Scott Peterson Verdict

The man is a punk, but......from what I have seen evidence consisted of motive, opportunity, and the slimeball deserves the needle. What I didn't see was evidence that he committed the crime.
ColdHeartBear said:
The man is a punk, but......from what I have seen evidence consisted of motive, opportunity, and the slimeball deserves the needle. What I didn't see was evidence that he committed the crime.

Your right. It will be interesting to hear the jury's side of it when the gag order is lifted.

I personnally think he is guilty also based on him being a liar, and his telephone conversations.
Well I believe that there was blood found in the boat but I think the jury made the right decision. If he did not want to stay with her, he should have left instead of killing her.
My understanding of the blood found was that they were only able to determine that it was not fish blood but no proof it was human.
In other words they found black light proof of blood but no testable sample. Black light does not react to fish blood but does to mammal and bird blood.

I believe he was guilty. But I also believe in the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. I am in the decreasing minority of people who acknowledge probability of guilt but insist on some direct or convincing circumstantial evidence in order to reach a guilty verdict.

Correction: Some freshwater fish blood does react under black light.
i actually think it came down to his lack of concern, if he had changed his demeanor in the courtroom that may have been the deciding factor, also, he will have an advantage in sentencing cause it will be near the holidays and records show that sentencing is lighter on murder convictions during that time!!!
I personally think he most probably is guilty.

I hope he is indeed guilty, since he was convicted of it.

I agree w/the MMXer, if he wanted to leave, he should have just left.
I am with you coldheartbear I think he was guilty but the prosecution did not prove the burdon of proof necessary to find him gullty.