cycle question


New member
I am getting ready to put together my next cycle (bulker).
week 1-4 D-bol 40mg/day
week 1-12 EQ 500mg/week
week 1-12 Test E 750mg/week
usual post and anti e therapy

I have used this gear in the past and responded well. This is my 4th cycle and my stats are 6'4 242lbs 10%bf 31 yrs old. I was about 190 lbs and 8 % body fat before I got into the game. Does this look good, should I add anything/change gear. Any coments would be great THANKS!!!
looks just like mine except i am going to fina after the d-bol then some winny at the end
I will be using igf at 50 mcg per day too.

looks good should get some solid gains off of it I like test, eq and d-bol together.
That looks like a good quality cycle- nothing too crazy, not too overboard. Any thoughts on prolonging your d-bol usage to six weeks instead of four? By the way, what brand of d-bol are you using?
Looks good to me and I would agree with dbol for six weeks. Just keep your milk thistle intake high as well as ala
Looks like a good cycle to me.
Just one thought. Have you considered throwing in some test prop at the end of the cycle. That way you could keep the test going while you wait for the equipoise to clear.
I like it the way it is. Don't add the winny, don't change the dbol.

Just remember one thing- eat. And just when you think you're full, eat some more!
I usually eat everything insight and sometimes even eat during the night when the sweating wakes me up!!
In that case post your diet! No offense but the first words out of someone's mouth who's not gain is..... I eat all day long or I eat everything in site or All I do is eat or.....

You get the idea.

Good Luck- LA