I'm starting to get a little cranky

mark mcgwire

New member
I've been clean for a few months now, maybe like 4mos or so. I've been waiting for the last of my cycle to come in for nearly a month and i'm starting to get a little tense......i want to get started again and the wait is killing me :angry:
mark mcgwire said:
I've been clean for a few months now, maybe like 4mos or so. I've been waiting for the last of my cycle to come in for nearly a month and i'm starting to get a little tense......i want to get started again and the wait is killing me :angry:

I don't know what his problem is, he always gets this way when I 'out-squat' him!
Hey Mark I feel for you bro- I have been clean fro a little over 1 year- ordered gear got scammed-waiting to order again- am sick of being 240 when with a nice cycle of 800mg test week 600 decca and 50mg anadrol would add a few pounds and a few more pounds to my workout.
DangerousGround said:
I tend to get more angry aggressive off-cycle contrary to what most perceive about people on aas.

I do too. I'm in a much better mood with a more positive outlook on everything when I'm on. I just feel great all the time.
DangerousGround said:
I tend to get more angry aggressive off-cycle contrary to what most perceive about people on aas.

you know, i never really thought about this. i think i'm the same way. lol! i just got done having a conversation with someone at work telling them how much i hate people and i'd like nothing more than smash some of their heads.
I have to say I have great workout intensity after a cycle- one I hate guys that can bench 315 for 10 reps then 2 months later after their cycle is over are only doing 3 rps- so I try to keep my intensity and strenght- only hard thing is trying to keep it up for over a year.
i think a lot of strength loss after a cycle is over is due the person changing their diet. When we reduce our calories to lose bodyfat we pay the price in the gym. That means timing your higher carb meals becomes more important, and I think a lot people over look that. If you don't have the energy resources in your body, you simply won't be able to push as much weight. Go low carbs for a few days and see what happens in the gym. You will fatigue faster obviously.

referencing original post, I have to agree. I feel better when I'm "on". I think it is largely due (for me anyway) to seeing changes in my body and being able to push more weight in the gym.
I know how you feel bro. I've been putting off my cycle for one reason or another for a month now. I'll have to get started before I go nuts.