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  1. Anadrol

    ummm....we got some snow

    here's a piece of my street
  2. Anadrol

    Do you have these at your gym?

    LOL.. kitchen gloves to lift in... OMG!! sounds pretty stupid
  3. Anadrol

    Thursday morning

    good morning.. have a great day
  4. Anadrol

    First cycle. Woohoo. critique please

    Don't know about the rest but I don't think there's anything to reduce the prop pain
  5. Anadrol

    Steroid Rating Chart

    Nice.. :)
  6. Anadrol

    computer question

    your're welcome
  7. Anadrol

    If I eat anymore oatmeal I think I might hurl.....

    Tuna and sweet&sauer sauce... it's great
  8. Anadrol

    computer question

    go into user cp, and edit option, and change the Browse Board with Cookies to yes..... change it to no, and the problems should be solved
  9. Anadrol

    cold gym

    My gym is perfect :D Warm in the winter and mild in the summer...
  10. Anadrol

    How many BB'ers use Tabacco

    Well, it happens sometimes that I smoke.. but only at party's
  11. Anadrol

    Hey! what the F?

    It CAN be the tat or it could be the shadows on your right arm too.. anyway your arms are HUGE!! :D
  12. Anadrol

    A Great Day in History!

  13. Anadrol

    Your favorite cheat meal?

    Big Mac and a big coke
  14. Anadrol

    penguin softball

    I've got 321...
  15. Anadrol

    good morning

    good day everyone... I had a boring day today... Computer class today.. and it sucked :D
  16. Anadrol

    Saw "The Last Samurai"...

    don't try to hide it Saturn.. we know you LOVE Tom Cruise :D
  17. Anadrol

    Saw "The Last Samurai"...

    I was supposed to see tonight.. but will prolly see it tomorrow
  18. Anadrol

    Favorite Rocky Movie?

    Number 2,3 and 4
  19. Anadrol

    oral stuff

    i'm not good at oral steroid names... can someone name a couple of roids except for dianabol and anadrol
  20. Anadrol

    When is everyone starting their next cycle??

    I'm gonna start asap.. when I have needles