Ten more pounds?

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Well, I'm almost 8 weeks into my current cycle, and I'm at 245lbs. I started at about 226, but within a week I had jumped to 232, then the gains slowed down. I have tried to not put on bf and so far seem to have done pretty well. I pautued for a while, but now I seem to be gaining slowly. The only problem is that I still feel skinny. I don't look nearly as good as a lot of people my height (6'3") do at 230. I feel like I am still way too skinny. I hope to put on another 10, then maybe I'll look ok. I still will have to cut some fat, but maybe 5 lbs should do it. (I guess)
Put some pics up, i bet your bigger tehn me at 230 which im at right now, give some measurements. But i was 260 this winter, i felt huge
Bro, your just like me. I always feel small. It's in your head. I work out with a guy whose 6'6'' 265. I'm 6'2'' 235. I feel like tiny freakin tim. I feel like shit if I'm around 230, and I'm knockin on it. Keep a journal of weight and measurements. I'm sure that would help.
Dude I feel freekin small all of the time! I have recently been going to the gym, and I guess it is the Cell Tech/Nitro Tech stack but every one is passing me by. I'm 5'11" 225 lbs. and feel like shit. But everyone here at work thinks I am a monster, It must be all in our heads. I wonder if I'd get any gains on the Nitro Tech?
i feel real tiny 6'3" 230 i just feel small, i feel like my arms are twigs in the mirror, my legs are 5" bigger then my roommates, and his look way bigger

Whats wrong with me? :angry:
Two things:

1. Bros are right that it is in your head. When I graduated HS, I was 6 ft and 115 lbs! Now at age 30, and after 1.5 cycles recently, I am 6ft 225lbs. Big difference, but when I look in the mirror I still see that same beanpole that I was in HS.

Doing pre/post cycle Tape measurements, photos, and body weight measurements help keep me realizing how much bigger I have gotten.

2. Do these guys who look bigger/better than you have lower body fat than you do? I often find that the more ripped you are, you actually look bigger. Anyone else think that?

good luck...

I don't feel like I'm shit...and I'm 5'11" and 250.....been stuck at this weight for WEEKS despite heavy eating, massive strenght gains and recently the addition of insulin........I'm thinking stress may be a factor
not nearly enough.....working 3rd shift, it seems now like everyone's pulling out their lawnmowers at the time when I'm laying down to sleep.........next week, I'm gonna come home at 4 in the morning and cut my freakin' grass to show them how it feels...lol
I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can. I went off the melatonin for a while, but I'm back on now. When I'm working I get up at 5am, and it is hard to get to sleep before 11 or midnight most days. I guess I'll get someone to take pics and post them. I'm reluctant to do so, but what the hell.
Maybe it is the body fat. I'm not nearly as lean as I should be, but I hope to get that done after the bulking I'm doing (attempting). I want to run a prop/winny cutter, starting a week after my last cyp/decca shot. Maybe go 6 weeks.
Never measured myself. I don't want to find out that I have 9" arms. The weight I keep recorded on a calendar.
Bigshug, I've done third shift, and I feel for ya. I think the 4am grass cutting would get their attention.
FBC, You were up to 260? You must be pretty shredded looking now. My bf needs to come down, I know that. Maybe I'm closer to 230/235 if I was leaner. I was always skinny, and it bugged the crap out of me. My recent ex said I needed a few pounds when I was 15 (knew her then). Her first marriage was to a huge mofo, and I was always embarassed to take my shirt off in front of her. I was 215/220 then, and hated how I looked.
If I have to I'm going to run the mother of all cycles till I look thick. Used to think if I could get to 235/240 I'd be good, now I'm looking at 255 as my goal. 260 tops. :D
I am in the same boat as you guys. I am 6'4 and when I got married 2 years ago I was 194 lbs. After training hard and 2 cycles I am at 250 and I still think that I am skinny. My bf is around 10 %. I think that it is all mental. I have a job where I don't work during the summer and that is when I did my first bulking cycle. I saw gains on the scale bw around 225 but I could not see it in the mirror. When I came back to work everyone was like wow did you get big. So I think that we look at ourslves way to hard, not that it is a bad thing. Post some pictures, I did and got some great feedback that helped mentally. You can see them. Do a search and look for MARMASS Cycle pics.
OK, I'll have to find a way to get them taken. Not sure who I can ask... the gf lives out of state. Maybe I'll go to a gay bar and see if anyone would take some pics. LOL Seriously, that might be a good idea, I could use some advice on what I need to work on most.
Just take a camera into the gym and ask one of the employees there to take pics so that you can guage your progress or something.... They might ask for copies, though :D
Good idea Al. I'll try and see if I can get it done without having to take them out in the work-out area.