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  1. Anadrol

    Getting rid of used pinz

    saturn: what kind of foam and where do u get it from?
  2. Anadrol

    Anyone seen texas chainsaw massacre?

    is it good or bad.. post your opinion
  3. Anadrol

    Valentine's Day

    sports equipment if she likes it.. or why not something from Victoria's secret?? :D
  4. Anadrol

    Getting rid of used pinz

    I save mine somewhere, in an old shoebox or something, then when I throw them out I put them in a bottle with duct tape sometimes i go down to the beach at night and stick them in the sand where little kids play KIDDING!!
  5. Anadrol


    Welcome.. hope u will like it
  6. Anadrol

    business ideas

  7. Anadrol

    good morning to saturn and crank

    good morning to all of the mc members!!
  8. Anadrol

    WTF? I got a nose bleed.

    LMAO!!! :D
  9. Anadrol

    whats up?

  10. Anadrol

    I am stepping Down as a MOD

    yeah hope u stick around
  11. Anadrol

    I am such a guy!!

    or u can just mix the cereals in the milkpacket.. :D
  12. Anadrol

    1,000 Posts...Woohoo!

  13. Anadrol

    Man Boobs.

    LMAO!! :D
  14. Anadrol

    Crank is in chat....

    already there :D
  15. Anadrol

    Beginner pics

  16. Anadrol

    Is it considered cheating if you are in a different country?

    I think so, anyway. where are you going?
  17. Anadrol

    brrr it's cold

    here it's 4 degrees..
  18. Anadrol

    I'm starting to get a little cranky

    Lol @ Kidrok I wanna start my cycle too, can't wait :)
  19. Anadrol

    What is your age?

    Makes me think of Southpark Bigger longer and uncut .. Blame Canada song :D :D