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  1. M

    Strange Side Effects

    Never happened before with similar doses, I guess it could either be that I am going with CYP for the first time or human grade gear and not that vet grade stuff I used in the past.
  2. M

    Strange Side Effects

    Thanks for the post body2see you have a PM
  3. M

    Strange Side Effects

    I just started a 12 weeker of d-bol 40mg/day Test cyp 600mg/week Deca 400mg/week I took first inject and 40 mg of d-bol yesterday, and today woke up with terrible flu like symptoms. Just coencidence (sp) or do I need to worry. Have done this cycle in the past with no problems.
  4. M

    Cycle ?

    I have nt been around for a while, but a big whats up to the bro's who know me. I am getting ready to run a 12 weeker. What do you guys think. Week 1-4 d bol 40 mg/day Week 1-12 deca 400 mg/ week Week 1-12 Test Cyp 600 mg/week Post cycle w/ nova 34 years old stats 6'4 225 lbs 12% bf I have...
  5. M

    Quick Question

    Thanks bro!! Good Point, and keep us posted!!
  6. M

    Quick Question

    Any other bro's out there use South Beach Rejuvenation? Only one thread over in there fourm. Just curious a;most sounds to good to be true!!
  7. M

    Cycle Question

    About 3 years, It was very similar but I used 500 mg/week of EQ as well
  8. M

    Cycle Question

    I am going to run 750 mg/ week test ent. and 4 weeks of d-bol at 35mg/day 10 weeks I have proviron and nova and clomid. how should i dose the nova and prov during the cycle? I know what to do with the clomid for PCT I have done cycles in the past and i am 6'4 240 lbs 33 yrs old 12%bf Any help...
  9. M


    I am wondering just the opposite but I have to say naps did me A ok
  10. M

    Follistim as a PCT ?

    I was just wondering if this could be used as a PCT to get test levels back up. I know it is very expensive and there are other less expensive things that can be used. But what if one had this to use, would it work and at what dose? This is a injectable that women use for fertility but also...
  11. M

    Does this make me gay?

    Bro, You had me laughing out loud, I was in the same situation when I broke my foot except the woman was a brazilian PT and she was hot as well. But the dude worked wonders for my therapy. Go with the dude and just stare at the asian chick while you are getting the therapy. It won't seem as...
  12. M

    Cycle ?

    Have not started yet but will keep you posted when I do. I have one other question can I PM you?
  13. M

    Cycle ?

    Thanks for the warm welcome back bro and its good to be back
  14. M

    Cycle ?

    I have not been around the board in a while, I moved from FL to PA and have been in that transition period for a couple of months. My question is I am going to run a cycle of Test Ent and kick start it with 4 weeks of D-bol. I have done 3 cycles in the past but never with only these 2. Would...
  15. M

    IGF and Dbol

    I think that is what I am going to try, I will keep an online cycle journal and keep you bros posted on my progress. I am going to start in about 2 weeks.
  16. M

    IGF and Dbol

    After doing much reading on the subject, I am wondering if this stack would work? Anyone ever try this?
  17. M

    IGF ?

    Can you inject IM with a slin pin?
  18. M

    IGF ?

    Any negative sides ?
  19. M

    IGF ?

    Thanks for the responses Bros, and with the great offer MC is having, it looks like a no brainer. A few last questions, Im or subQ, and keep it in the fridge ? right!!
  20. M

    IGF ?

    I have a question about the amount to be used. Is 1ml = 1mcg I don't think that I fully understand the ratio. I have used AAS in the past and am looking to tighten up and put on a little quality lbm. I am 6'4 235 lbs around 12% bf. Do you think IGF will help . Also what is the length of a...