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  1. M

    What's the BEST part about juicin' ???

    Overall look feel and pumps
  2. M

    End of Cycle

    thanks bro!!!!
  3. M

    End of Cycle

    Great gains bro, congrats, after that comment I know tren will be in the mix next time. can you give me a good summer cutter that I could run for 8 weeks?
  4. M

    End of Cycle

    Only hit the glutes, my wife missed her calling she should have been a nurse. What did your cycle look like? mine was test e 500 mg/week eq 400 mg week and dbol 40 mg/day week 1-4 went from 227 to 250 at 11%bf I am very satisifed. People told me to try eq, I think fina is in order for the...
  5. M

    Way to take liquid clomid w/o the bad taste

    Never tried it, is it better than the tablets? what is the difference?
  6. M


    another scumbag to add to the list
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    End of Cycle

    bigshug it is now over except for the post cycle therapy It is kind of funny, your scared to do that first shot and now I will miss it, it is kind of sick but I like when my wife sticks me.
  8. M

    End of Cycle

    In a few minutes I will be taking my last shot of my second cycle. I am kind of sad I hate when it ends. But I guess all good things must come to an end sometime. I want to thank all of you for your support during this cycle and also to let you know it was very sucessful and went 12 weeks...
  9. M

    Thong question

    love it if the chick has the body and right attitude
  10. M

    Post Cycle Therapy ?

    I have both clomid and nova, last cycle I used clomid and it was terrible, acne, depression ect. Would it be ok to use nova post cycle. I have read some articles that said it is almost the same clomid. I will also be using glut and creat post cycle Thanks !!! What would the dosage and...
  11. M

    How many ??

    1 week of bulking left
  12. M

    Ten more pounds?

    I am in the same boat as you guys. I am 6'4 and when I got married 2 years ago I was 194 lbs. After training hard and 2 cycles I am at 250 and I still think that I am skinny. My bf is around 10 %. I think that it is all mental. I have a job where I don't work during the summer and that is...
  13. M

    Post Cycle Supp. ?

    Can anyone recommend a post cycle supplimentation program to help keep gains from a bulking cycle?
  14. M

    Fina & Hair Loss

    You may be suprised that is what I thought but I went for it and got a lot of compliments. Not as bad as you think!!!
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    You know you've had a good workout when................

    When you are in the shower after your worrkout and you can't lift your arms over your head to wash your back!!!
  16. M

    Who all watches WWE?

    I am with you scorpio, did you see the match when Larry Zabisco (sp) split open Bruno with a steel chair?
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  18. M

    Body Part of the Week: Calves

    Thanks for the great post Al!!!
  19. M

    No longer a virgin!!!

    Congrats. that was my first cyce also, only I frontloaded with d-bol. Goood Luck
  20. M

    Nice Flag !!!

    God Bless America and have pity on is enemies