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  1. Muraco

    Memory lane

    Some other drugs from the good 'ol days: Dihydrolone Quinolone Maxibolan tabs DangerousGround: Good article from the past about Bolasterone! You may remember the old Muscle Digest mag. There were articles in there monthly on all the above drugs. Jeff Feliciano, a chemist and regular writer at...
  2. Muraco

    Halo tabs for pre-contest...

    Sorry, that was supposed to be 20mcg of Clen tabs per DAY! Also, I'm 223lbs. right now, hoping to come in at or close to 212 lbs.
  3. Muraco

    Halo tabs for pre-contest...

    I have some 2.5 mg. tabs of Halotestin that I would like to try out for my upcoming shows. First one is 5 weeks away. How many tabs per day would you guys suggest? How soon should I start on them? I'm also on 600mg EQ per week, 750mg Sus250 per week, 20mcg Clen per week, and will start...
  4. Muraco

    pics from my show...

    Congrats! You look super-dry, and good symmetry, too!
  5. Muraco

    looking for information on each shows promoters

    The WBFA is a new organization here in northern Ca. They are not a natural organization, just a rival to the NPC out here. They are promoting several shows here in northern Ca. over the summer, including the Mr./Ms. America on Oct. 4th. Their website is
  6. Muraco

    What ever happened to...

    I think it was used for "blowing up" lagging bodyparts before going onstage. Some people started using it a week or two ahead of the show to get the bodypart going. The effect would only last about 24 hours. But today, any roid with alcohol will blow up any bodypart for a few days. I may be...
  7. Muraco

    My thoughts.... for what they're worth...

    Right on! Great posts Skip, Presser, and the rest. 'Nuff said!
  8. Muraco

    The Demonization of Anabolic Steroids I: What Makes These Hormones So Evil?

    Bravo!!! The truth finally comes out! So many people are intimidated by us nowadays! Especially the suit n' tie types up in office and in society in general. Why do you think they took away the weights in some prison yards? Because they don't want inmates getting huge and then going out...
  9. Muraco

    Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS). Why Hormones Are Evil Banned By Law

    Bravo!!! The truth finally comes out! So many people are intimidated by us nowadays! Especially the suit n' tie types up in office and in society in general. Why do you think they took away the weights in some prison yards? Because they don't want inmates getting huge and then going out...
  10. Muraco

    Good Read (LONG but good)

    Maybe it wasn't a total "bashing" article, but there's always that stupid little sarcastic crap that the author's have to spit out. Like alot of other bro's on this board, I started training at 12, competing at 16, and juicing at 19. And at 38, still competing and juicing! They always try to...
  11. Muraco

    Article about Low Carb Diets

    Well, no one ever said bodybuilding and competing were healthy! The sport hasn't been about health for about 20 or 30 years! :D
  12. Muraco

    Damn, Skip! 261! What is your goal bdywt?

    You were huge, bro! My goal for this off-season is 245-250. What is your onstage goal weight and what are the names of your shows again?
  13. Muraco

    Spacing Sust.

    I found I made my best results from Sus250 going two shots a week, 250 mg. per shot (so500mg. per week). Sus250 is by far my favorite test. Great bodyweight, size and density gains overall. I've now tried all the various tests, and Sus250 remains the best for me, even pre-contest. Because of...
  14. Muraco


    Its tougher to make gains in the bodyparts that are harder to see (sometimes). So you also need to use alot of visualization, but you'll get there. Keep training as heavy as possible on all your lat excercises. I got my best results from 340-400-lb. lat pulldowns and 315 lbs. on the bent-over...
  15. Muraco

    sust vs. test enth

    Sus250 has always been my favorite for many years. Tried Enanthate the last couple years (2 cycles) for the first time, but Sus250 still delivers more mass, density, and bodyweight gains (at least for me).
  16. Muraco

    Back to back contests?

    I also did two shows back-to-back this year ( finished a few weeks ago). Like you guys, I shitloaded the whole day (Sun.) after the show, then got back on my diet on Mon. for the show the following weekend. I think it helped me as I was much stronger in the gym on Mon. from all the carbs and...
  17. Muraco

    what do you know about Russian sust

    It is very, very hard to fake ampules. But Cytahoh's are my favorite of all types of tests. They put on size, bodyweight, and muscle density more than any other test I've taken! As do most types of Sus250. You'll love 'em!
  18. Muraco

    HERE ARE MADCHEMIST'z latest PIX!!!!!!!!

    Hey, looks good! Keep training hard! See you at the Orange County!
  19. Muraco

    Cutting question...

    You can definitely add muscle while burning off fat while contest training. I think your best bet would be to start at least 4 months out. The slower you diet, and for a longer period, you will keep more muscle and your bodyweight will also remain more stable. Madchemist has a good cycle...
  20. Muraco

    Contest Results

    You ended up bone-ripped, man! Pretty awesome! Side chest and ab/leg shots look the best. Back looks good,too, just need a little more width & thickness. Is your diet posted elsewhere here? What exactly did you eat the day before and the day of the show?