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  1. crankin'stein

    Good Morning MC

    Good Morning Everyone!
  2. crankin'stein

    Bummer! (Any electricians out there?)

    If you have already flipped the breakers off and back on again, then there is a couple possible options.... You could have a short or bad connection in the wiring somewhere in the house.... Because wiring is usually carried on from one device to another so that could be why you lost a chain of...
  3. crankin'stein

    What do YOU say?...

    I say "God you gave me a small penis...... so now I have to go to work to build some big muscles to make up for it! WOO!"
  4. crankin'stein

    Anabolic Freak column this month.....

    LMAO!..... Yes I have a scanner smartass.... but I didn't want my boss to see me scanning an article about IGF-1..... (I don't have a scanner at home...)
  5. crankin'stein

    You asked about my gym

    *Looks around to see if CC is around* NOPE.... Time to pick on SUZY!! :D j/k ;)
  6. crankin'stein

    Anabolic Freak column this month.....

  7. crankin'stein

    IGF-1 Info From Dave Palumbo

    OK. You guys better appreciate me typing this out for you. This is the info he shared after being asked a question in his column in MD this month. Yes it is long.... but it took me for ever to type it out.... and it is a GREAT read!! So get reading...
  8. crankin'stein

    Hey KidRok's Lady....

    Yeah I agree with Jay..... And you know I REALLY NEED to know.... so spill it KRL.... :)
  9. crankin'stein

    Interesting read on THG

    Originally posted by @ (not sure where he got it....) THG tetrahydrogestrinone INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where Can I Buy THG It? Is It For me? I'll start by saying, "No, THG (tetrahydrogestrinone) is not for...
  10. crankin'stein

    perfect back work combo...

    Add some flinstones vitamins and they don't need to eat again for the rest of the day!!
  11. crankin'stein

    How much clen?

    Yeah Kr is right..... I apologize... sometimes I think more of myself personally and what I know I can handle.... So maybe you should start a little lower then that.... maybe 25mcg just to see...
  12. crankin'stein

    perfect back work combo...

    Thats a wholesome nutritional meal!
  13. crankin'stein

    perfect back work combo...

    LMAO! Nice..... give them bread and water if they do it??
  14. crankin'stein

    How much clen?

    Re: clen... Regular dose is a relative term my man..... If you want to start with 50mcg then see my above post.... Then maybe raise it to 100mcg after a few days and maybe stay at that dosage for ease of measuring...... You would probably not need to go higher then 120mcg anyway...
  15. crankin'stein

    BF caliper

    No method is perfect..... For me, I use a tanita scale.... I figure if I use it all the time then at least I will know whether I am going up or down in bf%..... The mirror is the best judge...
  16. crankin'stein

    perfect back work combo...

    I think your confused.... your supposed to shovel your driveway....
  17. crankin'stein

    Do you change your training routine when you diet???

    When cutting down, do you guys change your training routine, or basically stick to the same one with more cardio??
  18. crankin'stein

    Good Morning!

    Good Morning!!
  19. crankin'stein

    How much clen?

    Assuming it is 200mcg per ml, just use a syringe to measure it.... .25 mls would be 50mcg That is one quarter of a ML.
  20. crankin'stein

    Saturn will be away for a bit.....

    Saturn has asked me to make this post to let all the members know that he will be away from the board for a little while. He has recently had a death in the family and needs to take time out to be with his family in their time of need. You can direct any questions you had for him, to me for...