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  1. C

    A question about fina

    Thank you Thanks for the advice..I will stick with the original plan. T/EQ/DB
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    A question about fina

    I see The injections dont bother me, Its the other stuff that worries me. They say its great stuff but I gotta tell you, Folks dont seem to confident on the gyno thing, Bromocryptine gets alot of mention but That stuff seems pretty dangerous too..Yea mayby your right, I dont want to mess up my...
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    A question about fina

    Desided to grab a box of fina-h because I hear that in a few years or sooner it may be history..I was going to do a test/eq/d-bol cycle for my first but now everyone swears by tren? If you were to design a cycle for a new user not interested in being a monster but still wanting formidable gains...
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    For newbies thinking of there first cycle

    tHANKS No I have not hit the wall yet.My weight wants to go up but I am going to keep it at 175...I am sure my strength will stay were it is for a while and that is fine as I am growing well.I dont know why but I am responding exceptionally well now.I am 33 so mayby that is it..I feel it is...
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    For newbies thinking of there first cycle

    Hello friends, In my studies I have decided on my first cycle, with the help of some great folks on here.A manth ago while on another board a man said" if you are still making gains naturally, why would you want to do a cycle?"....Well I gotta say, I didnt know the answer..So...
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    Cheap complete diet plans?

    Thanks Thanks bro
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    Cheap complete diet plans?

    Hello friends, I am going now to become isolated in my dieting. I am married with a child and My wife is not into the hard core thing..Alot of what she cooks will not do me anygood..I am thinking of undertaking dorian yates diet because it sounds cheap and That is whats most...
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    I want pipes!

    Hello friends, After discussing my forst cycle with green and others I came to the conclusion that 500 test cyp / 400 eq/ a week with d bol for the first 4-5 for a kick should be good for what I am lookin for...Heres my question= Saw a dude at the gym today with the best...
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    Here's my planned first cycle

    THANKS Thanks again guys...Take care and be safe.
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    Here's my planned first cycle

    sndmn, Thanks bro, The information you both have shared will be used down to the letter and is greately appreciated..I am in your debt. I will keep you posted and will get pics as I progress.We can take the journey together..Take care and stay safe...
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    Here's my planned first cycle

    Wow! a-dex the whole cycle? hu! I will do that.Appreciate that green.What do you think about the clomid post cycle? bro! this is gonna be a wild thanks again!
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    Here's my planned first cycle

    Hello green, Yea bro, I understand d-bol is dangerous when abused, I only want to use it long eanough for the rest to kick in..I only stated four weeks because most say this is the most a total beginner should eaven think of since I do not know how my body will handle the...
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    Here's my planned first cycle

    Hello friends, I am new here so first i will give you my stats. male 33yrs 5'8 175lbs Most of my training has been on and off...