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  1. M

    My gains & losses

    Congrats, never lose sight of your personal goals!!!
  2. M

    abnormal liver results help me!

    This happened to me post cycle once and after a few months I was back down to normal levels.
  3. M

    Blood Work

    I totally agree, your health should always be first, without it you are not going to be in the gym.
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    PCT Question

    anyone else want to add their 2 cents
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    Best/Strong points of body?

    I would have to say my entire upperbody. I am not huge just well proportioned and cut. I hate my legs, I am 6'4 and no matter how hard I work my legs, they look like twigs. Any other tall bros out there have any luck getting your legs to grow, let me in on the secret.
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    PCT Question

    I am running a 5 week M1T cycle. What should my PCT look like. I have Clomid, Proviron, and Nova. I ran clomid after my AS cycles and hated the stuff, I got depressed, bad acne, and very lathargic (sp). What would be best and how long should I run it and at what mg/day. Thanks for any...
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    Whats the biggest pin you've ever stuck yourself with?

    when I was new and knew no better I was using the 18 g sust redijects. It was not to painful to inject, but for a week after I walked with a limp!!!
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    I want to make Trenbolon, but how?

    Try the lab conversions forum or do a yahoo search and you should find all the info you need.
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    Your leg routines

    I usually do 50 leg extensions at 50 pounds for a warm up, then squats I do 10 sets 10 going from 135 to 225 then SLD's and some calves.
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    Strange Sex Laws

    Crazy and funny, I would like to move to Guam
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    Scott Peterson Verdict

    I am with you coldheartbear I think he was guilty but the prosecution did not prove the burdon of proof necessary to find him gullty.
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    I used 23 g 1" for mu glutes and that worked fine !
  13. M

    Sulfuric Test

    I can remember reading a link a while back about this test do a search and maybe you will find it.
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    new face

    Welcome Bro, a lot of good people here.
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    I'M back Arrested wanna hear it?

    I agree with you fulforb, I see scumbags dealing crack ect. on the street corners and cops drive right by. Leave us alone, we don't hurt anybody and are just normal people who want an edge. Anyway I had to get that off my chest. Good to have you back Strider. Sorry to hear about the bad luck!!!
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    m1t -4ad brand question?

    Legal gear M1T
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    Spicy Turkey Chili

    WOW this is good stuff. I have been eating some chile that is similar. It breaks up the usual routine rather nicely.
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    I finally broke down and tried it. Not that bad. I was so sick of eating tuna out of the can and I thought what the hell. I am actually looking foward to my next one. You can get down a can of tuna a lot faster than eating it.
  19. M

    Instead of 12 egg whites

    I tried this and it is not bad tasting and a lot easier to consume than eating 12 whites.