IGF and Dbol

Not sure anyone has done a cycle of only those two things. I've been combining my IGF with an EOD 20 mg of M1T, and it seems to work really well. I'd think that the IGF would keep you much leaner while on the dbol so that it wouldn't make you gain so much water, but IMO, I'd think that some kind of test with IGF would be better.
I have not done it myself, but through various articles and peoples documented experiences, they are an excellent combo. IGF works extremely well with harsh orals such as dbol, anadrol and winny. I can't remember off of the top of my head why, but I know its good. Check out the posts on IGF info in the IGF section, I'm sure its in some of the readings in there some where.
Maybe that's why I've been getting such good results combining it with the M1T then since it's an oral too.
I think that is what I am going to try, I will keep an online cycle journal and keep you bros posted on my progress. I am going to start in about 2 weeks.