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  1. charliebigspuds

    first work out of the year..

    thanks it has been hard work on my head to get the fact i cant squat no more..but i was hobbling around after leg day like a 80 year just to stuborn i just tried to work through it..
  2. charliebigspuds

    first work out of the year..

    First work out of the new year and it went with a bang..had a epic leg work out that left me shaking for about 30 mins after training.. as many know i got a de-generative knee complaint so the past year has sucked big time for me and the last six months ive not trained lower body for some...
  3. charliebigspuds

    Been gone for a while But I am back

    nice to hear from you again..stick around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. charliebigspuds


    The newish supplement to be used by Bodybuilders are Peptides that naturally pulse GH from the body, the problem is that many make it all to confusing much more than it needs to be so i thought it would be a good article to write to try and clear some of the confusion on the subject.if you...
  5. charliebigspuds

    DMAA Info

    the simple answer is NO they still have not proved it is NOT natural..but its still FDA right..i heard the court overruled the FDA on one count of illegal seizure of stock..not to sure the out come of the rulling.. but if a presdent has been set then this might open up a whole lot...
  6. charliebigspuds

    DMAA Info

    sorry about that i did not proof read after i thanks for sorting it.. i will post some links for you to view maybe you can drag some more info out of there..
  7. charliebigspuds

    DMAA Info

    DMAA- Why is it Legal?? I will explain...DMAA was initially introduced by Eli Lilly and Company in 1971 as an inhaled nasal-decongestantIn basic terms, NO law exists making DMAA illegal at this time.However, the law that does exists, states that Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education...
  8. charliebigspuds

    where to go

    Austria maybe be...looks nice any way.. - - - Updated - - - i see what you mean about thailand in the second pic.. is this a quiz..? what do we win if we get it right..
  9. charliebigspuds

    Please help (lg eutropin)

    Sorry bro I just googled lg eutropin its hgh right?? might have to edit last post sorry
  10. charliebigspuds

    Please help (lg eutropin)

    Pre warm oil. Is it virgin muscle.?? heat packs,add some antihistamine. Run it through a .2 whatman here are some things u can do to help. But it might have EO or high BA/ BB content. These things can produce localised redness. Do u get any test flu like symptoms??
  11. charliebigspuds


    More peptides. CJC,IGF ect. And TNE for pre work out. I'm no pro. So I would still keep AAS under 1000mg. Normally around 700
  12. charliebigspuds

    Just joined the board!

    Welcome to MC
  13. charliebigspuds

    Protein intake by 3J

    Great post. And a very informative read.
  14. charliebigspuds

    Anabolic Steroids Raw Powders---big discount---LMC (2015-12-14)

    Listen I'm not in to flaming any one or any company and if the photo I will post is not your www then I deeply apologise. But if it is then it is the truth and you are calling me out which I do not accept. I was just meely stating what is on your www - - - Updated - - -
  15. charliebigspuds

    Please Welcome New Site Representative "3J"

    Welcome. Look forward to your input and knowledge
  16. charliebigspuds

    Anabolic Steroids Raw Powders---big discount---LMC (2015-12-14)

    100gram orders on test minimum damn that's some big orders. Little bit to much for little old me. Min order 50g on tren. Beast mode. Thats what was on there web site. Maybe emailed price list might be different.
  17. charliebigspuds

    Anabolic Steroids Raw Powders---big discount---LMC (2015-12-14)

    Sorry you have 1 post your rep means nothing here. But I will keep these guys in mind and wait till some long standing board members post reviews not just a pop up newbie. No disrespect intended.
  18. charliebigspuds

    The Importance of Understanding Esters

    Agreed. Must be just a spelling error.
  19. charliebigspuds

    3Js Nutrition Network!! The webs best online nutrition coaching!!!

    Welcome bro. Looking forward to the new forum section.
  20. charliebigspuds

    Advice needed for a first cycle. Thanks.

    Sorry I forgot to say welcome to Mc. One of the better boards on the www.