A question about fina


New member
Desided to grab a box of fina-h because I hear that in a few years or sooner it may be history..I was going to do a test/eq/d-bol cycle for my first but now everyone swears by tren? If you were to design a cycle for a new user not interested in being a monster but still wanting formidable gains, how would it look using fina and one other substance? I have gleaned that a test is a must have..I am also getting kind of concerned about the fabled fina tits?Hmmmmm? dont need any of that! Also what post cycle would you suggest? Thanks and stay safe!
not a good idea fina is too harsh a drug for a first time user, also will require every day injections
I see

The injections dont bother me, Its the other stuff that worries me. They say its great stuff but I gotta tell you, Folks dont seem to confident on the gyno thing, Bromocryptine gets alot of mention but That stuff seems pretty dangerous too..Yea mayby your right, I dont want to mess up my first.
agree with the above, Fina's really potent and will shut your natural test production down HARD......get a few cycles under your belt first, then try the tren

your original of test/EQ/d-bol will swell you up like a tick as long as you eat like an animal (like that one Presser? lol) and get plenty of sleep.....
the cycle you mentioned is a better choice. the gyno chances are lower and more manigable with nolva and clomid for recovery.