Your favorite cheat meal?

Sushi and nothing else. I LOVE the stuff and I can't get enough of it. Sushi over pizza, burgers, ice cream... anything.

wow, there is too much to list

fruity pebbles (whole box)
pizza and beer
chinese buffets
cake or brownies (heated with ice cream of course)
oreos and milk
raspberry zingers
Big Mac and a big coke
lol, I got the word almost memorized word for word to bro. It was one of those movies that just stick with ya.


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Sweets, greasy food, damn I'M FAT! 16% right now, dammit. Diet started a week ago, lost 1/2" on waist and stayed at 230lbs.
right now I'd love some cheesy sauce covered pasta! like lasagna or ziti or stuffed manicotti!
KidRok said:
right now I'd love some cheesy sauce covered pasta! like lasagna or ziti or stuffed manicotti!

hey you need to reel yourself back in here!!! don't go fallin' off the deep end on me. :angry: