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  1. M

    Cant decide

    The QV products I have used have been great w/o any pain and usually overfilled. I have herd that the 50ML of Test E is a bit painful b/c of the BA
  2. M

    Hello everyone!!

  3. M

    Advantage of natural PB??

    I think that it is great, I am so use to Natty that when I have regular, it is way to sewwt for me.
  4. M

    Cycle Advice

    Only have done bulkers in the past. Does the winny cut fat and harden you up, or does it just build lean mass. I am going to do a search to learn some more, I am balding already so the hair loss dosen't bother me. I just keep it almost shaved anyway. Thanks for the info bro.
  5. M

    Cycle Advice

    The winny would be taken 5 10mg/tablets eod. still will get the same results?
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    Cycle Advice

    My next cycle Week 1-4 Dbol 35mg/day Week 1-12 Test E 750 mg/week Week 1-12 Eq 500mg/week Week 13-16 winny 50mg eod Clomid PCT Nova and Prov to help with water retention Any coments would be great!!! Will be 4th cycle, stats 6'4 250 lbs 12%bf would like to get to 235-240 lbs by start of cycle...
  7. M

    help with a cutter

    Thanks for the reply, I think I really need to start doing more cardio, my diet is clean for the most part and I know I am getting enough protein. Also adding the necessary fats. Thanks. What area of Florida are you in? I am in N. Miami.
  8. M

    help with a cutter

    Looking for some advice on an 8-12 week cutter. I have seen many varations and was looking for some examples of what some of you have used and what worked best. stats 6'4 255 lbs about 12% bf any info would be helpful. I have experience with AAS mainly mass cycles.
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    I got busted!!

    I have always been honest with AAS and my wife. She give me my injections. I can's say she always agrees but is understanding.
  10. M

    benched 365 last night...

    You guys make me feel bad I got 350 for 1 a while back and haven't maxed out since. I was out with an injury for a while and lost some size and strength.
  11. M

    Marmass is Back

    I have been away from the board for a few months due to working a ton of hours and an ankle injury. I see a lot of new members and some ones who have been around for a while. Finally got back into the gym and if feels great. I am trying to get my weight back up I lost 15 pounds while being in...
  12. M

    Advantage of natural PB??

    look at the different in poly and mono sat fats
  13. M

    Who doesn't share with the Wife/GF?

    My wife has been sticking me for two years now with glute shots, just kind of shakes her head. She should have been a nurse, never hit a nerve, vein, and never any pain.
  14. M

    cycle question

    I usually eat everything insight and sometimes even eat during the night when the sweating wakes me up!!
  15. M

    cycle question

    thanks for the feedback. If I was going to add some winny when should I start and at what dose?
  16. M

    cycle question

    I am getting ready to put together my next cycle (bulker). week 1-4 D-bol 40mg/day week 1-12 EQ 500mg/week week 1-12 Test E 750mg/week usual post and anti e therapy I have used this gear in the past and responded well. This is my 4th cycle and my stats are 6'4 242lbs 10%bf 31 yrs old. I was...
  17. M

    My before training and after pic!

    Just think how you will look in another 6 weeks stay motivated!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  18. M

    Anyone take Ginger?

    Maryann for me