Memory lane

That was one crazy individual.
He past out at a party one time, and fell on a glass coffe table. Broke it to pieces. People just stepped over him and left him there. Nobody could move him. he was a 300lber. Cool guy though. taught me a little about powerlifting. Everybody in that gym was an animal...ahhh yea the good ole days.
From what I've read of him he sounds like a

Do you know if his kidney problems were a result of excessive AAS use?

I noticed that you said he used 8cc of Sust per week. That's 2g. That's a shitload and I would guess that he probably used quite a bit more per week in his lifetime. BTW how old was he when he passed?
Im not sure how old he was when he died, he was older than me though.He died of Hep C I believe. Non gear related. I think he had some other"bad habits". Dude- you cant imagine what the guy took. he and 2 of his friends had a locker cabinet full of gear. They had a 30 gallon drum of Dbol!
Supposedly straight off the back dock of a Pharm lab. These guys were the real deal, their gym ( I think Blacks Gym ) was a torture chamber in a basement of a building. They were possesed with powerlifting. The chics there were crazy too. It was an experience I wont ever forget.
supersport said:
yeah, takin a poke from 18g is no fun...had to get psyched up for it like a heavy set of squats!!!

Try it in your delts when you run out of pins. THAT is ouch.

sweatmachine said:
Im not sure how old he was when he died, he was older than me though.He died of Hep C I believe. Non gear related. I think he had some other"bad habits". Dude- you cant imagine what the guy took. he and 2 of his friends had a locker cabinet full of gear. They had a 30 gallon drum of Dbol!
Supposedly straight off the back dock of a Pharm lab. These guys were the real deal, their gym ( I think Blacks Gym ) was a torture chamber in a basement of a building. They were possesed with powerlifting. The chics there were crazy too. It was an experience I wont ever forget.

That's some crazy

The 30 gallon drum was for personal use I bet....lmao!
Some other drugs from the good 'ol days:
Maxibolan tabs
DangerousGround: Good article from the past about Bolasterone! You may remember the old Muscle Digest mag. There were articles in there monthly on all the above drugs. Jeff Feliciano, a chemist and regular writer at the time for the mag, was one of the ones busted in the big Bolasterone raid. They demolished Feliciano's labs. I believe he may have been working with Duchaine.
Skip: I agree with you - Anadrol 50 by Syntex was a brutal, brutal roid. The strongest I ever took!
I don't recall the mag bro but thanks for input very interesting post.
I take it you been around a while bro.
I found a pic one of of the last covers of Muscle Digest Mag.
cool, Ive got a bunch of Muscular developement and Ithinkd size and power mags.... from when I was a kid, I think circa 1978. They bring bacl alot of memories.
DangerousGround said:
I found a pic one of of the last covers of Muscle Digest Mag.

I was at the '84 Olympia when Haney won it. It was at Madison Square Garden in NY. Serio Oliva competed and was just awe-inspiring!
