USA company i think.. funny how they state its a natural...
  6. charliebigspuds

    Crossfit / PL WOD

    Just checked your Facebook as well I can't watch it there either. Must be settings for only USA.
  7. charliebigspuds

    Crossfit / PL WOD

    Says vid is not available
  8. charliebigspuds

    WTF!!! Another Card Hit with Fraud! Its INSANE

    ffs know they can attach some sort of device to atm machines that read your looks just like the atm but its a cover they place on top and a mini camera to take pics of pin code ..crazy what they do right..7k sucks ass big time at least they sorted it out..
  9. charliebigspuds

    About Turinabol-TBOL

    and the price of each is night and day as well...some times tripple of dbol
  10. charliebigspuds


    pmsl you crack me up.
  11. charliebigspuds


    i believe the old skool of thought was hcg during pct was ok..but i believe..because hcg minics LH in the hypothalmus(hope i spelt that right) and again im no expert then using hcg during pct is counter productive..and ive used this protcol my self..2 weeks hcg then a few days to clear hcg then...
  12. charliebigspuds


    hahhaaa yeah if its on google it must be true..
  13. charliebigspuds


    Ok I will try. Hcg will get you gonads working again but should be used either during cycle or last 2 weeks before pct use it during pct will suppress you in the long run. Google it. It's to long winded to explain on my phone. As stated I won't comment on aromasin. As I not sure and don't...
  14. charliebigspuds


    Start nolva 10mg per day with hcg. You can get some gyno on hcg. If not you can keep it on hand. Stop all hcg. Then start pct protocol. Normal pct of nolva is 40-40-20-20. Clomid pct is 150 on first day then 100-100-50-50..or both together. not to sure about the aromasin during pct. maybe the...
  15. charliebigspuds


    Yeah I would not run hcg or proviron during pct. both are suppressive.
  16. charliebigspuds

    Introducing script gear fat burners hgh and slin

    Mmmm what is postage to Europe. And what the price of the Ephedrine HCL
  17. charliebigspuds

    New gym attire

    I wore it today. I got a few looks. Pmsl.
  18. charliebigspuds

    How much do you heat your brew?

    tren is a fine example of not heat tren to much..just enough to filter and for the hormone to desolve..
  19. charliebigspuds

    New gym attire

    Some new gym pics just so the January crew know where I stand LOL - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - P.s. It not me in that pic. I wish.
  20. charliebigspuds

    BB/BA shelf life

    Ok good to know